tama adopson center 2!


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TamaTalk Angelgotchi
Mar 26, 2008
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The Stars
ok my old one got closed so here is my new ome.

in this center you start as a baby and get to evolve and another up side is that i don't just use tamas that have photos like other adopson cnter i tell what tama it is and you even get to name it!!!

you can get mail like if you get a ! mail you got a pre school offer, a school offer, o a job offer.

if you get a fortune letter your tama can get mony stats, marry stat( adalts only) or evelotion stats.

if you get 3 on mony stat you get 30 gp.

if you get 3 on evolve tat your tama will evolve.

now thsir is bad mail too such as

robber takes away 50 gp and -1 happy hart

a snake will take away 2 happy harts.

3 on smile,sparkle,or smart will add 5 to eather smile,sparkle,ir smart!!!

smile sparkle and smary points will afect your tamas growth.

when you tama is an adalt and gets 3 on mary stat you tama can use the dateing chanal. the dateing chanal will give you 3 choices and you pick one after words you get a baby tama to raice.

their will be a shop in which you can buy foods for your tama. their is one food that is free for hungry and one for happy. the free one dosen't give you skill points bu the others do. oh yea everone starts out with 50 gp.

disiplen is a way to make your tama a kinder tama aka the more disiplen the rarer tama!!! also disiplen goes up by eating some foods and winning a rair candy give away!!!!!

your tama will get hungry unhappy and make messes so chek their stats ofen.

well my old one died out so im starting mine up again!!!!!

well here is the tamas up for adopson




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hi im tamalove754s little brother!!!!! i'll be helping him here!!!!!

ok here is the shop

+ 1 happy

puding+ 1 sparkle 20 gp

ice cream + 1 sparkle 20 gp

soda + 1 smile 20 gp

chocolete milk free

+ 1 hungey

bread + 1 smart 20 gp

chips + 1 smily 20 gp

apple +1smart 20 gp

milk free

+ 3 happy

yogart + 6 evrything 100 gp

candy + 3 disiplen 20gp

D cokie + 8 disiplen

shop upgrades soon.

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ok here is your tama!!!

name(you need to name it)

age 0

tama shromibabytchi

hungry 3\5

happy 4\5

money 50

smile 0

sparkle 0

smart 0

mail 1

disiplen 0\100

poty chek 1 poo

gen 1


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