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Well-known member
Apr 17, 2009
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This tamagotchi log will consist of both my tamagotchi's. To avoid any confusion, when I make a post I will write either rock city or techno sound. Those are the designs of each of my tamagotchi's. Also, Rock City will be written in blue and Techno sound in grey.

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Rock City:

There used to be a kuromametchi named Carlos living inside of this tamagotchi. He went back home and I had to reset my tamagotchi. It hatched to be a girl named Annalee whose instrument was the singer robots and her toy was the duck. Her skills for the first hour or so ranged all from 5-20. After her nap she had become a hitodetchi. She had turned one years old the same day which I found strange but I figured it was because of having to reset the tamagotchi. The next day she turned 2 years old and became an Itchigotchi. Her skills were now 80-170. The music teacher came and her band is named Dax with a kikitchi and a ringotchi. The next day she became three years old and turned into a violetchi. Her band turned into a makiko and kuromametchi. Her skills now ranged 200 plus. They failed their first two band auditions. I connected her with my other tamagotchi which is a togetchi and they had two baby boys.

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Techno Sound:

This tamagotchi housed a baby boy named Larry. His skills during the hour before his change to toddler was well over 20+ each. He instrument was the microphone and his toy was a ball. The nexy day he became 1 years old and he turned into a nonopotchi. He skills were now 70+. his band members were a hinotamatchi and an ichigotchi. He practiced a lot but i never fed him anything other than baby food so I wouldn't get another mametchi. The next day he was 2 years old and now his stats were all 200+. He went to sleep without changing because he was hatched at around 6:56pm. He woke up a Togetchi. His band members became an Androtchi and a seribitechi. He failed his first 3 auditions and on the fourth one he passed. He is now 7 years old and married to Annalee the violetchi. He has one of the baby boys and they are leaving tonight. <_<

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Techo Sound And Rock City:

The babies of both of these were born around 6:38pm. The parents should leave at 12:00 midnight unless I change the time after the 24 hours of birth of the two babies. I just need to wait about 3 minutes for the parents to leave and then 5 minutes for the baby to go back to sleep. Then I'll change the time back to normal and I'll starting logging on the two baby boys :eek:

Rock City:

Today Annalee has turned 4 years old and has had about 2 more chances to pass the audition today. She and her group members failed both times. At 6:38pm I will have to say bye to her because I will set the time so both her and her husband (Larry the Togetchi) will both be leaving and as soon as they do I'll start typing up info on the two baby boys. I'm thinking of naming them Bill and John. :rolleyes:

Rock City and Techno sound:

It is now 6:47 pm and I changed the time to 11:59pm(eastern) and the parents Larry and Annalee have left the tamagotchi. Once I set the time back to normal I will name the boys and I will post on them.

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Rock City:

It is now 7:10pm eastern time and I have set the time back to normal. I named this boy John and he plays the bass drum and his toy is the duck. The pre school teacher has not come yet so I still have the same toy. Sometimes my tamagotchi's don't like the same toys as their parents. He is now practicing the bass drum and I haven't checked on his stats for tone, rhythm, and originality. I'm guessing they aren't so high because he was just named and what not. I want to try to treat these boys differently then the other ones because I hate getting the same characters. This time I am aiming for either tarakotchi or tasakotchi. I already had kuromametchi, mametchi and togetchi.

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Techno Sound:

I named this tamagotchi Bill. His instrument is the singer robots and his toy is the ball. His stats are very high becaude of what her inherited from his father. They are all over 249. I checked on johnKs stats and they ranged from 60 to 142. I think I will get different outcomes of the adults for the tamagotchi adult on each because of their stats unless John gains a lot more. Bill's father left behind money while Johns mother left behind nothing. What I do if this happens is buy food on the rich tama and give it as a gift to the poor tama. This really works but sometimes it takes very very long because I have to buy the food, then transfer it as a gift to the other tamagotchi.

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Rock City and Techno Sound:

I woke up at 9:30am this morning and my tama's woke up before me. When I found them they were sick but it looked like Bill was sicker than John. I healed them and all that and fed them food and snacks. They pre school teacher came and she gave John a dinosaur and Bill a laptop. It is now 10:32am and the parents came over to drop off some points fir their kids. Later today my tama's are going to change.

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Rock City:

It semms to be that John is constantly catching diseases all day long so far in his toddler life. Btw, forgot to say that they both turned into kuchitamatchi's. Okay so, I don't know whats happening because I don't leave poop on the floor or anything and I usually keep the hearts at least 3 each. I just hope these diseases may alter what character he will come out to be next. :D

Techno Sound:

Bill seems to be doing great. He is always practicing his instrument which is the singer robot, he is rarely sick and his hearts stay up long. Bill also got to stay with a lot of money from his father Larry the Togetchi. :D

Rock City and Techno Sound:

It seems there's like a tama virus going around today and my tama's are starting to get disease after disease. I really think its because of the easter bunny because whenever I check on them the easter bunny is right there like I don't know making them sick and I hate him there. It also sops the sounds of the beeps on mine and I have missed really important stuff because of this easter bunny! :( :blink: :angry:

[SIZE=21pt]Rock City and Techno Sound:[/SIZE]

I have forgotten to check on my Tamagotchi's for about 3 hours. What a tragedy. I have just checked on them now at 5:30PM eastern and they don't seem too bad. They were getting ready for bath time and they only had 1 pile of poop on the floor. :(

Rock City and Techno Sound:

Well after that attack of tamagotchi disease they got better and I healed them. After that only about half an hour later I checked on my tamagotchi's and bam! There they were. Getting ready to leave back to tama town! Their stress levels were in the 70s and I downloaded them just in time. I am so glad that I got their just in time to save them because if I didn't they would have been gone and I would have had to reset them and like re-make this whole tama log:(. Its not fair because the old tamagotchi that used to live in the rock city design tamagotchi left. His name was Carlos and he was a kuromametchi. I had expected everything to be gone but everything stood excet his stats and money. All the special items and insturments and memories and friends' list were still there.

Rock City:

Well after they healed and I had to download them back, they took an extra day to become teenagers. Btw sorry for late response. This is for April 20th 2009. John became a nonopotchi and he changed before bill did. Johns stats are 162 for tone, 246 for rhythm, and 146 for original. His stress level had been high all day since yesterday but I've been trying to bring it down. I forgot to check on him during lunch and so what happened was that he and his brother were just really destroyed. Hopefully this will give me a different character.

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Techno Sound:

Well basically what happened to John is the same thing that happened to Bill. But Bill is sort of recovering slower than John. It's they're bedtime already and they are turning into adults in the nighttime. I think they might become tasakatchi's or maybe gozarutchi's or tarakatchi's.

Rock City and Techno Sound:

WELl the both became adults today. Bill became a Gozarutchi and John became an androtchi. I learned that tama's can't become adults until they have a band lol. Who knew.. not me lol.
