Quick and easy points


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Jan 4, 2006
Reaction score
finding it hard to get points?

if youre tama version 4, go to www.tamatown.com and for those who dont know click on version 4. Enter your password and stuff and then go to the mall. click on te toy shop and click on the car racing. all you have to do it press the left and right aroow keys lots and then you will probs win. you get 300 eash time! So you play it, exit it then play it again. I ended up getting 8000 of it today!

well anyway hope it works for you.

does anyone know why i got mrs. flower as a teacher when i wanted mr. canvas. I didnt even press B!

lol anyway pm or just add a comment! lol :huh: :mametchi: :mimitchi:

Playing Ring Toss can help getting many Gotchi Points. My baby Tama has 0 GP, I played Ring Toss for an hour, and my baby' GP is now at 99,999.

When you pressed A button, it might accidentically went to the place where you press B button.

Playing Ring Toss can help getting many Gotchi Points. My baby Tama has 0 GP, I played Ring Toss for an hour, and my baby' GP is now at 99,999.

When you pressed A button, it might accidentically went to the place where you press B button.
:lol: :D :D i do that all the time!!! are you reading my mind...scary :furawatchi:

^_^ :) Koool buut likecan u get more then 8000gp on tamatown?


I don't know, but there is a limit. A even better way to get points is ring toss. When the one right after the one you want lines up with the shiny line, then click, and you will get it!

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