Shawn's Yellow V4.5 logs


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Jan 28, 2008
Reaction score

Ok, im just starting my yellow v4.5 over. There, all of the info is in and my egg just hatched. I got a baby girl who I named Daisy,

She'll envolve in about 1 hour, so I'll post then. I'm just going to feed her meals/treats to fill her hearts for now.

Around a hour later, Daisy envolved into a Hitodetchi. She's asleep right now, here's her status:

Daisy [female]


49 lbs

Training: 1

Skill pts: 0, 0, 0

Generation 1

0 Gotchi pts

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Daisy just woke up at 9am. I'll start today's update with her current status:

Daisy [female]


51 lbs

Training: 2

Skill pts: 0, 0, 0

Generation 1

0 gotchi pts

She'll be envolving today into a teen, by 3pm. I'm hoping that I get a female teen tama that I haven't gotten yet. I would really like a Ura Kuchi group teen, but I almost never get them.........LOL, every time I try to get a teen in the Ura Kuchi group, I keep failing. Then once I've almost gone completly crazy, I end up getting a tama in that group! Errrrr...It like to mess with me...Plus sometimes it seems like there is some sort of method for helping increase the chances of getting the child/teen tama you want....but everyone says its random......

Ok, enough rambling! My tama just got mail. I wonder what I got..........oh yay....Now I'm getting robbed! Oh well, the jokes on him! He tried to steal 100 gotchi, but since I currently have 0 gotchi, he gets nothin'!!! LOL!!! I'll add another update a little later today.

Yesterday Daisy, my Hitodetchi involved into an Ura Young Marotchi. YAY! I got a tama that I haven't raised yet!

Today, I opened the [!] mail, and picked the 3rd teacher (Spiritual Skill Point). So I'll end up getting Ura Zukyutchi if I get her Spiritual skill pts up high enough.

Here's Daisy's current status:

Daisy [female]

Ura Young Marotchi


97 lbs

Training: 4

Skill Pts: 0, 0, 0

Generation 1

1,700 Gotchi Pts

Yay! I just got mail while I was typing her status......darn! I got poop, again! Well now I have to feed her some snacks to fill up the 3 Happy hearts she just lost. Now her weight is at 99 lbs!!!! She's a little porker! LOL, I need to start playing some games! I STILL have 0 items/toys. The 1,700 gotchi pts that I have now are from the Gotchi King letters.

Well, thats all I have to report for now. I'll add another update later today or tomorrow morning.


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