school and blocking websites


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Jan 13, 2007
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Somewhere your not XD
ok so me and my friends were on google at school at recess and we were going to get on polly pocket the website to make fun of it and our school blocked it! how stupid! what is your view on this and what does ur school block

Youtube and Myspace/Facebook are blocked in any school district sadly ._. Also stuff like Addictinggames (Just got blocked) DeviantART (Got blocked last year)

And certain google searches like "Pimp" or "Sex" stuff of that nature.

Youtube isn't blocked on teacher's account. Teacher's have more respect, though my Math teacher looks' at porn when we are supposed to be doing work.

They are blocked because the school PC's are meant for classwork basically. But I'm amazed photobucket ain't blocked.

Nothing at my school is blocked XDD.

But that's because I don't think anyone has ever went or searched up anything innapropriate.

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every single website is blocked, the only thing isn't is, picsearch, bbc and one other website they use.

Hmph. M,y school does it too. It's very annoying, 'cause it also blocks useful sites.


It blocked the Google image search.... and I get in trouble for not bringing in pictures.


So yeah... My school is just over doing it.


But my friend Joe knows the bypass. I just have to get it out of him.

Our school has everything blocked.

EVERYTHING. There's not one site thats not blocked, unless it's educational.

It's so annoying. :angry:

Peace and Love,


Once in highschool, I experimentally went on TamaTalk, and they didn't block it.

They blocked YouTube, Myspace, Facebook, and other stuff that isn't educational. We usually just used it for school purposes.

well yea we have laptops tht we get to bring home

and amazingly candystand isnt blocked so today i was wondering

if i could play games at home so i minimize the interent with my

favorite candystand game and bam when i got home it worked.

im going to do the same thing tommorow but with more internet explores or just

plain old tabs.

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If it's not educational then it blocked at our school. They tell you the reasons underneath too. One day i was bored so i went on Tamatalk during class and it was blocked and guess way. Alchol, drugs, and chat.

At my high school, the only 'popular' site we could get on was Livejournal. That was basically our Myspace.

I remember my 10th grade year in my tech class we were asked to find a picture and information about certain things already written down for us.

One of them was naked mole rat. An animal.

We went on google, and it was blocked -.- Because it had the word naked in it.

I don't know if TT would have been blocked or not. I remember Gaia was though.

Some sites that should be blocked aren't. Some sites that should not be blocked (reliable history sites....) are.

It was so funny once. A kid tried to get onto our school website to see something. It was blocked. :) So then the computer guy at our school loosened up the security on what internet pages we can see.

Blugh a lot of the good stuff was blocked and just recently a couple months ago, the stupid catholic school board blocked all this stuff.

We cant search images on half the image search engines (Google, Yahoo, Photobucket) and we're not even aloud to right click and save photos and stuff anymore so we gotta like highlight and ctrl c it and Gaia, Youtube, Addictinggames, Facebook, Nexopia, Barbie, Candystand, Myspace, Miniclip are recently blocked. I haven't checked DA or Tamatalk yet but the only interesting things now are Hotmail and random fun sites you can find. Lame-o schools.

At my school,we all try every website anyone's ever been to! YouTube is blocked,TamaTalk is block,every forum is blocked,my dad's site is blocked, is blocked and tons of others! There is only 4 that I go on regularly that aren't blocked:*,**,***,****. One time,we got onto this one site (I forget what it was) put there was all those ads and stuff for porn videos,and Cody clicked on one,and that site actually worked. I left before the guys got too 'into it'. :)

*,is a site with comics from HP,but they're all slash comics

** works,but there's not much you can do on it

*** is a South Park website where you watch episodes,but the classroom computers don't have the latest Flash version or something because none of the episodes work

****Quizilla works,but I haven't gone on in a while,mostly because all the quizzes I take,would get WTF's and OMG's from the crowd that hangs around the computers

My school's internet is a pain in the butt. You can't access any website that requires you logging in with an account, and YouTube is blocked only to students. The teachers are allowed to acces YouTube, though. o__o

Gaia and MySpace are also blocked, but DeviantArt isn't. o_O Guess they haven't gotten to it yet. -___-

ok so me and my friends were on google at school at recess and we were going to get on polly pocket the website to make fun of it and our school blocked it! how stupid! what is your view on this and what does ur school block
You know this topic reminds me back in grade 9, friend of mine in computer class showed me how to get around the school's filtering system so you could visit any site you wanted. I did just that without getting caught :D

Bad I know but it didn't last long. Grade 10 going in that trick didn't work so obviously they get smart over those things. I also recall in grade 11 lots of people being able to keep msn messengers on a select few of library computers so they can chat. I bypassed that too and talked with my boyfriend at the time every lunch hour I could :ph34r:

Overall it wasn't a HUGE deal in grade 11/12 with chatting and such, but if too many people were on for fun and not letting others who had to study, then it was an issue. I say it's alright as long as there's enough computers for others who NEED them to use them, otherwise time to kick the slackers off :D

You know this topic reminds me back in grade 9, friend of mine in computer class showed me how to get around the school's filtering system so you could visit any site you wanted. I did just that without getting caught :D
Bad I know but it didn't last long. Grade 10 going in that trick didn't work so obviously they get smart over those things. I also recall in grade 11 lots of people being able to keep msn messengers on a select few of library computers so they can chat. I bypassed that too and talked with my boyfriend at the time every lunch hour I could :ph34r:

Overall it wasn't a HUGE deal in grade 11/12 with chatting and such, but if too many people were on for fun and not letting others who had to study, then it was an issue. I say it's alright as long as there's enough computers for others who NEED them to use them, otherwise time to kick the slackers off :D
Lawl xD

My school has a shared drive. The T:/ drive, AKA Share2. Several times' a year a thing is saved on there were you can bypass the filter and get to Myspace. Just double click it.

I never tried sadly.

Ahh yes. The infantizing of most modern children. I forgot.

God I'm glad I'm not being subjected to that crap.

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