Save_Tamagotchis Music Star Log


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Well-known member
Feb 16, 2006
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Okay....many of you know of my post on the "What's on your mind" board that I didn't find the Music Star to impressive. So I bet your asking why do I now have one and why a log? The thing is a family member of mine who knows I'm a Tamagotchi fan bought one for me, and it was the last one the store had. Because of this I decided to give it another try and at the same time post information for the Music Star that other members can use.


Anyway so the one I got was the black ones with the gray headphones. Thinking back I don't know why I wanted the black and purple one...anyway its sitting right next to me with the little plasic tab still in it. With the tama also came a Guitar Pick shaped charm with a secrect code for Tamagotchi Town which I haven't used yet.


Okay I'm about to turn it on...Drum Roll please.


There...theres an egg with a music note on it with three presents above it. I'm putting in the date, time and my birthday. Doing this now I'm finding a problem...when I press the button sometimes it doesn't respond and I have to mash the thing to get it to respond...I hope it isn't defective....


Now I have to make a username...


Okay with that done all I have to do now is wait. Wow that was fast...


Its a girl, I'll name her Robin. On the screen with her is a harp and a stuffed animal. I'm going to feed her and everything for now. I'll post during special happenings, when she evolves and when she is married and other stuff. Until then!

I didn't get to post this the last time since I had to go out with my mother the rest of the day. Robin took a nap and then evolved into her toddler stage. I've been playing with her to boost her music skills and making her pratice. I went to the shop and bought some food for her, a beef bowl and pop corn...I wish I had enough for the lobster...5000 Gotchi points?!


Her toddler form is a Hitodetchi, the little star toddler.

She still has her harp and I'm hoping to buy her a diffrent instrament when the Music Star Tamatown opens on Dec. 22.


With the stress I found that it raises when you play the music games and pratice. I found praising them lowers the stress. Also when she's asleep if I press the C button I have the opinion to wake her up...which probably isn't good to do.


Name: Robin

Age: 0yrs

Weight: 10lb

Hungry: One Empty

Happy: Full

Stress: 06

Tone: 54

Rhythm: 48

Oringinal: 80

What happenes when you over sleep when your raising a Tamagotchi? Yeah you all know the answer to that. I wake up to see Robin sick and needing two doses of medince to recover. Her hunger and happy bars are completely empty and her stress is up to 50. I took care of all this and now she's there praticing with her harp.


One thing I noticed the other night is that according to the instructions you have to press any button in order to turn the lights off when the Tama goes to sleep. I like this, Bandai may have removed the light icon but at least they found an alternative way of adding the feature. I'm sure leaving the lights on isn't good for a Tama even in the Music Star.


I'm trying to now find out the time she wakes up...she goes to bed around or after 7pm...what time does she wake up? Bandai should really put that in the instructions.


Name: Robin

Form: Hitodechi

Age: 0yrs (Toddler)

Weight: 10lb

Generation: 1

Hungry: Full

Happy: Full

Stress: 00

Tone: 92

Rhythm: 76

Oringinal: 124

Favorite Type of Music: Asain Music

No sooner do I post the log above something happens. Robin gets an "!" mark above her and starts waving her arms. She's done this before and I don't know why, praising doesn't do anything and scolding makes it worst. I tried pressing the "Go Away" opntion on the Door icon. I end up getting 2000 Gotchi points from a Tama thats all black and wearing a hat.


So with the extra money I decide to go to the shop. I look around and see a U.F.O for sale, I think "Yay a new toy to replace that ugly Kowala looking stuffed animal"


By the way I don't hate Kowala's...I just don't like the toy my Tama started out with...I wonder if the toys we give them to play effect their music or how they grow.


I wanted the U.F.O but the thing was insanly exspensive....20000000 Gotchi points!?!?


In the end I bought a kabab, cereal and a crete.

Robin morphed into her child for a little while ago. She's a Ringotchi now, the little apple shaped Tamagotchi. I wonder why her music favorite suddenly changed...oh well I'm not complaining. I wonder if its because her skills are improving since she still has her harp and I don't have another instrement for her to play.


I wonder what other instrements there are...I want my second generation to play Piano...I hope the prices are desent until in the shop in my Tama...something tells me I'm going to have to have my Tama play good conserts to get plenty of Gotchi points.


Name: Robin

Form: Ringotchi

Age: 0yrs (Child)

Weight: 30lb

Generation: 1

Hungry: Full

Happy: Full

Stress: 05

Tone: 104

Rhythm: 88

Oringinal: 140

Favorite Type of Music: Pop Music

Well I'm late in posting this log but I think I have some good information for you. Aside from seeing a few scenes such as Robin talking to a pair of Christmas Trees and taking a shower at the same time every night. I found a new way to lower stress; giving them their favorite foods lowers stress and also fills a happy heart too.


Robin turned 2yrs old tonight along with starting her band...which she is the only girl :D


Her band members are David and John...yeah Bandai really creative...


David is a Hinotamatchi and John is some penguin looking Tama. Everyone in the band plays the harp and they are a Pop Music band. I got to name the band...I hope in the second generation I can choose a new name.


I got the hang of all the games in the Music Star and her skills are getting higher. I'm making sure to keep her stress down to zero.


I think she might morph tommrrow into her teen form.


Name: Robin

Form: Ringotchi

Age: 2yrs (Child)

Weight: 33lb

Generation: 1

Hungry: Full

Happy: Full

Stress: 00

Tone: 490

Rhythm: 578

Oringinal: 471

Favorite Type of Music: Pop Music

Band: Tamagos

Robin is now in her teen form, a Sebiretchi.


One thing I dislike about the Music Star is that the Baby's Food and Baby's Milk doesn't fill up all the bars at an advanced age, they only fill up two so I have to buy food. I'm not made of Gotchi points, right now neither are completely full the way I usually keep them. I hope Nezotchi or whatever his name is gives me more points soon because I don't know if my Tama can do conserts for money yet as a teen.


Name: Robin

Form: Sebiretchi

Age: 2yrs (Teen)

Weight: 32lb

Generation: 1

Hungry: Full

Happy: Full

Stress: 00

Tone: 508

Rhythm: 614

Oringinal: 489

Favorite Type of Music: Pop Music

Band: Tamagos

I'm starting to wonder if Robin is already in her adult form and I just miscounted. The instruction book says that only adults and seniors can use the Music Studio, Cake Shop and Harvest games when you choose Away when using the door icon. But Robin is still supposidly in her teen form as a Sebiretchi. Maybe she is an adult age but hasn't evolved into her adult form?


The other night she and her band preformed at their Pro Debut and earned 100000 Gotchi points since they played well. I used it to buy food so I could fill up the two empty hearts that couldn't be filled by feeding her the baby food.


And a warning to everyone...if your tama has a full hunger bar or three of them filled...don't feed them the baby food because it will empty one hunger heart, same goes for the happy bar and baby's milk.


Right now Robin and her band are ranked as the 3rd most popular band, I plan to raise that by the end of today. Her Rhythm score is already maxed out to 999 and the other two skills are not far behind, it might not even take me a whole day to raise them to full level.


I've also learned a trick to avoid her being neglected if I over sleep. I simply find out the time she goes to sleep, which is 9:00pm, and then set her clock to that time before I go to bed. That way she's still asleep when I get up or the damage isn't as bad and I can reset the clock to the correct time.


Name: Robin

Form: Sebiretchi

Age: 4yrs (Teen)

Weight: 25lb

Generation: 1

Hungry: Full

Happy: Full

Stress: 00

Tone: 800

Rhythm: 999

Oringinal: 889

Favorite Type of Music: Pop Music

Band: Tamagos

Band Rank: 3rd

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I'm not going to put any stats with this entry since its always pretty much the same. Robin's band is now the number one band in Pop Music and her skills are all maxed out and now the Gotchi points are really rolling in! I think I can more then afford a lobster if its in the shop again.


She turned five this morning by the way.


Me, my mom and sister went to get the Christmas tree today and I brought her along, but we got so involved with the trees I forgot about her until we got then she was sick, hungry, sad and her stress was up to 32. But she's better now.


She's still a Sebiretchi.


I have to go...her next consert is starting ;)
