Rib's v4.5 Log


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Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
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Hello, welcome to my v4.5 Log, here I'll be telling you about my little v4.5 Tamagotchi- Pyro. And of corse his very many generations to come, I hope you enjoy reading my log as much as i've enjoyed typing it. <3


Anda little note, Pyro will be typing in THIS colour, and I'll be typing like I am now. =]


Ok, lets start.


Hey! I bet you came looking for this log, eh? ;) Well, let's just say My little soldier is becoming a slow warrior, <3

Well, he's a teenager at the moment, and he's going to be an adult tmorrow, they grow so fast. ;______;<3



Hungry: ♥♥♥♥


Training: 5 Bars

Kind: 39

Gorgeous: 26

Knownlege: 32

Age: 2 yr

Weight: 23lb

Gender: Boy

Generation: 1g

Point: 18, 345gp


Time for Pyro's talk ^_^ ;

-yawn- Welll, I've already had my bath for tonight, and brushed my teeth, mom's been taking GREAT care of me! I love my mom, can't wait until tomorrow, im trning into an Adult, finally i'll be able to get my own job!

Yay! I hope the matchmaker brings me my perfect match, of course i'll love who ever she brings<3 Im hoping for a girl, but a boy will be fine, taking after his father -ndge nudge wink wink- Hehe, joking! Mom want's the computer back now. =)


He sure is the talker isn't he? ^_^

I managed to take some scan's of him, (sorry they aren't clear =()




Brushing his teeth, so sweet~ <3




The actual Tamagotchi shell <3 With him inside <3


That's it for now. <3


I hop you enjoy it, more update's tomorrow, when he evolvees<3

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Well, hello! <3 Nothing much has happened, but- Pyro has beeped for nothing and I had to dicipline him. :D Oh well, it put's his training points up to a 6! He's still a teenager for now, and he's still at school, I think he wants to go to TamaTown, he looks real bored. :D


Well, time for his stats:


Hungry: ♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Training: 6 bars

Kind: 43

Gorgeous: 26

Knownledge: 24

Age: 3yr

Weight: 20lb

Gender: Boy

Generation: 1g

Points: 15, 655 gp


Well, off to TamaTown we go! Not long til he has his child and becomes a father! I'll be taking pictures B)


Oh, and his fortune was;

3 Stars on money

2 Stars on Love

2 Stars on Fitness


Updates are coming soon!

Pyro evolved! <3 He's now a Ura- Kutchipatchi! Yaaay! -cheers-


He's asleep now, don't wake him. ;) I got mail, first it was a heart, then the king- giving me 700 gp! Yay!

My fortune was;


2 Gp, 3 Heart, 2 Strength.


Well, his stats:


Hungry: ♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Training: 7 bars

Kindess: 53

Gorgeous: 43

Spiritual: 53

Age: 4 years

Weight: 34lb

Gender: Boy

Generation: 1g

Points: 13, 365


G''bye for now! <3

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I be taking some scans of Pyro now, I hope you have enjoyed reading my log so far!


I got some mail, it was the king! He gave me 700 gp again, yay!



2 GP, 2 health, 2 strength.




Hungry: ♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Training: 7 Bars

Social: 80

Gorgeous: 47

Intellectual: 53

Age: 4 yr

Weight: 30lb

Gender: Boy

Generation: 1g

Points: 14, 575 gp


Well, he should be getting his job today, can't wait for the matchmaker to come, it's just the long wait- This is to help prove that when the matchmaker comes- if her mouth is open and you select you get a girl, if it is closed you get a boy- Well, ta ta for now! Ttfn!

Pyro got a job!

He is now a bus driver! <3

Well, he sure has been a busy worker today, phew;


Today has been tiring! But I was happy about getting my reward, some new skil points and of course- A nice sleep, everything is going fine, I can't wait for the matchmaker to come, this is going to be very exiting.


Heehee! Looks like he's exited, <3 Pictures tomorrow, it's getting late here, almost midnight y'know!


Here are his stats:


Hungry: ♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Training: 7 Bars

Humour: 115

Beauty: 55

Love: 57

Age: 5 yr

Weight: 30lb

Points: 11, 475gp


Well, goodnight, and good bye for now. :(

I might just get another v4.5 tomorrow, you never know~ <3 Haha!




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