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Well-known member
Jul 23, 2007
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[SIZE=8pt]Hey everyone! my other log died, so im making a new one, about my v4! The shell colour is pink with hearts, and he just hatched. I named him Will! (for obvious reasons... *points to avvie and siggy*)[/SIZE]

I'm going to play some jumping rope with him...

he won! yay Will! He earned himself 400 GP and I'm going to play again... he won again! and now he has 800 GP!

well, I'm going to take him to Tamatown. Brb!


Hungry: ♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Training: 0

Intelligence: 0

Style: 12

Fashion: 0

Age: 0

Weight: 6

Gender: boy

Generation: 1

GP: 800

[SIZE=8pt]We just got back from tamatown and william loves it there! He got sick just before we left though, so i had to take care of that. He got a passport from the king and a box from the post office! He also earned 5,000 GP from playing the waiting room game at the hospital, all the arcade games, and the burger game and the pizza game. then when we came back, he needed me to clean all his poo and to feed him, because he had lost all of his hungry hearts while we were in tamatown! so then i played a few games of jumping rope with him, and... oh! he's morphing right now! He's a... Mohimitchi! oh and he's so cute! [/SIZE]


Hungry: ♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Training: 0

Intelligence: 12

Style: 12

Fashion: 6

Age: 0

Weight: 10

Gender: boy

Generation: 1

GP: 6,600

[SIZE=8pt]Hi I just wanted to say that just now William got mail. it was the envelope, and it was a heart! I wonder who his secret admirer is... lol xD[/SIZE]

[SIZE=8pt]Hi william got more mail, the fortune cookie! [/SIZE]

Point: 2

Heart: 1

Strength: 3


oh I also bought him a mirror ;)

[SIZE=8pt]William just got accepted into preschool! *sheds single tear of happiness* he's growing up so fast... xD[/SIZE]

i think im going to take him to tamatown just so he can tour his new school!

[SIZE=8pt]We just got back from tamatown, and William loves his new school! He played the dance game and got 400 GP and also got the organ and picture book. Then we decided to go to the bank and play the bank office game and he won another 200 GP![/SIZE]


Hungry: ♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Training: 0

Intellegence: 12

Style: 12

Fashion: 6

Age: 0

Weight: 11

Gender: boy

Generation: 1

GP: 5,050

[SIZE=8pt]Good morning everyone! William got a fortune cookie in the mail today and he got [/SIZE]

1 point

3 heart

and 1 strength.

oh well! I sent him to preschool the maximum amount of times today already so he'll be ready when the time comes for him to go off to elementary school! I was planning on taking him to tamatown today to try to get more points and souvaniers. I played 2 games of jumping rope with him this morning... he doesn't really like the game 'mimic' but one of these days ill make him play it anyway. Well, we're off to tamatown now!


Hungry: ♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Training: 2

Intelligence: 18

Style: 32

Fashion: 14

Age: 0

Weight: 11

Gender: boy

Generation: 1

GP: 3,215

[SIZE=8pt]We just got back from tamatown and we had lots of fun! we went to the pizza parlor and played that game until we got 9,900 points. I bought him an action figure, and also got him the souvanier action figure. he also got the smoothie, jug of milk, brochure, hammer, drill, ladder, and both of the movie posters =)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=8pt]William just morphed into a Hinotamatchi! He's so cool! He also made a new friend named Skan (short for Skandar... *points to siggy again*) and they have become good friends. I just have to connect them a few more times for them to become really good friends![/SIZE]


Hungry: ♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Training: 2

Intelligence: 24

Style: 32

Fashion: 20

Age: 1

Weight: 15

Gender: boy

Generation: 1

GP: 8,700

Last edited by a moderator:
[SIZE=8pt]Good morning! Will got mail this morning and he got [/SIZE]

1 point star

2 heart stars

and 3 strength stars!


I took him to work with me yesterday and I had to put him to bed while I was there so he wouldn't get sick or die or something or the other. When I got off work, I noticed that he had [!] mail! i was soo happy, and I was going to pick Ms. Flower, because he had more style points at the time. But I ended up meeting with my bf and as I was talking to him I completely forgot about William going to school! So he ended up getting Mr. Turtle. oh well! he also got honey from the king as well as 200 GP! I feel like taking him to tamatown right now...


Hungry: ♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥ (looks like i'd better play some games!)

Training: 2

Intelligence: 36

Style: 32

Fashion: 20

Age: 1

Weight: 17

Gender: boy

Generation: 1

GP: 5,720

[SIZE=8pt]I feel so bad! I left William alone while I was at work yesterday! he was alone for 4 hours! Luckily he survived, all he was was sick. I played some games with him this morning to raise his happiness. He should be turning into an adult today or tomorrow. He got mail this morning... a fortune cookie! [/SIZE]

3 point stars

2 hearts

2 strengths

i'll post his stats later!
