so mean


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Well-known member
Jul 17, 2006
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:) :D i got rid of one of my neopets, and my friend was going to rush on to her account :p :D and someone took the kau!! and now i check on her everyday and the person that owns her has not been seen in 21 days!!! :D :blink: :lol: :D :furawatchi: the kau`s name is CAROLINEkops. the mean persons name (username) is weirdgirl1029384756


i am really sad i know that it was my fult but...

:) :eek: ;) :D B) so sad

Unfortunately with Neopets, when you put the pet up for adoption it is fair game to anyone who should happen to stumble upon it. It does mean that your pet may end up on an idle account for the rest of its life but I guess if you felt you could no longer take good care of them then you are better off giving it away and hoping another good owner will come along. At least it is no longer your responsibility.

All hope may not be lost yet. Owners who randomly adopt pets tend to put them back up for adoption again and again so your kau may well find a new home.

thanks, You made me feel a little better!!!

I wans did that but Taylor abandded my flotsom again. :unsure: :angry: :huh:

sorry i don`t know who taylor is. i ecpesilly don`t know what her last name is

DON`T TELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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