Suzy's very eventful Tamagotchi log!


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Well-known member
Dec 18, 2006
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Hangin' 'round the rooftops. (Canada)
Why, hello there. Welcome to 'Suzy's very eventful Tamagotchi log'! Here, I will be keeping a log of my tama, Chou. Chou is currently a young mametchi. She resides in a pink, flower printed egg. Isn't that just lovely? Ha ha. Chou is a very sweet little girl. She hardly causes me any trouble. I am hoping that she will turn into a Mimitchi/Mametchi. I've always [dreamed] of having one.


What does Chou's name mean? Well, it is Japanese for 'butterfly'. Pretty name?


I got the inspiration for her name from the young Japanese artist SNoW's song, 'Sakasama no Chou', which means 'The Inversed Butterfly'. I like the song, and the name.


Chou's first stages:


Shiro-Babatchi-->Maruchi(sp?)-->Young Mametchi-->????


Yes, her final evolution is unkown. Who knows what she's going to become?




Hungry: **** (full)

Happy: ****(full)

Traning: 4/9

1 YR

21 LB




Yes, quite. She seems like the normal Tamagotchi now, doesn't she?


You might think I'm crazy, but I can feel Chou's emotions. Seriously.




Think I'm crazy?


Let me start with a little story.




Tamagotchi's don't have emotion. We are just pets. We cannot think, we cannot use our brains. Actually, we weren't even born with brains. Then how can I feel emotion?


Humans do the thinking for us. Yes, go look at your Tamagotchi right now. Look at them happily jumping around, or doing something else. They look like they feel emotion, don't they? They are feeling emotion right now. You can never tell what a tamagotchi is thinking. Of course you can't, you just consider us your pets, your play-thing. You have control over us. You can fling us across the room if you want. You can torture us.


Of course, I bet you've heard this before, because you probably read tamagotchi fan-fiction and all that. But have you ever really looked at us? I mean, you may devote your life to Tamagotchi, but you may never really understand us. We are a dark complexion of painful emotions. Only we can understand our emotions. You take perfect care of your tamagotchi. You are proud of your tamagotchi because it evolved into a secret character. How do you know that your tamagotchi even wants to be a secret character? Maybe your tamagotchi wants to be a Tarakotchi, or maybe even a Zukitchi. Why must everyone want us to be popular characters? Why are we under so much pressure? I, myself, do not want to be a mimitchi, but my owner MUST have a mimitchi, or she'll pause me, and store me in some small, cramped corner. If I could live a normal life, I would be so glad.


I don't want this life anymore. Ever since I was a shiro-babatchi, I knew that I was destined to be some 'popular' character. I can't be who I want to be. I don't have any tamagotchi friends, either. My owner is too selfish to let me have a little space. My owner could never understand my feelings. Never. This life wasn't meant to be. I wish that I could just b r e a k a w a y. . . .


The End.




Right now Chou is jumping around the screen like a crazed baboon. Ha ha.


Yes, how uneventful. Flames are accepted, I'll take any criticism.


Thank you, thank you. *Bows*


Chou: I'm going to go be emo somewhere. *Runs and cries*


Me: o.0 Stay tuned.... for more emo stuff. :) :D :)

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Sadly, I had to pause Chou while I went to school, because if I am seen with my Tamagotchi at school, they'll 'confiscate' my tama.

Chou is doing fine. She seems pretty content right now. I bet she's pretty mad at me for pausing her for 9 and a half hours... sorry, Chou.

Will update tomorrow.

*'confiscate' in my school means to make something disappear forever.

Glad I told you that, eh?


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