sad love stories :(


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Well-known member
Dec 17, 2006
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hers a sad love story. ill make it short- i was going out with this guy. i broke up with him. i like him alot so much. i was gonna ask him out and then i found out that he liked my best friend ever. now i cry every night. my best friend knows that i like him

OK...I'll say it really simple.

I like this guy.

Last year, we were in the same class and were the BEST of friends. We hung out all the time, talk all the time, and everyone said he liked me.

Then, this yesr we were spilt into different classes. He began liking my friend. But me and him still hung out and wrestled and I still thought he liked me.

Then we drifted apart, and he didn't even take a second glance at me. I asked him to dance at the Christmas dance. He said no.

He keeps ignoring me.

Our friendship is ruined, and any possible relationship. :)

Ok this story is about mycousin's Best Friend and her boyfriend

So they were driving and the girl told him to pull over becasue they needed to talk so then the guy said wait and gave her this note then before she was going to open it a drunk driver was coming by and the guy died but the girl survived she remembered the note and opened it and it said with your love i will die :) sad sad and its a true story!!!!!!!!!

this is my friend's.

once apon a time, there was a handsome prince. not really, he was annoying and obnoxious. he asked out a nice girl who actually thought he was a prince. of course, she said yes. he was a nerd. he thought he was gangster. he was rude. he thought he was a player. she became rude to all but him. she became brainwashed by his "glory". she understood none. she followed no one. she obeyed nobody but him. he had full power, and he pulled all of her consistency from beneth her.

he was using her. using her to receive jealousy from the only higher 7th-grade royalty. the developed girl. she was full of herself. she wore much too much eyeliner. she called herself and others ghastly names, for the sake of doing so. she was rude. she was foul-mouthed. she was disgusting, and she loved it. she was just what he desired. so he left my friend, gone as fast as he had come.

she was alone, very alone. but i myself had come back. we both wanted revenge on him, the self-centered player. so i set my dear friend up with the best man of her life. and who better than the queen bee's stepbrother?

the brother was nice, caring, and sweet, and he liked here. but, my friends, it was forbidden love. so they immediately began corrisponding in letters. it lasted long, and they loved it. there was something i never told my friend. the brother was in doubt. he like my friend, but he also liked me, and i eturned it. of course, i never told him, it was mild. i told him to be with my friend, and so he did. i pushed him away.

then one sad, sad day came. my friend becam self-centered as well, she endedher relationship again. he isolated himself, it ruined him. she went out with another boy for about a week, and ended that aswell.

the player began liking myself. i pushed him away. my friend and i went solo for a very, very long time. she had only her girlfriends to turn to now.

alas, that was not the saddest part. now she is in denial, listening to no one. how, you ask?

once again, she is with the player.

call me over-dramatic, that's how i roll. xD

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Not happened yet, not yet.

I am in utter love. Lemme guess "OMG YOUR TO YOUNG!!!" no, Love has no limits, and I like my life. My best friend, is basically, my 'boyfriend' we dont date, but we are closer than you can imagine. He is the only person I can trust, in my life. My parents, I love, but him, He is my best friend, I have told himmany times, and I will again. But sadly, he is moving next year, and chance he still goes to this school are low. And even more, this kid that I liked (In denial, from hating my bets friend now) is probably coming back next year.

My life, hates me.

this is really old. it happenes to so many people. it's a shame, really.

boy likes girl. girl likes boy. they date. they really love each other,spend all their time together, and just have a great time being around the other person. in the end, after a while, the boy says he only wants to be friends after all that time. girl's heart crumbles at the boys words. the boys words ruin their friendship and/or any kind of relationship. Girl's heart can never be repaired and she feels neglected, like she'll never love again.

..that girl was me..

Time passes, though. I have moved on, and i realized i can love again... i do. I've had one other boyfriend since and i am STILL with him and am totally happy with him. that's been almost a year, i met him last christmas! so to all girls AND boys who only think that they have been crushed by "love", there is ALWAYS gonna be hope. please try to keep this in mind.

I had a boyfriend. He broke up with me because he told me he found another girl he really liked. I was crushed. End of story

I broke up with the guy i mentioned in last post. he had a crush on one of the "populars". When i found out (from his friends) I dumped him. Single now.

I had a crush on this one guy I liked since 2nd grade. The very next year in 3rd grade,he started "dating" one of my best friends. You know,admitting he likes her and always hanging out wither her. I was friends with the girl he liked,(Mary) and the guy,(Tyler). Everyone else thought he liked me. The worst part was,so did I...♥

For short: Guy likes kinda unpopular girl, she has boyfriend, wants to be friends with guy, but guy is too obsessed with getting girl that he doesn't realize what he has, girl becomes popular, guy becomes friends with girl's bf, they break up, girl starts thinking guy is a jerk, 3 of guy's friends start liking girl, girl likes guy's other friend, girl likes ANOTHER guy who is a total jerk, everyone stops liking girl except guy, girl is jerk to guy. Yeah, PM me for more details I guess?

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[SIZE=7pt]Mine's simple.[/SIZE]

I liked a guy, actually I LOVED him. Soon I found out he was also in love with me. We went out for about 4 months. Around July I found out that he cheated on me. I dumped him and of course cried my eyeballs off. e.e So he kept bothering me and crying that it was a huge mistake and how he wanted to kill himself because he was so in love with me. I felt bad so I gave him another chance...We lasted a good 6 months....then I found out he cheated on me again...

Heh, im an idiot right?

okay so there was this boy who I never even talked to last year. All of the sudden he liked me. I had never had a boyfriend before so I was swept off my feet. So he dated me... then dumped me after three days. But we kept being close friends. He confused me, whenever no one else was around he would kiss me and act like I was the most important girl in the world. But he would flirt with like everyone the next day, and in some cases ignore me. I felt used and unimportant. For about six months I was so caught up with him. I did fall in love with him (and you know what love doesn't have an age limit). So one weekend he was being especially flirtatious. Two days later I walked in on him and this other girl making out in an empty locker pod. The next day I found out they had been semi-dating for months. I had do idea prior, and I was crushed. So I whent through like a six month heart break period.

But now I am with the most amazing guy ever. He is so different and gentle. He has liked me since the beginning of the year but I was so caught up with that other guy I never noticed. He mended my broken heart and he is so different. I know that even if things don't work out between us then he won't do that to me like the other guy did. So I feel safe with him.

[SIZE=7pt]Mine's simple.[/SIZE]I liked a guy, actually I LOVED him. Soon I found out he was also in love with me. We went out for about 4 months. Around July I found out that he cheated on me. I dumped him and of course cried my eyeballs off. e.e So he kept bothering me and crying that it was a huge mistake and how he wanted to kill himself because he was so in love with me. I felt bad so I gave him another chance...We lasted a good 6 months....then I found out he cheated on me again...

Heh, im an idiot right?
Omg he ish a jerk ;~;

My love story:

I liked alot of guys, but they all turned be down saying I was ugly, but last summer I really liked this guy and I found out he liked me too, we started going out && then he broke up with me, and one of his friends hatemailed me, the end :]

here's my sad un-love story:

I met this guy. He was cute. he was nice to me. Then he moved away forever.

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