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Is ContraAlto hard to reach? Or is it easy? I'm an Alto, can I obtain Contra soon?
You can obtain Contra on the NES. B)

Sorry, had to say it. :( Also I've never heard of someone being good at anime.... like actual animating or Japanese cartoon trivia? :(

B) I'm pretty good at a lot of things... I used to be pretty decent at playing music. Mainly Alto Saxophone but I played Soprano Saxophone, Baritone Saxophone, euphonium... what ever the band teacher needed... really...

I'm pretty good at science. I got honors on the Golden State exam in biology in high school.

I'm good with computers, and electronics...

My real talent is drawing though. I drew my avatar! I've been making comic books and stuff, illustrating books and whatnot. I love character design and stuff :p

But I always feel like talent comes with practice. You aren't born with talent. If you feel like you have no talent, pick something you like and practice it every day for a few years, and you'll see a talent building within yourself. :) Everybody has talent, it's just that you haven't tapped into it yet. ;)

EDIT: I can touch my tongue to my nose.. P:

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I'm good at...

Soccer (In goal and playing)



Texting real fast


I am apparently funny even though most of the time I don't want to be.

Making up random storys and songs..

I play some Insruments

And I can swim far and fast

Thats about it I guess..

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I am very good at interacting/bonding with living things from horses to snakes to bugs, and everything inbetween. Then again, I have been studying(on my own) animal behaviour, body language, cognitive abilities, for as long as I can remember. It has become purely intuituve for me now after so many years of focus. I rehabilitate animals all the time who have physical or behavioural issues. Daily life provides me with near-constant opportunites to practice this trait.

I am also an accomplished ballroom dance competitor, at amateur and professional levels.

I, too, am terrible at most sports besides dancing, equestrian and swimming. ;)

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Im good at running, acting, singing, making people laugh (in real life), english.

Uh, I'm good at socialising with people, and making friends.

I'm also good at rugby.

Well, I think I am.

I'm good at annoying my friends aswell. c:

Contralto is somewhere in between a tenor and a mezzo-soprano. Contralto is usually the lowest female singing voice. The typical contralto range lies between the G below middle C ("Bass G" as I call it :D ) to two Gs above middle C. Some people who are contralto can sing from the E below middle C to two B♭s above middle C (B♭5). For me, it's quite easy. I've always been a "low singer", in the alto group. Try singing along to "Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This)", by the Eurythmics. Annie Lenox is contralto, and I find that song easy to sing. Sorry for going really off-topic!
Oh, and I can sneak around very quietly :)
Mezzo Soprano is... A LITTLE bit below Soprano, but not all the way? Like a Mezzo Soprano Sax?

I'm pretty good at singing low, I can't sing very high...

Annie Lenox is a ContraAlto? I thought she was like...A tenor...

Sorry for being off topic.

I'm also good at Base games[baseball and Kickball].

I also learned Flute faster than everyone in my group. xD


Do you still play those instruments?

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