School Stress


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Well-known member
Mar 10, 2008
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Well, recently I have been really stressing out over my school work and grades.

It all started a couple of weeks back where I'd been off school for a while due to sickness. (Sore throat, cold, cough.. Ouch)

I missed a week of math lessons and had to do a test on the day I came back.

I was still at that stage in cold where you feel like your brain is full of cotton-balls.

Anyway, I completed the test and got the mark back.

It was pretty bad. 54% as most of it was stuff the class had covered when I wasn't there.


Anyway now I am very conscious about my grades and homework.

I just feel like everywhere I go there are numbers and tests and grades and .. ack!!

I feel really, really, really nervous whenever I get a paper back as I always think I am going to fail.

It's weird for me as I am usually a straight A student. -__-


I had lots of homework this weekend and I was so super stressed. It had all been given to me on Friday and due Monday.

I got through the science but when I got to my math homework I just had a break-down.

I cried and cried due to all the pressure. I just felt like I couldn't do it.


The homework I had just felt so hard to me. I couldn't work out the formulas, I couldn't simplify the fractions even though I'd been doing it since 6th grade.


I just really feel stressed out.

Especially over my math. I'm in the extension class for math which is harder work than all the other classes get as it is for 'gifted' students.I have never felt this stressed abotu school before. EVER.


When ever I get work I always think that I am going to fail.


I have a reputation as being the nice, sweet girl with the long hair that the teachers love and always gets Excellings and A+s on her work.

I just don't know what to do anymore.


I am seriously freaked out and would appreciate any advice given to me.

ASAP - if possible. I need to nip this thing in the bud. =]]


Thank you!!

Just think of positive thoughts. If you think about all the bad and the worst things that could happen, then of course bad things are going to happen. I get stressed like you sometimes, but you have to just think positive. Study instead of worrying and being nervous. Take a 10-15min break in between subjects. (just don't let that 10-15min turn into an hour!) Then once you take your break, go back to work and you will feel much better. Thats what I do and it works very nicely.

Its okay to cry sometimes...when you really have to...just don't be a crybaby and cry every single time something bad happens.

Life can be hard sometimes....

~tomrules74185296 AKA Admin on TamaTube (my site) AKA sk8t3rb0y on MySpace

School is getting slightly harder for me too. I have a 77% in Science and I had to miss Science for Band Lesson. But Band changes for me and I may have them different periods. :3 So I try not to stress out :D BUT I am mostly stressed on Full Band days.

Well this definitely happens to me a lot, I just try to do all of my homework at one time and get it over with. Other than that i just grin and bear it, but thats my personality and doesnt work at all for about 99% of earth's population. Ugh, god i hate homework. Teachers say we have homework because if you do it at home you remember it better. That's c.

** Enough with the snide attitude and obnoxious posts. **

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She asked for help. x_X


I know the stress of school. I if I were you I would plan out my time. You also should chill out and take it slow. Thinking about the grades and what you get and all that stress will make it even worse. You also shouldn't push yourself on the homework. If you are unsure of something and have missed a tremendous amount of lessons, you should request to stay after school for extra help, or you can have a friend help you. I'd ask your teacher for a Re-take on the math test.


You also should be more positive. Being pessimistic all the time about your test grades will not help at all. When you can't answer the questions on the Homework and you are stuck I suggest you go out for some fresh air, clear your head and go for a walk. You also can ask for your parents' help and support on home work.



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Okay, that aside. First of all, don't hurt yourself in any way: it's not your fault and also, it's not going to solve anything. (And even if it was somehow your fault, that's still no excuse to harm yourself :( ) So, you're the 'smart and sweet' girl, huh? Well, don't do things just because that's what others expect of you. Do what you believe you should do. If you need help with your assignments, ask a teacher or someone who is strong in that subject for help. If they're not meanie-weenies, hopefully they can assist you :D

To calm stress, you could meditate or try something that you know will calm you, even if it's just lying down and napping. Also, set your priorities straight. Know what's important, and know what's not. Do your big assignments first, then wipe out all of your little assignments afterward. Plus, don't be a slacker. Don't watch your favorite TV show for two hours straight when you know you have a big assignment due the next day.

And, sometimes it's okay to cry. Life is hard, but we all have to go through with it. -_- And if you need support, you always have your teachers, friends, family, and us TamaTalkers! ;)

Good luck,



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why would you kill yourself? my response is the BEST!

Killing yourself is so odd. It's like god didn't except you to die and your going anyway. You will probably go to hell for killing yourself so soon.

Please, just respond to the question.


***Life's hard...get used to it!***

I heard that so many times.

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I am an A student, but i have gotten an F on my sience... :D

However, what makes me afraid of skool is the fact that i have bullies!!! :eek: , so i use to kick 'em and shove 'em. Lol, they were pretty scared! But now i know better...

My point is, tring hard is what matters! Maybe you can get your grades up. I'm a smart and sweet student too! And all that matters to the teachers is that i am doing my best! Hope this helps 'cause it's true!

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I have a friend who is going through a lot of shcool stress. I care if he does well in school, && so should you... (about yourself I mean xD)

Try your best, don't get competitive w/ grades, etc...

Firstly, stop whinin'. Nothin's gonna get done if ya whine. Secondly, take a deep breath with me here. Breathe in, hold it a moment, and breathe out. Feel betta? Okay, listen up. As a college student, I know what ya goin' through. However, ya gotta know that ya don't do all ya homework at once. What I do is I listen ta music while I work, but none of that rap, metal, or nothin' while I'm workin'. Don't go strainin' the ol' noggin hearin' this from a metalhead, but I listen ta classical music when I'm workin' on the homework. Classical music, for me, helps me ta relax. If ya feelin' stressed, ya could also take a break. Take five minutes and do somethin' to help you relax. Maybe go get a glass o' water or somethin', read a book, watch a little TV... Some people I know actually will open their window, climb onta the roof fer a while, and look at the stars.

There's nothin' ya can do when ya whine. Ya gotta take action first and foremost.

Well, recently I have been really stressing out over my school work and grades.It all started a couple of weeks back where I'd been off school for a while due to sickness. (Sore throat, cold, cough.. Ouch)

I missed a week of math lessons and had to do a test on the day I came back.

I was still at that stage in cold where you feel like your brain is full of cotton-balls.

Anyway, I completed the test and got the mark back.

It was pretty bad. 54% as most of it was stuff the class had covered when I wasn't there.


Anyway now I am very conscious about my grades and homework.

I just feel like everywhere I go there are numbers and tests and grades and .. ack!!

I feel really, really, really nervous whenever I get a paper back as I always think I am going to fail.

It's weird for me as I am usually a straight A student. -__-


I had lots of homework this weekend and I was so super stressed. It had all been given to me on Friday and due Monday.

I got through the science but when I got to my math homework I just had a break-down.

I cried and cried due to all the pressure. I just felt like I couldn't do it.


The homework I had just felt so hard to me. I couldn't work out the formulas, I couldn't simplify the fractions even though I'd been doing it since 6th grade.


I just really feel stressed out.

Especially over my math. I'm in the extension class for math which is harder work than all the other classes get as it is for 'gifted' students.I have never felt this stressed abotu school before. EVER.


When ever I get work I always think that I am going to fail.


I have a reputation as being the nice, sweet girl with the long hair that the teachers love and always gets Excellings and A+s on her work.

I just don't know what to do anymore.


I am seriously freaked out and would appreciate any advice given to me.

ASAP - if possible. I need to nip this thing in the bud. =]]


Thank you!!
Being out of school can really make you fall behind. It happened to me the weeks after my family went on a cruise earlier this year.

Basic thing I try once I get back to school is to get to work and try my hardest to understand what is being taught in class now. Set your #1 priority to school and classwork until you finish the makeup work and then your life can go back to normal.

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