Should I start a new log?


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Well-known member
Aug 23, 2006
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Okay, I have this log for my V4, and its really long and its a hot topic and I have a lot of views and stuff, and I just got my PC Pack in the mail today (actually, it came a few days ago, but I was sleeping over at my bffl's house). So anyways, I want to write about my V4.5 too, but If I don't start a new log then I'll still have a lot of views, plus I like talking about both of my tamas together because I connect them. So if I start a new log about my V4.5, then I'll probably get more views, but then it'll be just for my V4.5 and PC Pack, and not my V4. But if i write it in my current V4 log, then I probably won't get as much attention. I know this is a stupid question, but I just want to see what you think. Especially for those of you who actually read my log. Please Help Me!!!!

:mametchi: :kuribotchi: :ichigotchi: :kuribotchi: :ichigotchi: :mametchi: :mimitchi: :mimitchi:


P.S. Here's a link to my log. ~*Kuchipatchiluver's Tama Log*~

and I'm NOT trying to advertise. I just need to see what you think I should do.

I voted Maybe. You should decide what is more important to you, the views and the hot topic you have already or a log with new attention.

hmmm.... oh, Idk. Its so hard! Well, maybe I'll just stick with my log that I already have. i need more votes.

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