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Well-known member
Jan 13, 2007
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Somewhere your not XD
Attention if you live in Columbus Ohio,STUT YOUR COMPUTER OFF NOW!

If a lighting bolt hits you computer it will blow up!AND I'M SERIOUS!

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Is there bad weather up there or what? Well I live south of there(not telling where LOL) and the weather is just damp!

I'm guessing they're having a severe thunder/lighting storm.

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your very right!I will log off soon!It's a light show and it can possibly blow up computer!
LOL well it just started raining down here and I checked the weather for my area and just light rain for now

[SIZE=11pt]When storms are coming, I like to shut down and unplug this circus.[/SIZE]

The chances of a surge is very remote but of course it can happen.

It is possible to surge protect your entire house. You might want to look that up and talk to your parents about that. I know I should look in to that.

I live no where near there but we had storms too.

It actualy hailed. It was quite neat actualy.

Looked like the hail had on average three layers.

Anyways, I was off and on the computer all day.

We couldn't go anywhere or do anything, so I would get on, lightning, get off.

Get on, lightning, get off.

Earlier we had a storm but I think it passed us and by the way tamaw/pants whos the hero in that avatar?
His name is Randal McCloy.

If you want more info look up Randal McCloy or Sago Mine on google.

Back on topic-

There was this guy at my dad's work [he didn't know him personaly, and I don't think he was even in the same building my dad works in or anything] a guy got electricuted and died from working at his computer when lightning struck. He didn't even hear thunder or see lightning.

How sad.

Dang that sucks but if he believed in the lord at least he went to heaven.
Yeah, well he didn't die- he was th eonly surviver actualy, but lets keep on topic. ;)

We were supposed to have a huge wind/rain storm that was supposed to last all week, but we didn't. We got some rain and a small amount of wind.

Today it was hailing a little bit on my way to Redmond around 1:30pm though. It's been cold all day x.x

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