Raichi's TamaLog


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Sep 23, 2008
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[SIZE=9pt]What is it about: [/SIZE]

This log is about four Tamagotchis, Barry, Pepsi and my other two Tamagotchis, who happen to be V5s.

I have always meant to create one of these things ever since I started here at Tama Talk. (Which was not long ago) So I am happy to announce my new TamaLog. I hope you enjoy reading this!

[SIZE=14pt]Pet Bios:[/SIZE]

Pepsi: Pepsi has just lately turned into an old, fragile little senior Tamagotchi. Although old, he has a heart of gold, and a soul to match it.

Barry: Barry is an adult who was lucky enough to be gifted with a baby girl loaded with youth. How will this baby girl turn out later in life?

Mametchi: Mametchi was raised in the family of Amane. With two siblings, he was chosen to create a new life. How will his family turn out?

Hotteatchi: Hotteatchi was chosen to further the family of Death because of her charm. Will her charm pay off in the new family? Stay tuned to find out!

[SIZE=14pt]What has happened thus far?:[/SIZE]


Today was just the regular day for this old chap. Just the same old cup of coffee and tea. Just lately this friendly soul went back to work just to be handed retirement in the form of a cane. He looked depressingly toward his king and sighed and returned to home sweet home. I went back with Pepsi to his old flower shop. He looked at the shop not like it was an item, but as if it resembled his youth.

“If only…” I imagine he wishes. “I could only water one more plant. Could it lift my brittle soul?”♥


Today was a rather happy day for my little youngster here. I woke up to see the matchmaker was waiting for me to except the marriage for Barry. Although hard, I let the little fellow go on and get married. The female he married was a Memetchi. As the fireworks went off, I remembered when Barry was just a young little whippersnapper, oh those days of his youth are far behind him, and I believe he is ready for a new chapter in his life as a father. This daughter of his is very lucky to have such a caring father.♥


Among his family members, Mametchi was the one who I chose to hand off in marriage. Departing on the plane of a new life must be a hard task to do, because Mametchi had a difficult time saying goodbye to his two siblings. They balled for what seemed to me to be hours, but in actuality it was only a few seconds.

Mametchi married a young Hotteatchi, and they happily skipped off to Love City, transforming into parents on the way there. They had only one little boy.♥

[SIZE=14pt]Hotteatchi: [/SIZE]

I chose this little girl to give to a young man. Although, I wasn’t really sure what he was, but I think he was a Chantotchi. Poor Hotteatchi cried just as Mametchi had just a while ago. Little Hotteatchi gave birth to two cute babies, and rode down Parent Lane as a new mother. I wonder how proud she was feeling at that moment. What a great feeling that must be. Her children are one boy and one girl. How sweet!♥

[SIZE=14pt]What will happen next in these new lives? Only the unexpected...[/SIZE]


Today has been very very busy for me and my Tamagotchi's.

And how did this morning go you say? Well I'll tell ya'.

I left my Tamagotchi's downstairs all night last night while watching anime on my big screen. Not surprisingly I fell asleep there. Although, the one thing I love about Tamagotchi's is that if you leave them on, on the weekends, they are your personal alarm clocks! And which Tama woke me up today? Of course, my Death Family Tamagotchi. They were singing with a little note coming out of their mouth, so I selected a guitar to entertain them. Not soon after, my Amane family did the same, but this time I chose the harp. Now, since I am raising four of these little cuties, they are always saying something. So then Pepsi beeped, indicating I had mail. I opened up the mailbox; just to find out I had a robber. A great way to start the morning, no? :) ;

After staring at the robber run away with 400$, I got worried that Barry wasn't beeping. As you remember, Barry does have a daughter. I glanced over to him and found that he left his child alone, who was now crying. I named her Belle because the name has some sort of a charm to it when you say it. Belle.

Now, it kills me to say this, but I had to restart my dear old Pepsi. He was getting really old. Thirteen to be exact. And I think I put him out of his misery. I took some pictures of him before I did this, so you can see him later on in this post. :)

A baby boy was given to me in replacement for Pepsi. I named him Fizzy, after Pepsi, who I imagine was very fizzy. Poor Fizzy got sick after he was just born, so I treated him quickly. I also connected Fizzy and Belle about ten times to give them a steady relationship. They even started dating! Kawaii! Fizzy is quite the gentlemen if I do say so myself. Every time he comes over to Belle's place he gives her an ice cream or a very romantic daisy. On the other hand, Belle is not so romantic. She gives him Jackn'The Boxs or poopy every time. But after a while she started giving him better objects. (They have a Best Friend relationship)

Soon after I connected them ten times, they both transformed! Belle transformed into a Hitodetchi and Fizzy turned into a Harutchi! I have connected them about twenty more times, and still, Belle has that spicy attitude. Fizzy is still a sweetie!

Mametchi's little boy has turned into a Mattaritchi and the two siblings that Hotteatchi gave birth to are now Mattaritchi and Belltchi. You will be experiencing the naming of these children right now!

(Death Familty): Belltchi: Ashley

(Death Family): Mattaritchi: Prince

(Amane Family): Mattaritchi: Pete

I plan to arrange a marriage with Pete and Ashley. (That's not a coincidence) One Sociable family(Death) and a Blended Family(Amane).

Oh yeah, I found out that Hotteatchi married a Mahrajahtchi or something like that. She married an Indian Prince! (I know that from watching Cheetah Girls One World xP) Go Hotteatchi! ;o

Any who...I'm gonna leave for a while and go play on TamaTown for a while! Catch you guys later! And be sure to tune in later to chapter three!


I decided to do some extra things today. So I created a Family Photo Album! It took a while to make, even though there are not that many pictures in it.

*Note: Click the links under "Albums" on the left side of the page. Choose one of my pets and have a looksie!*

[SIZE=21pt]Fantastic Familatchi Photo Albums!~[/SIZE]

Have fun! :)

Hey everyone! I am on TamaTown.com right now and figured I would let you in on the excitement! And let's see...I'm there with Pete!

So far, I have gone to the Earth Expo. Pete saved the Earth by playing a game where you suck smoke off from the world with a vacuum. At first he failed, but when he tried again he got the hang of it and success! Pete won!

Pete also went for a ride on the Celebrity Cruise Ship! When we went there he saw a bunch of cute characters. Pete even saw Princes' and Ashley's father. The Maharajah! Something about that character makes him like-able. I wonder what it is.

At the Celebrity Ship he played a concert game! Pete hit every note, and the audience was going wild for Pete. I am a proud Tama owner indeed. :D

I also saw a Japanese Island thing when we were leaving. I can't wait to check that out later!

As the day comes to a closing, so is today’s giant log. *yawnz*

I just fed Pete, Prince, and Ashley some ice cream. They are now yawning and getting ready for bed. I think those are the cutest times, when they are yawning, washing up in the tub, or brushing their teeth. Just like people, they do all sorts of normal things! Adorable right?

As for Belle and Fizzy, they are yawning also. I gave them both a tart, and they lost a tooth. Both of em'. I pulled it out for them and they were more than happy!

Just something I noticed by owning two of the same type of Tamagotchi, everything happens at a certain time. Like, they all get mail at the same time, and they do that thing where they ask for music, plants, painting, sports, ect... at the same time. Am I the only one who just noticed this? Maybe so. But then again, maybe I should make a Tama Schedule for my Tamagotchi's. That would be cute. :3

My Gotchi's are catching their Z's, so it's time to sign off! Catch you tomorrow! :D


I think that to make this a little more organized; I'm going to be separating all my character names. That way, you can read this easier! :huh:

Bye the way, version organized logs are for wimps! :3 Just kidding. haha

So, today, I woke up and immediately took care of my Tamagotchi's right off the bat. Actually, I might have been too fast. When good ol' Fizzy was crying, I gave him a time out instead of praising him gently.


Fizzy woke me with that piercing beeping sound that everyone knows and loves. And like I said before, I put him on time out! I’m so sorry Fizzy! ~Kisses~ So to make it up to him, I gave him some yummy pudding! Yummo, as Rachel Ray would say! After I gave him food, I played Jump Rope with him. That is his favorite game. Speaking of Jump Rope, I just played it with him now. We only got to eleven though, when we usually get to thirty. I blame my log. I was typing in-between jumps. This time I won’t type. Let’s see how far I get! Um. Six. Let’s try again! Twenty-three. You guys are bringing me down!

Anyways, the rest of the day went normal. Fizzy just kept calling me to come to his side like a personal slave whenever he got hungry or unhappy. Well actually, it wasn’t so normal. He turned one today, and you know what that means! Yup, my little Fizzy became a teenager today. Time goes by so fast doesn’t it? It feels like he was entering kindergarten just yesterday…Oh he was! Well I guess you are wondering what teacher we picked. Am I right? We picked Mr. Kawa. I know that’s not his name, but it sounds better than his actual name. You all know him as the turtle teacher. Kawa means ‘shell’ in Japanese.

So, the teen he turned into was…Young Robotchi! I am so happy he turned into a Young Robotchi because that was what Pepsi was before he became old. I guess the past always does repeat itself huh?

Oh look, Fizzy is brushing his teeth! So is Belle!


Belle, like Fizzy, also became a teenager today! Although, she became one before he did. I also chose Mr. Kawa for her. I hope they both become scientists, what a cute couple! Now, I should have seen this coming, but this sassy little girl evolved into a Ura Young Marotchi. That character looks like it is full of spice! But it still is one of the cutest teens. (Or is that just a bias little Tama Mom talking?)

Something super exciting that happened today was…The King visited us! Usually, this is not that big of a deal, but what he gave us is! We got a ticket to go somewhere! (Exclamation) Yep, I was uberly happy. I don’t know where it is to though. I hope Japan. If you want to take a guess, visit the picture here: Ticket PM me if you know!

Death Family

Ashley and Prince:

No one evolved today. Hardly anything happened! Although, we did get 50% Family Bonds today. Hmm, let’s go on Tama town to make this more exciting.

The first game Ashley played was pounding Mochi. (I went to the Japanese place and clicked the Job thingy) I felt bad for hitting the partners hand multiple times. But in the end, I was half way successful and got 500$!

Then I went to play a game of catching fish. I didn’t get it though, so Kuromametchi kept falling over like he was having a heart attack.

Amane Family


I am just feeding this guy some croissants right now and some ice cream too. Just swept away some poopie…normal normal normal. I guess normal can be good, at least nothing bad happened, right? When he evolves, I’ll be sure to tell you. ;)

Well, that’s about it. I hope you all enjoyed today’s log! Tomorrow is a new day, and a new log!


Kawa: Turtle teacher


[SIZE=14pt]A little bit of history for you all~[/SIZE]

Yep, I'm putting up another 'Extra' log. What could it be about this time?

None other than Barry I. I used to talk a little about Barry II, which you know as Barry. But Barry has a history, so I guess you should learn about this guy too.

Now, I got a PM about Barry I, by another Tama Mom who cried over her lost one. (Barry I died, so I restarted it and named another Tama Barry) I won't tell you who, but it really touched me. That people still really care about their Tama's who passed.

Barry I was named after Barry Bonds. The day Barry Bonds retired was a sad day for me and my family, and I happened to buy a Tamagotchi that day too. (I am a San Francisco Giants fan) I decided that I would name my Gotchi Barry, after the great baseball star. I promised myself Barry and his family would live forever. But one year later, he died.


My cat decided to play with him in the middle of the night while I was sleeping. She is one smart little Kitty, because she un-paused him. I went to school, and while there, Barry died.

When I came home I hit the C button and restarted him. Thus Barry II, who you can read about in post one.

You can read his grave: Here

Just some history, about little Belle's ancestor. You didn't really need to read it; I thought it would just be interesting. :unsure:


Oh! It's almost October! Which means, today is the last day of September! And we are getting even closer to Halloween! I love Halloween, and my Tamagotchi's do too! They get lots and lots of goodies! :3



Fizzy turned two today. Which in human years is thirteen. I fed him all Sushi today. Fizzy is going on a diet. He's getting a tad chubby. Maybe I should call him Chubbster? (xD)

We also played a lot of Jump Rope today. We got to thirty every time! This time, I'm totally focused when I play games. No writing in my log this time!

We also got visited by the King a lot today. More than usual. The King gave us a lot of cash. (8000$) I'm feeling kind of bad because I never give the King any money. Oh heck, he doesn't need more.


Ah, I'm worrying about this girl. I think she might be emo! :D

My reasons are as followed:

•She is always sick, which means I have to heal her cuts. And solve her depression issues.

•She is always unhappy. Depression anyone?

I guess she is just going through her teen years...This is just a phase right? :)

Oh my goodness! Belle just got her full training bars right now! I'm so happy! ~huggles~

Death Family:

Ashley and Prince

I saw something on TV about Prince's. They say that you can't have a Price without a Princess. When I saw that I felt bad that I'm not choosing Prince to marry. But, I have no choice, because the mate is a boy. =P

That would be odd wouldn't it? Gay Tamagotchi's...?

Prince and Ashley evolved today. They became an Ichigotchi and Kikitchi.



Amane Family:


Like Prince, he became a Kikichi too. But unlike Prince he will get a bride. -shot-

I connected him and Ashley a lot today. And I plan to wake them up later when they are sleeping and connect them along with Fizzy and Belle. (I connect everyone at night)

But I'm kinda worried, because everyone is "Just Friends" right now. Maybe they need a "Lovebug" to get them "Burning up."♥

Hope you all enjoyed today’s log. There will be a new one tomorrow~<3


Wow, lots of zeros in this post. Looks like October to me! Halloween is just around the corner!


Today, Fizzy turned three!~

Which means...adulthood!

The one hood I never want to be in!

Which adult did he transform into? Mametchi!~ So kawaii!

When he transformed, I screamed for five minutes, and danced around the house singing: 'Mametchi Mame Mame Mametchi!~'

I hope he becomes a scientist!


Belle turned three as well. So she is going into adulthood with Mametchi. She became a Ura Zukyutchi. You know? The little character with hearts all over it? Uber cute, you should check it out!

They both started to kiss too! (Mametchi and Zukutchi) And they have hearts between them! I hope they have babies soon!

Death Family:

Ashley and Prince:

Prince along with Ashley transformed. Ashley became a Rosetchi and Prince a Pharohtchi. They are both adorable! I connected them with Pete, but they are all still just friends.

Amane Family:


Once I saw them evolve, I knew Pete was on his way, so when I went to dinner, (Chilis) I had to keep checking up on it. It wasn't that exciting, because he became the same thing as Prince, a Pharohtchi. -_-

Sorry it's so small today, but I put it off until late at night. Don't procrastinate kiddies!
