skuang's RAINBOW of a tama log~


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Well-known member
Mar 18, 2007
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Hello there.

What are you doing here?

Well then, I guess you're here to look at my tama log~ Yay~! A new reader!

This is mainly to relieve me of my boredom during half term, so don't expect me to post so much during school time.


My tamas

~ One V2; a light pink shell, with hot pink and purple butterflies. It has a white inner shell and pink buttons. I will be posting in HOT PINK for this tama.

~ One V4.5; a aqua blue shell, with yellow, white, and blue circles. It has a white ball antennae, with a yellow inner shell and blue buttons. I will be posting in AQUA for this tama.

~ One V5; green shell, with hot pink and yellow hearts. It has a yellow inner shell, with hot pink buttons. I will be posting in LIME for this tama.

Note: If there are any questions, comments or etc., please PM me, as to keep to the rules and to keep it tidy. A big thanks!



Name: ZOEY (hitdoetchi)

Age: 0 yrs

Weight: 11lbs

Training: One block

Hunger: OOO

Happiness: OOOO

Gender: GIRL

Generation: 1G

Money: 370p


Name: PETE (tamatchi)

Age: 0 yrs

Weight: 11lb

Skill points: 11 - 28 -26

Training: None...

Hunger: OOOO

Happiness: OOOO

Gender: BOY

Generation: 1G

Money: 7310p


Name(s): Poppy (tororo-tchi) the eldest, Stevie (Mouse-tchi) the second eldest and Carly (Bell-tchi) the youngest.

Family name: Kawai

Generation: 1G

Family: Blended

Bonding: 30% (Yay!)

Money: 690G

Hunger: OOOOO

Happiness: OOOO


Cute, eh? I've got some pixels somewhere; I'll upload them later!

Also, I've already planned what they're gonna be as adults. Zoey; a violetchi, Pete; a Ura Mametchi or a normal Mametchi and then it's the three siblings... Poppy shall be a Violetchi:furawatchi:, Stevie a Mametchi OR KuroMametchi and Carly a Makiko or a Onputchi. I know, it's gonna be REAL hard. ^^;

Not much happened, except I finally bought an item for ZOEY! A shovel. Which wasn't a very good idea; there was a stupid snake in there. I'd wasted half of my money. Darn it. Update!: She grew into a Young Mametchi! Soooo cute!

Hmm, they seem to be dancing around all the time. It makes me giggle though!

Yay! King gave Pete 1000p! He must notice there's big potential... Update!: He grew into a UraYoung Mametchi! Cute as ever!

Pixels are DONE --- Clicky!

From left to right; Zoey as a toddler, Zoey as a teen, Pete as a toddler, Pete as a teen, then Stevie as a toddler, Carly as a toddler and Poppy as a toddler. the colours represent which tamagotchi they're on. Pink = V2, Blue = V4.5 and Green = V5.

You can use them in your logs are anything, as long as you give credit. :angry:


Stats time!

(Bold means updated/changed)


Name: ZOEY (Mametchi)

Age: 1 yrs

Weight: 21lbs

Training: One block

Hunger: OOOO

Happiness: OOOO

Gender: GIRL

Generation: 1G

Money: 595p


Name: PETE (Young UraMametchi)

Age: 1 yrs

Weight: 20lb

Skill points: 26 - 44 -32

Training: None...

Hunger: OOO

Happiness: OOOO

Gender: BOY

Generation: 1G

Money: 2870p


Name(s): Poppy (tororo-tchi) the eldest, Stevie (Mouse-tchi) the second eldest and Carly (Bell-tchi) the youngest.

Family name: Kawai

Generation: 1G

Family: Blended

Bonding: 30% (Yay!)

Money: 880G

Hunger: OOOO

Happiness: OOOO


Pete is going to school! He was really sad to leave his nursery teacher, but was happier when he saw his new teacher; Mr turtlepedia! Hope he raises his funny points.


Latest news:

the shop restocked~

I bought a bow and a bottle of milk at the shop when it updated. I don't know why I bought the bow, because she won't be able to wear it for AGES. Oh well.



Quick update~~ No colours, sorry...

My V5 characters grew/evolved! they are now teens, with Poppy as a Chamametchi, Carly as a Shelltchi and Stevie as a mamekatchi! Yay!

Pff, poor thing, it never seems to grow! Even though I hatched it at the same time as my V4.5, it's still a teen... Hope it grows tomorrow!

It grew! It is now a Ura Mametchi; just what I wanted it to be! I only found it like that when i was making cookies; it's so cute now! I'm planning it to "marry" Zoey. I bought a wig for it too, it looks exactly like a girl when it wears it.

I got their bonding to 90%, with lots of help from Unchi-kun(An item) and the training. Yay~
