Question Regarding Snack Feeding


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Aug 28, 2007
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Is it considered neglectful if you continue to feed your Tamagotchi snacks over and over again, just so you can play more games with it?

I don't think so considering you're playing games and burning it back off. :)

Neglectful is letting your little Strawberry (my Addie) get to 90+ lbs.... It's not my fault V1 games suck. :eek:

If your feeding it to the point where it's constantly getting sick/toothache than I would say its neglectful. As long as your tama isnt always getting sick than its perfectly fine because your tama is losing the weight from playing games.

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If your feeding it to the point where it's constantly getting sick/toothache than I would say its neglectful. As long as your tama isnt always getting sick than its perfectly fine because your tama is losing the weight from playing games.
Oh alright.

Yea my Tamagotchi did get a lot of toothaches because I was constantly feeding it snacks.

Maybe that's why I'm not getting Mametchi...

That could be... My V1 only has the jump game that I like (and even that I'm not TOO excited about), so she weighs 90+ lbs. and gets the occasional toothache. I don't expect her to evolve into anything decent, though, but love her all the same. :)

I have another question...

Is it better to wait until a heart drops in the "Hungry" category to feed your Tamagotchi, or is it better to feed it whenever it will take food (Meaning even if all four hearts are still full)?

I have another question...
Is it better to wait until a heart drops in the "Hungry" category to feed your Tamagotchi, or is it better to feed it whenever it will take food (Meaning even if all four hearts are still full)?
It's personal choice. I feed it when a heart drops.

Oh and MsKitty89 it's very easy to work off weight on the v1. Just jump three hurdles and cancel and your Tamagotchi will lose 3g of weight. That's how I do it :(

another way to make a V1 loose weight easily is to just set it to play dance and play one move like left right up and then down or whatever....then let it loose...nd wahlaa you`ve lost one pound! :blink:

but on the V4 it dosen`t really affect what charrie you get.

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