Tama Farm 2


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New member
Jul 25, 2008
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Today I just got a new tama!!!! I am so happy! My sisters also got new tamagotchis! (One of my sisters is Gotchi<3)

I have gotten tamas before, but I stopped buying them because somhow every time bought one, it would always seem to break. :(

But now I have new one and I am determined not to let it break!

We went to our local Walgreens store and I picked out a black V4.5 with red scales, a yellow star, and yellow buttons. I have never had this one before.

Out of my tama egg hatched a cute little girl teletchi! I named her Drizl. I played lots of games with her and reached my goal of 50 skill points for every skill. Soon enough she turned into a toddler. She is still a toddler now. A tamatchi. That is Gotchi<3's favorite toddler.

I worked on my skill point some more and now her skills are 134, 134, 70. I couldn't get the spiritual skill much higher, as you see. But when she grows into a teen, I will, of course, get spiritual much higher. :blink:

I have been trying to keep her weight very low, which is now... oh no! A few minutes ago I let my brother play with her and I guess he gave her lots of snacks because now she weighs 23 pounds!!! Oh well. I will just play a lot more games with her. That will just get her more skill points anyway... ;)

I only got her two training bars today. Hopefully I will get lots more tomorrow.

I bought her a bunch of toys today. She now has the wig, CD3, drum, Cap, Action Figure, Mirror, and Music. :)

Now she only has 865 points left. I will try to earn her more later. Probably after I finish this post. And yes, she is of course in preschool.

I think I covered everything. I am very proud of my new tama. I hope she gets a good job when she gets older. That is why I am working so much with her.

I'm sorry I said teletchi... I have had v3's in the past and I got it mixed up. She was actually a tsubutchi as a baby. Hehe. :marumimitchi:

I have more to update now! Drizl has turned into the purimatchi! (As an adult Female) She is now 5 years old and has a beautiful baby girl that I plan to name Lemon. Isn't that cute? The papa is one of Gotchi<3's tamas, Pratt. Her skills are now 526, 407, and 417. She now has 8 training, weighs 33 lbs. and has 22974 gotchipoints. :marumimitchi:

I am still very proud of her. She will leave her shirosubutchi baby tonight. Oh, and by the way, the jobs she has had are: one of the singing jobs, and the trampoline job where you bounce up and catch balloons. :marumimitchi:

I did not use a love potion for her and pratt by the way. :chohimetchi:

Hello again! Drizl has successfully left her baby and I decided at the last minute to change her name to Mitzi instead. I will name my next baby girl Lemon, I think. Mitzi, like her mama, went from a shirosubutchi to a tamatchi. She has five training, weighs 13 lbs, 0 years old, and her skills are 139, 108, and 90. No, they are not as good as her mama's but I am working on it. She is in preschool now. She should be involving into a teenager in about 30 min. I found out that she does NOT like French fries. :( I have not found out her fav. food yet. :(

As I said, I am working on it, though. She has 26,029 gotchipoints. :ichigotchi:

(Yes, I did cheat... I used d-best.) :kuribotchi:

I think that is all. I will write more when I have more to update.
