suggestions for the next tamagotchi.


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Oct 8, 2007
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I know most of these things (if not all) wont happen, but what would u like the next tamagotchis to have?

I would like it if:

1- items actually increase stats and affect the mood of the tamas.

2- bigger back lit color screen so i can see in the dark.

3- ability to have ur own room instead of a bland background where the tamas just float... This would be useful in that u could maybe decorate the room with a few interactive items that will stay on screen till u choose to replace it.

4- better sound chip.. This is not impossible.. Old nano pets from the 90s made far more detailed and pleasent noises than the constant beeping sounds of tamas. They should make it so that each tama would have a voice of its own.

5-USB connectivity for easier connection to the pc (instead of the outed password system)..

6-The ability to long onto an online world where u can chat with people around the world, trade, breed...etc

7- Games with highscore challenges instead of just stopping when u reach a certain number.

Those are what i am really hoping for. I am sure more people could come up with more creative ideas. Feel free to add. We all know that most likely non of these will happen anytime soon. But, its still fun to imagine..

I would like

~tamagotchi charaters in colour

~the ability for them to talk to each other

~tamagotchi's can have sleep overs instead of seeing each other for 10 secs

~for parents and grandparents to come and take them to other places

~to choose what time your tamagotchi sleeps

~be able to have names longer than 5 letters

i would like all of what maskutchi said they are really good ideas.ok and the colored tama on the screen uurrrmm.. not gonna happen because the battery would be flat it about one day

i would like

1.tams to have there own voice

2.tams to have more than 1 freand on the screen at a time

3.when tams have babys to interact more with them

I would like it if Tamagotchi weren't so "game centered". They can make the games as long as they please, but they really should make sure it's easier for a Tamagotchi to lose weight. For example, if they put Jumping Rope in, after about 5 jumps your Tamagotchi would lose 3g of weight so you don't have to play the whole annoying game.

Yeah, I would like the USB system as well. Hopefully soon USB thingies will cost less to make (so less to buy a Tamagotchi).

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