Date: November 23rd
Tamas Allowed: ANYTHING, from Angels to Dekas to Tamawalkies!
Time: The time zone is GMT (UK time). So that everyone can take part, there are three hatches going on, all on the same day! One is at 6 PM, one is at 9 PM and the other is at 11 PM. I am obviously participating in the 6 PM one. This time is not chosen carelessly, I chose it so that people in America could take the 11 PM route and hatch their Tamas after school, whilst people in Europe aren't excluded. Please choose one of the times.
I know the day DOES differ from country to country. If you're in New Zealand, for example, you'll be a day ahead of the UK. Please correspond with the GMT time zone.
If you don't know about time zones, there's plenty on the Internet! That's how I found out all about it!
The reason why there are now two Tamagotchi 15th Anniversary hatches is because the other one is only P1s and P2s. This hatch is for us modern-er Tama fans (no offence to vintage fans!) so that we can have a hatch of ANY VERSION YOU LIKE!!
Fill out this form:
Tama I'm hatching:
Time I chose:
Time zone I'm in:
My form:
Tama I'm hatching: Angel.
Time I chose: 6 PM, of course!
Time zone I'm in: GMT (UK)
Other: I can't really hatch anything except my Angel, I'm not allowed to run two Tamas if one is high-maintenance, and I'm already enjoying a new V5...but Angel's OK, right?
~ Dazzmina
Tamas Allowed: ANYTHING, from Angels to Dekas to Tamawalkies!
Time: The time zone is GMT (UK time). So that everyone can take part, there are three hatches going on, all on the same day! One is at 6 PM, one is at 9 PM and the other is at 11 PM. I am obviously participating in the 6 PM one. This time is not chosen carelessly, I chose it so that people in America could take the 11 PM route and hatch their Tamas after school, whilst people in Europe aren't excluded. Please choose one of the times.
I know the day DOES differ from country to country. If you're in New Zealand, for example, you'll be a day ahead of the UK. Please correspond with the GMT time zone.
If you don't know about time zones, there's plenty on the Internet! That's how I found out all about it!
The reason why there are now two Tamagotchi 15th Anniversary hatches is because the other one is only P1s and P2s. This hatch is for us modern-er Tama fans (no offence to vintage fans!) so that we can have a hatch of ANY VERSION YOU LIKE!!
Fill out this form:
Tama I'm hatching:
Time I chose:
Time zone I'm in:
My form:
Tama I'm hatching: Angel.
Time I chose: 6 PM, of course!
Time zone I'm in: GMT (UK)
Other: I can't really hatch anything except my Angel, I'm not allowed to run two Tamas if one is high-maintenance, and I'm already enjoying a new V5...but Angel's OK, right?
~ Dazzmina