Raerox10's V5 Family


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Well-known member
Jun 27, 2008
Reaction score
[SIZE=14pt]Hey everyone. This is raerox10. I have a V5 Tamagotchi and I'm sorry, but I just heard of TamaTalk and my Tamas are already adults, but I'm still going to tell you about them anyway :p [/SIZE]

The 'shell' of my V5 is cotton candy , and I'm in the first generation. i have two guys, one girl. the first guy (the main one) is a furikotchi, but i just call him the clock guy. the daughter (my beautiful princess) is voiletchi, and i always wanted her, and now i do :) my youngest is also a guy and he is a mumutchi. i take pride in my tamas. :p also, i don't name my tamas because it gets too confusing and if i forget... yah, i think u know what i mean.

anyway, today i went to walmart, and i got a pink case for my tamagotchi, and my mom helped me decorate it. let me check up on them... man... they're just bouncing around, as always. well, this morning i woke up and they had evolved from teenagers to adults. Here's there stats.


hungry *****

happy *****

bonds: 60%

gotch family

1st generation

460 gp


ok, lemme explain why its the gotch family. i wanted it to be gotchi, but gotchi wouldnt fit so its stuck to be gotch.

now that we have that cleared up...

im new on tamatalk. ive been reading all the posts and stuff, but i just now became a member so high-five! WOOT WOOT! score one for raerox10!!!

ahem, now that that's over... im gonna go read some more posts.

p.s. please pm me, tamatalk-ers. thanx! B)
