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Well-known member
Mar 24, 2006
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Once, I made a topic that was spam. Acually, my friend make a topic on my account that was spam. So we posted it and a couple days later, I find that there are 7 new posts. So I look at them and the first one I see is one that calls me a spammer. I scroll down and the rest of them are very harsh too. Only 1 or 2 people stuck up for me. It said they were just giving me advice. I didn't think so. It sounded more like they were just chewwing me out for an accident. One even said, "Let's ignore this topic and let the guides do their job: close it." So, I'm just asking that people be nicer to new people that don't know things like not giving out their passwords and spamming. Please be less harsh to the new people!

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How many back seat mods are we gunna see today, Olber x.x

This is about the 5th time you are protesting about this tamiyo, and it is very annoying x.x

Anyways, didn't I just see a topic like this? Hmmm I dunno maybe located HERE?!?

Sorry if I hurt your feelings but this is kinda spam cuz you are repeating yourself x.x

And in the other topic about how me and other ppl "chewwed" you, you can get over it now. o_O It's closed, it's done, it's over, it's gone. o_O


kay tenniswinner that was extremly harsh and do you even know what sorry means? it means i'll never do what ever you did again. and i bet when you were new you did the same thing you wanted to get your opinion noticed. and any1 else who says we should just ignore this topic and all that why'd ya even reply to the topic in the first place!!!!!

Tara678, who doesn't know what sorry means? And it doesn't mean that I will never do what I did again. I didn't even do anything wrong out of my opinion. `,=( And I never said I would ignore it and no one did. tamiyo just said that. Heh, beleive what you want.

And lets not start a flame war, lets just let the ppl just read tamiyo's post and share what they would like to say. PLEASE. Is it that hard? Heh, not to me.



Tara678, who doesn't know what sorry means? And it doesn't mean that I will never do what I did again. I didn't even do anything wrong out of my opinion. `,=( And I never said I would ignore it and no one did. tamiyo just said that. Heh, beleive what you want.
And lets not start a flame war, lets just let the ppl just read tamiyo's post and share what they would like to say. PLEASE. Is it that hard? Heh, not to me.


People are trying to tell the people who spam to not do it. I agree with tenniswineer also no flame wars!

Busted... one of these topics was enough:

Please do not make copies of pre-existing current threads.

I do hear what you are saying and there has been a bit of nastiness going around towards new people and I cannot say I am entirely impressed with the number of members who insist on posting "This is SPAM" instead of actually replying to thread which makes the "This is SPAM" post a SPAM post in itself.

We need to all learn to be a little more tolerant of new people as we were all new once.

Let's leave it at that.


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