rumor in club


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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
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I have this summer club to stay in touch with my friends but this disgusting boy likes me and this girl Yesania starts rumors and she said I like him too and I don't its going around the club and I have three groups because the club is so big how do I stop that stinking rumor because everybody keeps believing it I try and tell people the truth but they still believe the stupid rumor how do I stop the rumor?

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The obvius answer is not to start a rumor about her. That's like fighting fire with fire. Anyways, just keep saying it's not true,and if it continues,tell an adult or something like that.

[SIZE=14pt]Well maybe you should tell the guy who likes to be quiet about it and tell him whats going on because if he really liked you, he could help you..[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14pt]Well maybe you should tell the guy who likes to be quiet about it and tell him whats going on because if he really liked you, he could help you..[/SIZE]
what are you talking about I cant get in touch with him hes not in my club and its summer so I have to think of another way to stop the rumor

can someone please answer I need some help here
You know this isn't a chatroom. Be patient and do something productive while you wait for a response. Patience needs to be learn young padawan :lol: So does punctuation lol.

Anyway about the rumour. Ignore it. There's little you can do and rumours when not fed by the fire of anger and frustration just go away. If you don't get mad about them pretty soon they get forgetten because stupid people such as the girl you mentioned who started this has a VERY short attention span. Shiny things probably attract her lol.

I once knew a girl in high school that found it so funny when preppy girls put rumours out. She'd literally go and joke with her friends out loud before class "Hey so and so, did you know we slept together? Isn't that just awesome?!" And they'd all burst out laughing while the girl who started such nonsense was feeling like a complete idiot and failure for not upsetting her. The stories I hear are just hysterical!

i'm in the 3rd grade going on 4th if a rumor doesn't upset someone they would make it even worse well thats what the stupid kids do in my stupid school well most of them but they might forget about it but if she makes this rumor worse i'll punch her so hard when she wakes up she'll be in high school

i'm in the 3rd grade going on 4th if a rumor doesn't upset someone they would make it even worse well thats what the stupid kids do in my stupid school well most of them but they might forget about it but if she makes this rumor worse i'll punch her so hard when she wakes up she'll be in high school
Oh and I'm sure violence will solve it. It's not worth it. Instead of coming up with reasons for something not to work, why not just give it a try as well as talking to a counselor or teacher. There isn't much you can do and punching will girl will not lead you down a road you'll like. She'll get off doing it and you'll be in the principal's office explaining why you punched you and getting your parents called in.

i'm in the 3rd grade going on 4th if a rumor doesn't upset someone they would make it even worse well thats what the stupid kids do in my stupid school well most of them but they might forget about it but if she makes this rumor worse i'll punch her so hard when she wakes up she'll be in high school
Lol that's funny,here are some suggestions they might not be very helpful or yet again they might be......

1:tell a teacher

2:tell an adult

3:violence(although this may not be the correct way of solving it i suggest you don't use this.)

4:make a rumour about her.(i know it's a bit mean i jest get a little too carried away.

Thats all i can think of,hope i helped! :lol: .

Just ignore it.

If you feed the flame, they're going to make it worse. Trust me, I've been at the butt end of a LOT of rumors. Ignore them.

Plus, you're in Summer holidays now. By the time school starts up again they'll have forgotten about it.

Catlin Cates knows this gaywad,timmy,likes me and say i'm hot(hes gay for ask me in a pm to a pole,girls including me and a ball)

and shes also starting a rumor and so was a latchkey teacher

Lol some thing happened to me! Only thing was the rumor was about how I kissed a boy, and well...I didn't. o.o

I kept on telling everyone that he was lieing, but of course no one believed me! (except my friends♥)

Just ignore it, like Sweet Kandi said.

Because it'll die over time, then everyone will forget that it ever happened. ^^

So basically if anyone asks about it, just say its a lie, and keep living your life. =P

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