Shiba's Tama log!


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Well-known member
Dec 3, 2008
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Hi! I'm Shiba, and I'm new here. I wanted to start a log to tell people about my awsome tamas! Right now I'm raising a Tamagotchi v3, but I ordered another one and will be here soon. So, for now, I ill log about this one Tama.


Type: Young Mametchi

Name: Shiba

Gender: Male

Age: 1

Wieght: 34lbs.

Training: [llll ]

Generation: 1

So far, Shiba has been doing well. He evolved from a Tamatchi today in math class. He doesn't loose hearts very often, and when he does it's usually when he poops. Hes great!




Shiba: Gental; fun-loving. Everybody loves to hang around him, becuase he loves to make people happy. He is very sensitive, and if someone yells at him he will easily start crying.

Yay! I came home and the new v3 was here!! I opened it and pulled out the tab, set the time, date, and my birthday. The egg came up and a minute or so later it hatched! It was a baby girl!!! That means when Miyu(her name) becomes an adult she can marry Shiba!


Type: Tamatchi

Name: Miyu

Gender: Female

Age: 0

Wieght: 17lbs.

Training: [l ]

Generation: 1


Shiba: Gental; fun-loving. Everybody loves to hang around him, becuase he loves to make people happy. He is very sensitive, and if someone yells at him he will easily start crying.

Miyu: Energetic; sweet. She may be anoying at times, but everyone loves her.

Shiba asked for disipline and he got one more training bar! Then a few minutes later they went to beddy-bye! Good night you two!

Miyu evolved! She is an Obotchi! I let Shiba see the new her. They are closer to being mates! I'll update later, I'm tired....

Sorry I haven't posted, I've been caught up in my Music Star. I'm going to take Miyu and Shiba to school todMay. Bye the way, Shiba evolved! He is a Memetchi! I'll update later.

oops I'll ask a guide to delete these next few posts, sorry!

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[SIZE=21pt]I'm baaaaack!!!COLOR][/SIZE]

Hehe, I'll be updating this log more often, now. Shiba is, of course, still a Memetchi. I left Miyu alone in my bedroom to see if I can get Kutchipatchi. Shiba is four a should be able to mate tommorow. Miyu will be abe to marry in 2-3 days. Shiba will just have to wait :rolleyes: . Both their traning bars are full and I feed them whenever they lose even one heart. I think tamalove787 is trying to have the longest living tamagotchi, and I might compete agianst him. I've always loved competition. I'm going to make a poll soon to see what I should do. Be sure to vote! Bye!

[SIZE=21pt]I'm baaaaack!!!COLOR][/SIZE]

Hehe, I'll be updating this log more often, now. Shiba is, of course, still a Memetchi. I left Miyu alone in my bedroom to see if I can get Kutchipatchi. Shiba is four a should be able to mate tommorow. Miyu will be abe to marry in 2-3 days. Shiba will just have to wait :rolleyes: . Both their traning bars are full and I feed them whenever they lose even one heart. I think tamalove787 is trying to have the longest living tamagotchi, and I might compete agianst him. I've always loved competition. I'm going to make a poll soon to see what I should do. Be sure to vote! Bye!

I'm baaaaack!!!

Hehe, I'll be updating this log more often, now. Shiba is, of course, still a Memetchi. I left Miyu alone in my bedroom to see if I can get Kutchipatchi. Shiba is four a should be able to mate tommorow. Miyu will be abe to marry in 2-3 days. Shiba will just have to wait :rolleyes: . Both their traning bars are full and I feed them whenever they lose even one heart. I think tamalove754 is trying to have the longest living tamagotchi, and I might compete agianst him. I've always loved competition. I'm going to make a poll soon to see what I should do. Be sure to vote! Bye!

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I've decided to do the longest living tama with Tamalove754! I think I'll actually get a close bond with Shiba! I'll probably just mate off Miyu, or puase her. Haven't decided on that one yet.

Miyu evolved into Masktchi! Shiba and Miyu have four hearts for eachother. Seeing that I'm wondering whether to go out with the longest living tama..... I really want to do it, but I also want them to mate. Ugh... I hate when this happens... I have to choose between them, and I hate that!!!! Tamalove754 is counting on me, so Miyu might just have to mate with someone from the matchmaker... I'll think, bye!

I might have to pause Miyu. Tommorow when they're both 5, they might mate. I don't want that! Or, I might try to get the highest generation on that v3.... It all depends.

I think I might have to post-pone the "longest living tama" thing. You see, the soul reason I hatched 2 v3s is so they could get married. I'll try the living thing later. I don't want Shiba to grow up and be lonley. He is in love with Miyu, and I don't want to seperate them. I'll let them mate, and if by chanc one of their children die I will do the longest living tama. Ok, bye!

Today Miyu and Shiba will be getting married. This is so exiting! The last time any of my tamas mated with another REAL tama was in 5th grade! I've raised them all thier lives, and I don't want to se them go, but I want future generations. Bye!

Miyu and Shiba got married! The fireworks came up and they had two perfect little boys! Soon after I pause Miyu so that in a later generation with Shiba if his son has a girl th boy and the girl can get married. I'm still thinking of names for the baby... PM me with any ideas!

PS Fanmail is welcomed.

I started up my v4.5! I downlaoded so my v4.5 is a teen. She looks like a Japanese samurai. I connected my v3 and v4.5 and Nazotchi didnt apear when Shiba went over to Tulip(her name)'s to give her a present. Shiba gave Tulip a trumpet. I didn't even know she had one! Thats all for now, bye!


I took Tulip to Tama-Town! She got 1,900 points. All together she has 8,000 points. Only 1,000 more until she can get that stereo shes always wanted! Her points are:

Funny: 80

Gorgeous: 93

Spiritual: 84

Even though her dad was a Ura Mametchi can she be in the Meme family? PM me with the answeres, please!


Nothing new here. The babyis pooping alot. Shiba is still 5.

Thats all, bye!

Tradgic news.... I was rushing and I forgot Tulip at home. I brought Shiba, but in the rush I forgot about Tulip. She already had 2 hearts in both areas down from the prevous night. Shes dead...

With every bad news comes comes good news. Shiba left, and now I have a baby boy! I named him Inu, because his father's name was Shiba. Shiba Inu, hehe. Hes a toddler, a Tamatchi. Hes 10lbs. and very healthy. Let him tell you himself:

Hello! My name is Inu. I am Tamatchi. I'm 0yrs. young. I likes playing with my bal and going going to Tama-Town. Thats all I guess.

Thanks Inu! ;) is what I'm aiming for. All I have to do is take perfect care of him. Ok, thats all. Bye!

Hi! Inu is 1 year old! He should be evolving soon, then. I want him to be a :( (young mimitchi). Hes in a rush to grow up and be like his father. Well I guess I'll pass it to Inu:

Hi! Brandon took me to school today. He aaid it's the last time hes going for 2 weeks and 4 days! He also taught me how to write and spell. I'm getting my daily exercising, too! Today I was digging with my shovel and got 1,000 gotchi points! Who would put them there? Christmas is Thursday! If everything goes as planed my baby will be celebrating it. I guess thats all.... I have to go.

Thanks for reading! Please keep checking back often. PM me with comments or questions. Bye!

Inu evolved! He is Hintotamatchi. Well, know I can't get Mimitchi... Oh well, I guess I'll aim for something different. I'll think about it.
