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Mar 26, 2006
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i belive that if you only feed your tamagotchi one type of food you can control what it will turn into. i plan to test this by using sixteen different people that all feed their tamas a very strict diet. the good part of this experiment is that you'll always know what to give your tama, but the downside is that you cant give them anything else in caution of ruining the entire experiment.

i need sixteen people to help me and keep updating at least once a week. once i have the final results i will send it to rivenn for added depth on the tamadex.

diets follow:

1. scone and cone

2. scone and pudding

3. scone and tart

4. scone and apple

5. sushi and cone

6. sushi and pudding

7. sushi and tart

8. sushi and apple

9. bread and cone

10. bread and pudding

11. bread and tart

12. bread and apple

13. cereal and cone

14. cereal and pudding

15. cereal and tart

16. cereal and apple

if anyone prefers one of the diets its "first post first serve" anyone who has no preference of a certain diet will be assigned one according to the list above and the order of their original posting. if all goes well we should have four of each toddler after the first stage if we don't i might scrap the experiment early. if possible try not to pause your tama for the sake of time. without pausing the entire experiment should take less than a week.

ive done that:

cone and sushi=paparatchi

i forgot the other two,il type em later

ps iv tryd those combos more than once,it works

When you guys find out could you please tell me or pm on how to get a Leaftchi or Furawatchi beacuse they are so cute.

I'll put my tama on a bread/apple diet. I am starting a new generation sooo it'll work out. Just wait two days (Sunday, June 25th 2006) and I'll start.


I think it could be possible that food affects what Tama you'll get. But it won't guarantee what Tama you'll get - of course there are the other factors such as discipline, care etc.

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I got ;) s from only feeding them the first options! :( But I think it mostly has to do with how you care for your tam!

I don't understand what you meant by first options dachdach545? Can you please tell me because I always wanted a Leaftchi they are so CUTE!

For this to work you will need a lot more than one person doing each combination(I would say about 5 minimum ) otherwise you will never know if that food gives the same outcome every time. You also need to tell the people about discipline, health meters, games to play, connecting with other tama's, time spent on pause and asleep etc as they are all factors which influence the outcome of each character. You also need to check whether your 'guinea pig' is on an odd or even generation.

Just one person on each combination- won't give a definitive result, as there is nothing to compare it to.

Also you are completely ignoring the shop bought foods, including a characters favourite food which we all know influences the tama's happines levels. And there are also more than 16 adults - there are 29 'regular' adults that evolve normally from teens, so by only having 16 testers you will only cover just over half of the possible characters.

I seriously doubt that set food alone will give you a certain character, however wish you luck with your experiment I am interested to see your findings.

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I'll do sushi and tart when my next generation starts in a day or so. So at about 7:00pm Pacific time the matchmaker should come hopefully

i belive that if you only feed your tamagotchi one type of food you can control what it will turn into. i plan to test this by using sixteen different people that all feed their tamas a very strict diet. the good part of this experiment is that you'll always know what to give your tama, but the downside is that you cant give them anything else in caution of ruining the entire experiment.
i need sixteen people to help me and keep updating at least once a week. once i have the final results i will send it to rivenn for added depth on the tamadex.

diets follow:

1. scone and cone

2. scone and pudding

3. scone and tart

4. scone and apple

5. sushi and cone

6. sushi and pudding

7. sushi and tart

8. sushi and apple

9. bread and cone

10. bread and pudding

11. bread and tart

12. bread and apple

13. cereal and cone

14. cereal and pudding

15. cereal and tart

16. cereal and apple

if anyone prefers one of the diets its "first post first serve" anyone who has no preference of a certain diet will be assigned one according to the list above and the order of their original posting. if all goes well we should have four of each toddler after the first stage if we don't i might scrap the experiment early. if possible try not to pause your tama for the sake of time. without pausing the entire experiment should take less than a week.
i only feed my tama scone and cone because it is the first one on the list. but it is diffrent charaters each time. i never feed them anything else.

well these are all great help but i think Spudilike is right there are alot of other factors this doesn't include like dicipline and storebought food and games. this explains furawatchi girl's different results. i'm not going to make this a group thing anymore so if you would like to just put your tama on a diet and still post your results i'll check them every once and awhile to see if there is any corolation.

diets currnetly being used:

12 bread /apple - julean

7. sushi / tart - cal188

1. scone / cone - dachdach545 and furawachi girl

i think it might be a good idea to have more than one person test the same diet. like in the case of diet 1, i would encourage dachdach545 and furawachi girl to talk about other factors that might cause the change in results. keep up the good work and when posting your results try to include all four growth stages and what generation your tama is. this may also help riven with his tamadex project.

I got someone by doing something radom.

I don't know what it is,but it is kind of cute.

It has a hair has a smile face.

please tell me if you know it.

:huh: :huh: :p :kusatchi: :kusatchi: :kusatchi: :kusatchi:

PS.happy birthday tamagotchi!!














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