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Well-known member
Feb 15, 2009
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That place with the stuff, and the other stuff.
I put this in this forum because it has to do with music and concerts and such xD

Austin, Texas is supposed to be the live music capitol of the world. I dunno why. It just is. But to the point, every year, during spring break, we host something called South by Southwest, and it's basically this SUPER MEGA ULTRA CONCERT. xD Like, it lasts for a few days, and like two hundred bands come and perform. We all sit around, talk to people, drink, watch films, and listen to music. Sadly, my mom wouldn't let me go. But yeah, it's like, the coolest thing evar. x3 Aghhh. I really wish I was there, with my friend Destinnie.

We can't go out anymore because there's too much traffic. I swear. Half of the world's population is downtown. xD

Here's the website for it.

Everyone of all ages above ten here are freaking out about it. It's bigger than Christmas, I tell you xD

Sounds awesome.

I wish Massachusetts had more to offer like that.

There's, like, nothing here. Music wise. xD

And that really sucks that you can't go. Shneak in.

Maybe Destinnie could get you a T-shirt from it or something? -Suggestionfail-

-Wishes was there-

And I'm stuck with South Australia, being the ''wine and rose state''.

Gahhhhhhh. Feebers, you gotta get there somehow. Or atleast get a souvenir!

There was a mini music festival a few weeks ago. My brother played there x3

I didn't get to go, but I got that giant white shirt which a few of you may have seen in the pictures topic, and 2 badges. Souvenirs FTW!

Wow, I was looking at a Twitter (*cough*CurtisDroppelman*cough*) and it said something about going downtown for more SXSW. I couldn't help but think of this topic.

I'm sorry, I felt the need to share that.

Esteh- My friend isn't there, both our parents said no.
Lol, right now their saying something about how everyone is so hung over already xD
Aww. Buy all the songs they would have played off iTunes, jump around screaming, and get hung over.

It's the SXSW experience in your own home. XD

Ohnoes. You have to go!

I wish I was at Texas right now. Well actually, I was supposed to go to America this year but stupidsummerschool made me have to stay. I have to learn summer school. Have to. Arrgg.

It's alright. I'm not allowed to go to ANY concerts yet. My parents said I have to wait until I'm 16. I have to wait until I'm 16 to get contacts and highlights, too. D: I really wanted to see the All Time Low/Metro Station/Fall Out Boy/Hey Monday/Cobra Starship concert, or at least Warped Tour this summer, but nooooo. D:

So, spring break of my senior year hopefully I'll be going to Japan. But spring break of my freshman year of college, I'll come down to Austin, kidnap you, and we'll go see this SXSW show thing. Okay? :'D

It's alright. I'm not allowed to go to ANY concerts yet. My parents said I have to wait until I'm 16. I have to wait until I'm 16 to get contacts and highlights, too. D: I really wanted to see the All Time Low/Metro Station/Fall Out Boy/Hey Monday/Cobra Starship concert, or at least Warped Tour this summer, but nooooo. D:
So, spring break of my senior year hopefully I'll be going to Japan. But spring break of my freshman year of college, I'll come down to Austin, kidnap you, and we'll go see this SXSW show thing. Okay? :'D

And, I remember that big joint-concert thing, it came to Austin. Like, everyone but me went. I'm the only one who has not been to a concert.


Honestly, if all you're friends have already been to concerts like that... that's a bit on the young side.

I lied. I've seen one concert. I saw American Idols LIVE last summer.

But when I asked my dad about Warped Tour, he was like, "No, because people will be drinking there, and doing drugs, and it's inappropriate, and blahblahblahh..." And 3OH!3 is going on Warped Tour, too. ;_;

Anyone good going to SXSW?


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