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Active member
Jul 13, 2010
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[SIZE=14pt]Hello. My name is Christina. This is my Tama~go log. My color will be this one. [/SIZE]


Hi! My name is Roxxie. I am Christina's "daughter" you could say. I live in the Tama~go that she bought today. Right now I am a Belltchi. And i Love it!


Yeah! so i bought the white tama~go today at toys r us and i love it! You can't name the tamagotchi in the Tama~go but were gonna call her roxxie.


Tell them what we did today mom!


Well today we got some batteries and i put them in. waited about a minuet and she hatched into a beautiful baby girl! then played some games, fed her, she took a nap, then... we...




Oh yeah we did go to tama town! and i really like that you can transfer gotchi poins from your tama~go, online and so on.


yeah we had a TON of fun we got like 3000 points and mom le me transfer them to my house.


Then to celebrate a little i let her remodel her house.


Mom! Can i go to the park? Mametchi Just called and wants me to meet him there.


Yeah sure knock yourslef out, you deserve it. but while your gone im gonna drop by the store okay?


Okay, Bye mom be home soon!


Kids, they grow up so fast. Bye guys i'll Be sure to write soon!



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[SIZE=14pt]Hey guys! Wow 15 views overnight that's great! nothing much is new today with Roxxie.[/SIZE]


Hello! today mom Took me to the park and we met a Kutchipatchi! He is so fun to play with! then mom helped me rack up some money points.


Yup. sure did. after this were gonna go to tama town and get you some more points and presents.


Yeah!! Now i can't wait! i think i am gonna evolve soon what do you think?


Yes i think you are right. According to binarys log He/she got a baby girl, then belltchi, and then shelltchi. so i am verry excited!


Mom? can you attach the kutchipatchi character so i can play cradles?


Sure thing. *attaches Kitchipatchi doll*


*plays cradles and wins!* Yes mom i won!


how many gotchi points darling?


Umm... 1000!


Wow honey! lets go to tama town now okay?


YES!!! Bye you guys! next time you hear from me i will probaly be a shelltchi!


Ha. Okay bye you guys thanks for all the views!


[SIZE=14pt]Wow. it sure has been a while. Im kinda busy so this is gonna be a guick post. [/SIZE]


Hello. well i did turn into a Shelltchi. And now i am A lovleytchi!!! i love me!!


yeah but we have to go ill be sure to post a long one from now on and every day! byee!

[SIZE=14pt]Hello. its me Christina! I wanted o update the log because the last post was really short. so we are gonna have a quick color change. the last colors were to long to write out. so my color is now gonna be this one!! and Roxxies color will now be violet. okay here she is,[/SIZE]


Hi! great to see you all! thanks for all the views! so I am still a Lovlitchi waiting to get married. Christina says im still not old enough to get married. which is kinda a bummer but i can wait.


Yeah i don't know why she can't get married. cause i am pretty sure your tamagotchi has to be 3 years old to get married. if you guys know please pm me!


well anyway... Christina took me to tamatown and we got a ton of points! then i told her i wanted to redecorate my apartment on tamatown and she agreed.


it was really fun but it sure has cost enough money. so far we have spent one hundred housand dollars!!




its okay you just wont be getting a ton of outfits latley.


okay fine. but you are going to buy me that tv i wanted.


but its 10000 dollars!




fine but i have to work my butt off for you.


its not just for me. its for my kid and my grand kid, and my great grand kids. gosh im gonna be old!


fine. just because i love you roxxie. Okay i think thats it for now!


Okay bye tamatalkers see ya later! hopefully i will be married!

[SIZE=14pt]Hey Tama Talkers! It's me Christina. I still don't know how old your tamagotchi has to be on the Tama-go for them to get married. I think I am going to post a question on Tama talk To find out. If any one knows pm me and let me know! Also if you people have logs to pm me and i will put a link to your log in my log. [/SIZE]


Yeah yeah. Enough of your jibber jabber. My turn. Well i want to get married sooo bad! Every day when i get up i ask Christina If the dating place is open. and EVERY time she says the same thing, Nope sorry hon. I am going to be 5 years old! no Tamagotchi in their right mind would EVER want to marry me!


Don't worry hon. You are going to find a great guy.


yeah, I kinda already have.


Ooh!! Really? what's his name? what does he look like? whats he like? Details! I need details!


well, He is a Urutchi! he is so cute i love him to death! he is such a cutie! i've seen him around tama town and he melts me heart! And i even heard that he is good with kids witch is even better cause then is we have kids they will be soo cute and he would love taking care of them cause i totally want kids and all but if one day i don't feel good then he can take care of the kid or kids for me! it would be sooo awesome! * :wub: * ahh I love him so much!



[SIZE=14pt]Hah. Wow! So whats his name?[/SIZE]


Umm his name...


you are in love with this man and you don't even know his name??? Then does he know you?? How do you know all this stuff then?


Well ya know.. a lot of other girl Tamagotchis have a crush on him to. but once i am old enough to get married you are taking me to the dating place and i am going to find that cutie and MARRY that sweet boy. END OF STORY.


Hmm. What if his mom or dad has another tamagotchi that he is connecting with and will get married to? what if he doesn't go to the dating place?


Then i will either marry someone else (cause i really want to have kids.) Or i will turn into a shriveled old woman. and i will die.


Don't think like that! i am positive that you will find a sweet Tamagotchi. If it is the Tama Boy of your dreams.


yeah. i guess your right. For once. So anything new?


umm.... Oh! i finished decorating your Apartment in Tama town!


Really?? What does it look like? Tell me all about it!


well, i used the point generator, and went to the tamagotchi store and bought, All the kutchi room items. then i went back to the room and fixed it up! i think you are going to love it!


YES! YES! YES! Ohhh MOM!!! thank you so much!!! well, was it to expensive?


Ohh honey no need to worry about money besides i used the point generator.


well can we go check it out!!


sure Roxxie.


Maybe We'll see the Tama Boy i want to marry! then you can meet him!


Okay! Bye Tama talk See you soon.


Bye Hopefully i will be Married *HOPEFULLY*

[SIZE=14pt]Hey You guys![/SIZE]


Hi! just wanted to say hi! and i LOVE my new Apartment!


Yeah so any way you guys have to check out THIS LOG! Its AWESOME!!! so any way i am positive that your tamagotchi has to be 6 years old on Tama~Go for them to get married. So once-


once I am six years old I will be getting Married to.... Urutchi!


cough *doubt it*



[SIZE=14pt]*Door slams shut* Oh My God! Brian why would you ever do something like this? What you've done is UNspeakable! [/SIZE]


Babe, Im-


Don't call me that! What did you think that i would'nt ever find out? We were gonna have kids and a family!!!




Well?? I did. and you're in a LOT of trouble Mister and whats that girls name?


Brittany! whatever. Were OVER! *slams door shut*




Ohh Rough. Roxxie are you okay?


yeah im fine.


tell me what happened.


okay, well ya know that CUTE tamagotchi i really wanted to marry? well we went out on a date! he was so nice and cute! then i come home and my BEST friend, Pam, calls me and was like "hey roxxie ya know that Brian is cheating on you?" and was like "no way!" so i went on another date with him and asked if he was going out with another girl? but he was like "No!" so i stormed out and he followed me home. then i was yelling at him and i am going to call this Brittany girl and ask her about it.


okay are you guys still going out?


Hah. NO WAY! *calls Brittany and invites her over* Okay shes on her way

*answers door*


Um hi. Im Brittany


Hello. Roxxie. do you know who a Brian Is?


umm. yeah he was my fiance then he just broke up with me.


really? interesting. well i was going out with him to then i found out he was cheating on me and we broke up.


yeah! he was cheating on me too! He was going out with both of us and we didn't know the other person existed! ohh i hope you're not mad at me!


Oh not at all he's a total jerk. *continue chatting*


Wow that was a lot to take in. See you next time.

[SIZE=14pt]Welcome to Tama~Gotchi's Finest how many in your party?[/SIZE] 



Okay right this way.


*Two Tamagotchi's sit down.*


Well. you look stunning tonight Roxxie.


Thank You Mark! You look Hot!


Umm. Thanks? Haha. So what do you think your getting?


I think im gonna get the sushi.


mmm... That sounds great! im gonna get that to!


Hullo. My name is Brian *Roxxie cringes at that name.*What can i get for you guys?


Two sushi's with Two Blubberry smothies.


Okay I'll Put it in right now. It shouldn't be a long wait.




Yes Babe?


*Mark Gets down on one knee.* *Roxxie Bursts Into Happy Tears.*


Will you Marry me?


Yes Of course!


*They Kiss.*


Congrats. Now heres your food.


*Eat In Happiness Chatting as they do.*


Yeah Roxxie??


Im engaged!


really?? Great!! What does he look like??


I don't want to tell you because i want it to be a surprise for the readers! Butt you guys will know tomorrow!!


Yeah!!!! CONGRATS! Okay while Me and Roxxie go and party you can wait here. i'll be sure to post again soon!! Bye!


[SIZE=14pt]Hey guys great news! well ya know that Roxxie got engaged and all. so found out that she knew this guy her whole life!! Yeah i know! so heres what she told me:[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14pt]So, tell me about this guy. how long have you known him?[/SIZE] 

Ya know... my whole life.


what?? how did you know him without me knowing about him??


well, one time when i was just a baby i went to the park when you weren't looking. so i was there swinging on the swing when a little baby boy came up to me. he said hi and he sad that his name was mark. so i said hi too and we played together then every day i would go to the park without you knowing and we hung out. then i dated Brian for a while but that ended quick. then  was crying one day because Brian embarrassed me and mark came up and he was like "hey wanna go out to dinner?" and i was like "yes!" so we went out a couple of times and he asked me to marry him! and of course i said yes! so we are going to get married tomorrow. and i am not going to tell what he looks like


awwee sweet! you made the right choice.
[SIZE=14pt]yupp so thats how it happened she still wont tell who he is but i bet he's a total cutie! okay all for now bye!![/SIZE]
[SIZE=14pt]wow you guys thanks for the 100 views!! so Roxxie got married and were all going to meet this Mark guy right now.[/SIZE]


Be nice.


hello i'm Mark, Nice log.


everyone's mouth drops except Roxxies and Marks.




yes mom i did. and i love him just as much as i ever would have loved anyone


that doesn't make any sense. but i thought he was like, i don't know someone your AGE!


why are you all mad at me? I love him and i cant help it.


fine. your choice. you just better have cute kids.
[SIZE=14pt]yeah I know why in the world would she marry and oyajitchi??? she lead me to believe he was some hot famous tamagotchi. wow she is kinda stupid.[/SIZE] 

MOM, I can hear you.


Any way. I am adding my tamagotchi v5 to this log. i have two boys and one girl the boys names are carlos and chevy. and the girls name is Sophia. okay so heres a quick color check.


Christina (me)= Green.

Roxxie = Violet

Sophia = Purple

Carlos = Orange

Roxxies Husband. (MARK)



Oh and one more thing i am gonna change the size of the font so the post isnt huge. MMkk post soon!

[SIZE=11pt]Hello! I'm Sophia! My Moron Brothers of mine are wrestling in the Back. [/SIZE]

Yells to her brothers

Come on up here and say hi to Christina's Log.

Okay... Coming C'mon Chevy

Hi i'm Chevy! I Am Part of the Stupid Halp Family.

Were not stupid. Your Stupid!

Carlos and Sophie Are laughing like maniacs. Chevy just rolls his eyes.

Y did mom even name us the Halp family? That is kinda stupid.

Ahem. im right here. and i named you guys that cause i was gonna name you the halpert family but i didnt fit.

Yeah.... Right.. :)

Mom? Me and Chevy wanted to meet Roxxie and her husband. Is tha Okay?

Umm.. I want to see her too here!

Yeah. All of you guys can meet her. Be right back.

Yells down the hallway

Roxxie! Mark! Come here!


Im On my way.

Hi! I'm Sophia. and these are my jerk of a brothers Chevy And Carlos.

Chevy and Carlos Give Sophia a Mean Glare.

Roxxie, Mark I want you Guys to meet The Halp Family.

Hullo. Nice to meet you.

Well Good evening to you three.

WOW. That guy is OLD!


Whats it like living in a tamago? is it fun or boring? How are you guys gonna have kids? cause hes old? and your really young?

okay enough questions for now. Lets go to... Lunch.

Me and Roxxie are gonna stay.

Mkkay. C'mon Kiddos.

all of the kisd hop into the van



See ya later. Ya old hag.

[SIZE=11pt]Hello! it's Chevy! Christina isn't up yet. i think she stayed up late. but any way i think her and her mom are going out soon. and hopefully either buying a tamagotchi v6 or a tamagotchi v5.5 OR she might get another tamago character thingies. well yeah so i thought i would post for her cause she has been really busy and all. Roxxie and Mark are doing fine cause they had there baby. i'm not sure if it's a boy or a girl yet.[/SIZE]

Yupp you guys heard right! i had a baby i can't wait to tell Christina!

Hon. you do know that you are leaving tonight right?

yes i know and i am going to miss tama talk and the halp family but i am going to grow old and i need to relax i can't take care of a baby myself.

WOHOO!!! The Oldies are leaving!!

Ohh im gonna get you boy!

Roxxie Tackles Carlos.

Ow! ow! Im sorry!

You guys are so immature. i am really going to miss Roxxie and Mark. They made this log exciting.

You will?


Of course! you made it funny! but i will take great care of your kid.

What about names? can people pm us good names?

Yeah! I think you should name the baby POOP.

I am not naming our baby poop. No one is!

Christina rubbing eyes.

What are you guys doing?

Updating the log.

Me and mark had a kid!

Really thats great! but we have to go guys cause mom is taking us to target!




Bye you guys!

See ya later!
