Simash's V3/V4 Log


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Apr 9, 2007
Reaction score
Note: No posting in this log, as it says in the Tamagotchi Log Rules. I want to keep this one clean like TM said! :rolleyes: [/url]


Lets start off like this:

My name is Zoria. But please call me Simash, Or Sim for short. Please do not call me Simmy, like I used to be called. Unless I give you permission! Anyways: I have a few VPs going. I have my two tamagotchis, Myuu and Myusu. It's supposed to be Myuusuu. So I'll type it like that.

Then I have my Gameboy Oceangotch on my Gameboy Emulator. An emulator is a tool used to play games of handhelled and plugged-in consoles. DS, PS, and Gamecube consoles are more complex because you need a joystick, and a touch screen and junk. Yet Gameboy Advance and Gameboy color/Origina; Gameboy are easy, because you can just use your keyboard! I also have a Webkinz. If you have never heard of them, they are the hottest toy of the year. Webkinz are stuffies that you can buy in certain stores. They come with a code that allows you to make an account on the computer that lasts for 1 year, thenyou need a new Webkinz to Register on the SAME ACCOUNT, and renew the expire date. It's better to make one big account with all you pets, cause if you don't and have like, 12 Webkinz, then you have to buy 12 more to renew all those accounts. Yet again, with one account, you only need one. Webkinz Retail for about $12.99 to about $60.00 in Canadian. Lil'kinz at the lowest, and Special Edition Super Rare Webkinz at the highest. Lets meet my pets!



Hungry: 4/4

Happy: 4/4

Training: 1/9

Intellegence: 15

Style: 6

Kindness: 12

Age: 0yrs

Name: Myusu (Myuusuu)

Gender: Boy

Generation: 3g

Points: 12,175p

Username: Myuu

Meals: (Exept for Default} BBQ, Cherry, Sandwich, Hot Dog, Beef, Hot Dog

Snacks (Exept for default) Soda, Cupcake, Corndog, Muffin, Pear, Apple Pie, Grapes, Popcorn, Donut, Muffin

Items: Shirt, Sunglasses, Ball, RC Helicopter, Bow, Umbrella, Cap, Pen, !!, Honey, CD3, Cellphone, Play House, Slide, Guitar, Drum, Maracas, RC U.F.O, Doll, pencil, Cuckoo Clock, Clock.

Souveneirs: Ahh, their gone! T_T Honestly...

Fortune cookie: 2/3/1

Parents: Yumi The Mimitchi, Mumbl(e) the Simasimatchi

Myuusuu is a Mohitamatchi, my first one ever. I've gotten all the toddlers in existance on V1, V2, V3, and V4. I am gonna aim for the teens of all versions.... I've completed the V1 teens. Now for the v2. Wait I can't! One is stolen and another is broken. T_T Back on topic... Well, not much 'bout Myuusuu right now...


Myuu is paused now, and I don't fell like unpausing him to do stats and junk.

Lots of new Virtual pets!

Today i was playing in the school yard, with Myuu and Myuusuu around my neck. I went over to the gate and spotted something green. I reached my hand through the gate hole and pulled it out. Thought ripped and a bit dirty, It was no doubt a $20 bill. Jackpot, I thought! A glow-in-the-dark V4!

But later, we got this book order with an awesome joke book, and a infrared virtual pet.


Today I went TRU and I bought a Transculcent Glow-In-The-Dark V4. I was smart enough to bring scissors, and I hatched her in the car and named her Nyoko, after an hour she evolved into harutchi.


And my dad's giving me $10 to get teh Joke Book and per! ^^

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Bad news. I can't get the VP. Maybe my friend will be nice enough to give me $10. Meh. Oh well, I have 3 tamas, and 2 yet to be started up good enough for me at the moment. I get actually $100 at the end of the schoolyear!


Anyways, as I was saying. To start off, I sent Hiragana-san back to her home planet soon after she evolved into a Kujitchi-like thing... It was too dificult to raise, the games were REALLY hard.


So I started up my english GB tam on the computer, and hatched a Shirobabytchi named Zora after me. I left her in her last state: Full IQ and full Body. The games are really easy, and I am heading towards teh Mimitchi! Squee!


Anyways, today was the release date for Diamond and Pearl. I'll get it in two months, but tamas are more important. I'm gonna get Wi-Fi connection for my DS, then pokemon Pearl. 'Cause there is better exclusives and the legendary is ubber strong. =D


Aaand. I haven't played with Cinderpelt. *sigh* I'm sorry, folks. I'll play with her tommorow!


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