Strange Reset


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Sep 1, 2005
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I was trying a code that I thought I remembered. I held all buttons and reset. But what happened was the screen turned black. I pressed the buttons and it changed. Then it said 'ROM test' and 'ROM OK'. My tama was an egg. Then it started to connect and I connected with my friend. It turned out as a black dude on her tama, but it also said boy in the friends list. Which turned out to be true. But this is a very strange discovery to me. :)

Hers must've been another version to have turned into a black blob. You connected with an egg! That's a very useful way to find out what your tama will be.

rom test is the tamagotchis main frame system that hooks up with the battery.usually only the people who make the tamagotchi use this.its to make sure it works properly.whats the use of a tamagotchi if can,t connect or work any chance did it say rom test-rom ok.thats cool that u figured it out.

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