Should the girl ask the boy?


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There's this boy I like and he likes me... Who should ask who out first?? :eek:
I'd suggest not asking him out until you two get to know each other a little more. But if you two are really good friends, go ahead and ask him out.

Too bad my parents won't let me ask *some guy I like* out only cause I'm a girl and my parents think the guy is supposed to ask the girl out. I don't even know if he likes me.

i'm against dating before at least 16-18.

saves alot of hart-break.

anyways, i suggest just being firends.

There's this boy I like and he likes me... Who should ask who out first?? :D
Your 9/10 right?

You shouldn't be dating!!!

But in my opinion, I think it's more romantic and classic if the boy asks the girl out.


16 is kinda old... It's all up to the parents on the age thing and when the girl/guy is ready. But I would wait and see if he likes you first, and if so, wait for him to ask you out. If you can't wait any longer, than ask him out. But MAKE SURE HE LIKES YOU FIRST! It will save you some heartbreak that you don't deserve to go through :huh: I like the classic "guy asks girl out" way. It just seems more romantic :D

Usually boy asks girl. That happened to my parents, they were at a bar and my dad asked my mom to dance. Then they ended up dating, and marrying. That is the most common way. The girl can always ask boy though. I did that with someone in my class (to be my Valentine) last year, then he rejected it. I asked another guy, and he said "yes". Either way works good :kuribotchi: .


actually it can be either way around. it really dependds in who is most confident in themselves to actually pull through with asking. there is no rule saying only one gender can ask.

I don't think it really matters.

Traditionally the guy usually asks out the girl.

I think that whoever grows the nerve to ask first should just ask, reguardless of gender.

I think it's rather sexist saying that the boy has to ask the girl out and girls hae to wait. Go for it. If you don't ask then you'll never know.

Boys ask the girl. Girls ask the boys. BNot much difference is there? Either way you date or you dont'.

uh...I don't think it really matters that much. I have asked boys out before, so it's not that big of a deal. ^_^

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