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Well-known member
Aug 29, 2009
Reaction score
hi im TamaGripzBurritos B)

In the past years i have had a tamagotchi music star i realized that i had found a way to answer an unanswered question millions have asked... :eek:

and that question is... :) what is the dazzilitchi code for music city? :eek: :D

so now i ask you tamatalk members, to help me so i can help you :blink: :) :D :)

so can you tell me a faster way to get a cd on tama music city higher?? :p B)

if you can tell me a faster way i swear to tell you the dazzilitchi code once i get it( i have been working my butt of ppl seriously)

so iff you please help me so that i can help the many who need dazzilitchi. thank you for your time ;) :D

TamaGripzBurritos B)

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why is no one reading this?! :angry: :angry:

i reallly want dazzilitchi and i know most of you want her too.

B) B) B) B) :lol: :lol: :ph34r: :blink:

TamaGripzBurritos B)

i luv ichigotchi :ichigotchi:


Ok here you go to get a faster rank up you have too... Compete in contest to do that go to concert hall and vote everyday it will level up your cd but you can only vote from friday thru next weeks friday! now i want the CODE.

thank you so much Tamafreak667 ;)

that really helps :(

And yes i am working hard on getting dazzilitchi * i should get paid to do this.. *

i also know a lot of people want the code too, and so do i. :mellow:

Thank You for helping me and many others.

TamaGripzBurritos :mellow:


Hiyah :)

I like tamagotchi music star ;)

Sorry, I just wanted to say that...

Anyways.... ^__^

Each time you do club pop you get 50xp so I think that is the easist way...

Or there is that game...


I for got what its called....

But its by the academy,

If you do that you get like 55 or 75 xp or something.


Hope I helped!!!!


^^^^ That ones cool

:wacko: :chohimetchi:


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