Ramos Family Log


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Active member
Jan 30, 2008
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Okay everyone, before I start my log, I want to tell you all that I want to follow the rules of Tama Talk. So if you want to leave a comment, message me and I will post the comment in quote stating the message nd saying who sent it so you get credit. Okay so now to my log...


Okay so I have a pink Love My Family tamagotchi. I got iton April 13, 2008 as a gift for getting confirmed (it's a religous thing). Okay so I started it today, wel restarted it. Two of my other friends synchronized it with me at the same time today. I got two daughters and one son. I named the family name Ramos,after my real name so then they are part of my family. Although I had to go and play at MPA (a musical thing) so I had to put it on the Travel Show before it was even able to evolve. But it evolved when I got home. I'll name them all:

My Belltchi (First Born, Center & Daughter): Saralee

My Mattaritchi (Second Born, Left & Son): Anthony

My Sakuramotchi (Third Born, Right & Daughter): Anneliese

Okay so that's all for now, I'll update tomorrow. And to let you all know their sleeping so I can't say anything anyways.

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OOOOHH! Saralee is talking to the fridge!!!


Okay well I'm gonna stop her and do some stats...

OMG!!! When I stopped her they looked constipated and I was able to potty train them! YAY!

Oh and I would like to note that when I put stats up I will type them in Purple






Hungry: ♥♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥♥

Bonding: 0% (Although I wanna keep it low so I can get a Makiko)

Family Type: Blended Family

Generation: 1

Gotchi Points: 550

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Okay so I just wanted to update that the Ramos' got up to 10% bonds!!!

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This is REALLY cute! Saralee is talking to the fridge and guess what?!?!? My sister's cotton candy v5 tamagotchi was talking to the fridge at the SAME time!!!

AWW... my tamas where constipated and needed potty training so I trained theem but now my tmas aren't talking to the fridge anymore :p

Okay that's all for now!


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