Rocken Sisters V4.


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Rocken Sisters

Well-known member
Jul 4, 2006
Reaction score
Hello everyone!

First of all before I start off I would like too ask everyone Not Too reply too this topic. Feel free too pm me and comment about my log. Thank you.

So lets get started!

I have a Orange circle V4! It looks just like this, Orange Circle V4

I Brought it on the 15th January 2007! I was so Proud when I got it thinking of me being a owner of 3 tamagotchis and 9 Virtual pets.

I am ready too Reset mine right now. So I am getting ready too reset.

At the moment the egg is just getting ready too hatch! I will comfirm too you if its a girl or boy and what I will call it.

Yay its hatched and its a....


I am going too call her Rox! I am going too start her Project right now too see how long I can keep the Gen going for! Here is my tamagotchi project chart, Tamagotchi Project chart.

Cute hey?

Well here is has stats,

Hunger: ♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥


Pencil icon:

Star icon:

flower icon:

Years: 0

LB: 56

name: Rox

Gender: Girl

Gen: 1

I will keep updating.

Thanks for reading,


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Ohh Yay! I have just come back from the shops and rox has turned into a Harutchi!

I have Updated my Project chart. Here it is, Tamagotchi V4 project chart

How is it? I have also made a freewebs site about my log! I will soon add it too my Signature/Siggy, so you can comment about it also there!

Here is rox Stats,

Hunger: ♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥


Pencil icon:

Star icon:

Flower icon:

Years: 0

LB: 97

Name: Rox

Gender: female

Gen: 1

Shes soo happy now!

Thanks for reading.


Rox is soo happy! She got her first maily right now! Lets see...

*Opens it* Ok...

Yay!!!! Its make-up! I will let her use it when shes an adult! She is so young she does not deserve too where make-up yet! Only when she gets on! xD :D

*Yawns* I have just woken up and sure Rox will wake up at 8:00. At the moment its 7:48.

Nothing really happened last night nor this morning cause shes asleep! I will update when she wakes up!

Ok so I have just come up too see Rox and shes woken up with soo mail.

Hunger: ♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥


Pencil icon:

Star icon:

Flower icon:

Years: 0

LB: 97

Name: Rox

Gender: Female

Gen: 1

Well I have too say me and Rox have played are first ever game. We played jump rope, we got up too 5 and won 50p! Yay.

Here is Rox's stats,

Hunger: ♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥

Training: /

pencil icon: 0

star icon: 1

flower icon: 0

years: 0

LB: 96

Name: Rox

Gender: female

Gen: 1

We both are so happy! I have made a new forum and a friend of mine have gone of too find a pretty banner! Cant wait, because me and Rox thought of it! Didnt we Rox? Aww she noded! Hahahaha

Well Rox had these lines ~ *Rox* ~ Where I put *Rox* Thats where she was soo I clicked the toilet and she went in for a bath! She was happy when she had finished.

Ok Rox just had some post so I went too see what she got and a Burglar, He took 100p! Although she had 50p :eek: :D :D :D We both are upset and angry!

Here is Rox stats,

Hunger: ♥♥

Happy: ♥♥

Training: //

Pencil icon: 0

Star icon: 1

Flower icon: 0

Years: 0

LB: 99

Name: Rox

Gender: Girl

Gen: 1

Enjoy! Also I have found a new thing for you too comment, Here it is, Comment Board Please Post your comments in there! Also I forgot too say, My username is RS!

I have just fed Rox and I will play a few games with her!

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How exciting! Rox Has turned into a young mametchi! I have changed the project and here it is, V4 Project.

Well now Rox is 1 years old we can go and visit her new school! In tamatown of course! I am sure you dont want too know her stats so I will give it too you later!

Sorry Guys! I have just been so busy! Well anyway I am glad too tell you all the my Tamagotchi Turned into a young mametchi and now is a masktchi! Great news as well! I will try and take some pictures of Rox, when I can.

So rox is now

4 years old

training skills are 3

and Well we havent been playing much games! So I'm hoping on my next gen, I could play loads of games!

Rox is also asleep now so I thought I would show you the chart, V4 Project chart

I am sorry guys! I have too tell you that rox died not long ago.

R.I.P Rox! Please check where we all say goodbye too are tamas!

* comment removed *

Please do not post comments in Logs. Please use the PM system if you wish to contact Rocken Sisters. Thanks. TamaMum

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