At Great Wolf Lodge,me and my friend Abby went on the Cyote Cannon which is like the Toilet Bowl. Well,apparently the tunnel thing was relatively small,so I had to either keep me head down towards my chest,or back. The first time we went on it,the lifegaurd guy said right as we were going in, "PUT YOUR HEAD BACK!" because mine wasn't,and I whammed my head on the tunnel. And I always came out backwards and hit my head on the bottom of the pool.
Also at GWL,my mom and her friend forced me and Abby to go on the Water Roller Coaster which is like,700 feet of tubage,and when we were almost at the top,which is already like,35 feet above the other slides,me and Abby started to get dizzy and everything,and they crammed us in the tube thing,and shoved us off. IT WAS FREAKING SCARY!!!! I almost flew off!!

But it was fun.
I'm a whimp when it comes to roller costers,because people always drag me on them after I eat or something,well,my friend Caitlin draggedme on The Comet at Hershey Park after I ate a corn dog,and I was afraid to open my mouth the whole ride. I didn't puke or anything,but I thought I would! By the end,I was all hyper and talking fast and doing the whole Wallace and Gromit hand-shaky thing. xD It was fun though!