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Jun 23, 2007
Reaction score
ontario, canada
um so yea im goin 2 summerskool 4 math case i got 50s on myu report card in grade seven math so that means i failed it and where i live, in grade seven if u get lower than a 50 percent they just put 50 on ur report card so i dont even kno if i got lower than a 50 or not!:S so ive been rely bad at math my whole like so if u haEV GONE 2 SUMMER SKOOOL COULD U GIVE ADVICE? I START ON JULY 7TH


Well no offense but summer school isn't that fun but it can be because you make millions of friends and you can have a lot of fun afterwards hanging out with your buds. :D i've had experience with the same reason you have.

I've never been to summer school and I would really hate going to summer school x.x I hate school.

Oh wow....

I just finished seventh grade, and I got all As. In eveything...so I don't know anything abuot summer school...

But I could help you with homework or whatever you do in summer school, I guess?

Well no offense but summer school isn't that fun but it can be because you make millions of friends and you can have a lot of fun afterwards hanging out with your buds. B) i've had experience with the same reason you have.
I went to summer school for grade 9 geography because here you need at least 1 credit in canadian geography. Anyway depending on the teacher it can be good or bad. Over here too a 50% in elementary and secondary school (high school) is a pass but anything lower is a fail. College was anything lower than 60% (a C- basically) was a fail.

Anyway just work hard, make some friends, study together maybe and it'll fly by no problem.

um so yea im goin 2 summerskool 4 math case i got 50s on myu report card in grade seven math so that means i failed it and where i live, in grade seven if u get lower than a 50 percent they just put 50 on ur report card so i dont even kno if i got lower than a 50 or not!:S so ive been rely bad at math my whole like so if u haEV GONE 2 SUMMER SKOOOL COULD U GIVE ADVICE? I START ON JULY 7TH
Soooo.......... sorry,

I've Never been to summer school, but u will get better at math wayyyy better and make some new friends, its not forever sooo don't worry just relaxxx, of course it will be boring, but bear with them!!!


My brother is doing 'summer school' right now. (It's actually a class at the local community college that lasts for four hours every Tuesday and Thursday night.) He's doing it so he can get three years of languages for his credits and go to a decent college/graduate highschool. (At our highschool, you have to have three years of languages.) When you get there, see if there's anyone you know! Even if you're not great friends with them, you guys could still hang out with each other and become better friends (my brother met some completely random girl, who he didnt' even know he knew (she was my big buddy in elementary school, she's my best friend's older sister's friend, and she's my brother's friend's cousin.) and now they're carpooling with each other and have actually become friends.

Make sure you pay attention in your class, and do the best you can. Remember, you have to take a whole year's worth of math and cram it into one summer! That means you have to pay lots of attention, and make sure to do your homework.

I have been a straight A person all my life-one teensy tiny B though-and I went to summer school last year.

Why did I go to summer school last year? Because I went for fun. I was kinda fun.... But too easy! *not bragging*

Im not going to summer school anymore!

i hated SS but it was because i hate school and there was no people with the same taste in....life as me everyone listened to rap and hip hop and this school. i was the only goth lookin rocker person :/ it was sad.

Well, we dont really have summer school in England, well we do, but its actually the opposite to yours. My mum wants me to go to a summer school about ART because there are summer schools for people who do well in school at the National Academy for Gifted and Talented Youth (NAGTY). So, i may have to go because ive done well in school.

But PM me and ill be happy to help with Homework

just dont worrk about it, you may find its worth it later on in life!

I would never want to be in a summer school, and I know exactly how you feel on that.

But try your hardest in class so it won't happen again.

i hated SS but it was because i hate school and there was no people with the same taste in....life as me everyone listened to rap and hip hop and this school. i was the only goth lookin rocker person :/ it was sad.
I like to stand out so I dont really care what other people think.

Soooo.......... sorry,
I've Never been to summer school, but u will get better at math wayyyy better and make some new friends, its not forever sooo don't worry just relaxxx, of course it will be boring, but bear with them!!!

Very true. I flunked grade 9 geo first time with 35%. In summer school I got 85 and that mark got replaced on my transcript ;)

No.. If I'd get an F my parents would kill me.
Not literally though.
Oooh tough!

I never made it to an F before.

But, If I did get an F my parents would probably understand, That I just need to work harder in that area.

Or my teacher couldn't explane things well.

I have been a straight A person all my life-one teensy tiny B though-and I went to summer school last year.Why did I go to summer school last year? Because I went for fun. I was kinda fun.... But too easy! *not bragging*

Im not going to summer school anymore!
omfg u must b really SMART wow!

in MATH, i'm probably straight bs. never been to summerschool... :)

I like school but I could not imagine going to school for the summer....

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