Random hatch XD


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Active member
Dec 16, 2008
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The hatch will take place December 19th , 2008 (this friday)

Any version can participate as long as they are versions 2-4.5


• Participate MUST be active in this group hatch.

• No spam , rude comments, or anything of the sort.


How long will it last ? - Dec.19 - Dec.25

for who? - anyone!

When? - pm me if your joining and we will work it out [having to be considerant of those with different time zones.]

what kind of tama? - any versions from v2-v4.5

Why? - because the v5 growth process takes longer than other versions and we want everyone to be at the same stage when the hatching ends.

Pm me to join.

people in the hatch

• Dawnieheartz - v4 - new

Count me in!

It's about time I started getting my tamagotchis up and running. ;D

Yay. So, there is something that you need to do.

Version of tamagotchi:

State and what time it is there this moment?:

Simple , isn't it? Ok, you know the deal. December 19th 2008. I will NOT let this be another uncompleted hatch No siree > :(

Im joining :3

Im hatching my v2-used, but new to me!^^

Its this design down here :(


Its a boy named "ED DY" :p

I just left a random space there.. "blink"

Im not going to unpause him yet...unfortunately, since the hatch has'nt started yet.. :]

Ill keep him paused till then =]

And yes, Its on generation 1.

EDIT:I didnt see that post :(

Version of tamagotchi:v2

State and what time it is there this moment?: California! :D Its 3:48 P.M. here :]

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Sorry Coloritchi =[ Unfortunately or you , a HATCH mean all the eggs need to be hatched on the same day at the same time. If you already have a baby boy named Ed Dy , then I'm afraid we can't accept your entry due to the fact that the hatch is in 2 days and you yourslef already have yours started up. Is there possible another you can reset/un tabb? Oh! TGD , I'm still waiting for that form :(


You never said that in the PM.. :( Even when I told you... =/

Ok....Ill reset :/

Oh. You told me? Sorry. I guess I wasn't paying attention. Anyways, is that your only tamagotchi? How about resetting that inactive v4 you've got mentioned in your signature. I'm untabbing a v4 as well so ... You know ! It might be fun. Tama_girlDesy seems to be unresponsive at the moment :( Well. i'll be back in like 10-15 minutes. I've got to go get a book from the library, despite the chilly,snowy weather D:

Ill just reset it :(

I dont have batteries at the moment, and can't waste my money right now.So...yeah Xp

Ok. Glad your still willing to participate. Since we haven't heard from TGD yet, we will have to mark her as absent (feels like school , doesn't it? :mametchi: ) Ok. SO everyone knows the rules. I greatly encourage more people to join so feel free. the more the merrier :furawatchi: Till then we shouldn't post in this topic until more people join. KK. See all you guys on December 19th! I'm about to send you a PM , Coloritchi. So we can discuss the time zone thingy.

Version of tamagotchi: V2

State and what time it is there this moment?: I live in Canda....and the time is 8:42pm.

Ok. So its one hours ahead of where I live.Do you think we should do the hatch tomorrow or on the scheuled time , Dec.19th? and if your in Canada , thats an hour ahead, we should do the hatch 1:00 pm your time and 12:00 pm my time , is that ok with you? Coloritchi , what time is it where you live? What design is your v2 Tama Girl? (just out of innocent curiosity :3)

Okay, so uhm, 12:00 my time? That's less than an hour.

That's fine with me, since it's a snowday....

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