taking care of a music star


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Well-known member
Oct 27, 2012
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Hi guys :) I have a question

I'm getting a music star soon, and I was wondereing: Do you really need to practise with the band or can you also decide to not practise with the band, I mean like, that you focus on caring for your tamagotchi, and not practising with your band, is this possible or do you really need to pracise with your band too?

Thank you in advance :)

Of course, you don't NEED to practice with your band if you don't want to, but your Tamagotchi won't be very good in its music career.

Just remember to not just feed it, play games with it as well and lower it's stress. I know your Tamagotchi won't be focusing on it's music career, but it is best if you make it play with its toy and instrument from time to time so it is balanced.


You can take care of it like any normal Tamagotchi, but in one way or another you'll be "forced" to manage their careers.

You see, once they turn adults you'll have to buy food for them...

...and to buy food you'll need money.

...and to get money, you'll need to succeed in your auditions.

...and to pass the auditions you'll need to have them practice and hone their skills while growing up.

lol xd

So, you have a certain amount of food or is it single use only?and not like on the other tama's where you have some food unlimited, I mean like: on the v4.5, you have a "scone" unlimited, and this is not the case on the music star? So there's a certain amount of food on it or it is single use only. Am I right?

Foods are single-use item. There are two built-in foods that you can use when your character is younger, but once they grow up they will no longer fill the happy/hungry bars.

o_O omg, well, guess I'll have to practise with them xd, can you get money i other ways to? like playing games,...?

Actually, once your Tamagotchi is an adult you can play games to get Gotchi points. It's not a lot of points but enough for the Tama to get by. Sort of.

So, the way you do it is go to the 5th icon (door) and scroll to "away." Then your Tamagotchi will take off and you press button B so you can see them. Then it will show a strange surfboard music shop. You can't get money from that, so press button A. You will see a bakery. You can get money from playing this minigame, so you can select that. Or press button A again and you will see a fruit shop. You can get money from this as well. With these minigames, the Tama's stress can go up and you will get less than 500 Gotchi points (as far as I am aware).

However, it's easiest if you practice with your band, even just a little, because you can get tons of points from hitting the top of the music charts. Like, MILLIONS of Gotchi points. It's not too hard to practice with the band every so often and have a MUCH healthier and happier Tamagotchi.

I'd recommend reading the Tama's instructions when it arrives, so you understand how to play the games, et cetera. Or find the instructions here.

If you're having trouble with the Tamagotchi, don't hesitate to ask away! ;)

thank you for that explanation, is was so helpful, really! :D

thank you ^^

and i've seen the instructions but not so well i think, i think i'm going to read thel again, thank you for the link ^^

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