PonytchiLuv's V5 Journal


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Well-known member
Apr 17, 2008
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After my V5 Tamas begged and begged me, I permitted them to start their own Log.

Tracy: We need recognition too!

OK Tracy. As I was saying-

Rich: Hurry up!!

I know. This is going to be very similar to my V4 Log-

Randy: Except we interrupt whatever you say in the Log part!!

Nice observation Randy.


Well, this is how they are now.

V5 Design: Cookie Dough

Family Name: HOTEL

Family: Blended

Stage: Tama Teen

Randy (eldest)- Bakutchi

Tracy (middlest)- Ichigotchi

Rich (youngest)- Mamekatchi

Bonding: 30%

Gotchi Point: 1580 GP

Generation: 1G


Hey peoples. Randy here.

My owner wants to keep our bonding the way it is so Tracy and Rich can be Secret Characters. But of course the oldest gets ignored.

PonytchiLuv: I didn't ignore you!

Randy: Don't interrupt me!

PonytchiLuv: *snorts* Sure. It's Tracy's turn anyways.


Poor big brother. I sure hope I can be a Makiko anyways, though. If the bonding gets any higher, Randy will be the only one with a cool character.

PonytchiLuv: It wouldn't be so bad.

Tracy: It's my turn! No interrupting! Didn't you learn from Randy?

PonytchiLuv: OK, OK. Carry on.

Randy: Hey! Why does Tracy get a longer entry!

PonytchiLuv: You're making it longer.

Tracy: Quit taking up space Randy.

PonytchiLuv: You can tell your bonding is only 30%. It's Rich's turn.


Don't forget about me! I'm Rich.

Randy: Forgotten? You get to be a secret character.

Rich: Well when you press button "C" for the family activity, you hog the WHOLE SCREEN!!

PonytchiLuv: Break it up guys.

Right now Randy is talking to the fridge! Weirdo. I knew PonytchiLuv should get another V5 and we'd have someone to talk to.

Randy: Hey!

PonytchiLuv: Enough! Calm down. As you can see, lower bonding isn't the greatest idea.

Randy, Tracy, and Rich: See ya!!

Tracy: Don't forget to PM me!

Rich: No PM me!

Randy: I'm better. PM me!

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Hello again! Time for the second post!

Rich: Get on with it.

Fine! Here are the stats:

Family: Blended

Stage: Tama Teen

Randy (eldest)- Bakutchi

Tracy (middlest)- Ichigotchi

Rich (youngest)- Mamekatchi

Bonding: 30%

Gotchi Point: 1580 GP

Generation: 1G

As you can see, not much has changed.

Tracy: We can see.

Especially their bonding!


Since I didn't interrupt PonytchiLuv's Log part, I should get some extra Journal Time.

PonytchiLuv: Sure whatever.

Yes!! Ha peoples!

Anyways I am still a Bakutchi. V5s take a long time to evolve. Oh well.

PonytchiLuv: Well if it's going to be a longer post make it worthwhile.

Tracy: I am sooo better than you.

Rich: No I'm better!! Right PonytchiLuv?

Randy: I challenge you two to a contest.

PonytchiLuv: (sarcastically) Oh boy.

Randy: Whoever gets the most mail from now till December 5th wins!! yeah I hope I get fan mail.

Tracy: I'm going to win all the way.

Rich: sure you are.

PonytchiLuv: It's Tracy's turn!!


You all know I should win the contest.

Rich: Bring it sis!!

Whatever. I am most likely to be a Makiko, which makes ME better! HA!

Randy: That's not fair!

Rich: Yeah it is!

Anyways, I would really like it if you sent me mail. PLEASE PLEASE!!

PonytchiLuv: Enough begging. It's Rich's turn anyways.



Don't have too much to say today, but since I will probably be a KuroMametchi you should send me mail. Thanks!!


Hey Randy.

Randy: Huh?

PonytchiLuv: I thought of something. You will probably not be on my Tamagotchi on the 5th. The next generation will have had started already.

Randy: Darn.

Rich: It doesn't matter. We haven't got mail yet anyways.

Yesterday my V5 evolved! These are their stats:

Family: Blended

Stage: Tama Adults/ Secret Character

Randy- Uhyotchi

Tracy- Makiko

Rich- (can't remember)

Bonding: 90%

Gotchi Point: 1710 GP

Generation: 1G

After they evolved, I got their bonding up right away! They fought too much.

Journal time later!!!!


Tomorrow one of the members of the Hotel family will be on the Dating Show!! I hope they get a good partner.

These are their stats now:

Family: Blended

Stage: Tama Adults/ Secret Character

Randy- Uhyotchi

Tracy- Makiko

Rich- Mukugetchi

Bonding: 100%

Gotchi Point: 1860 GP

Generation: 1G

I guess I didn't have time for them to write in their Journals yesterday. They didn't even remind me! Wonder what they're up to...


What are we up to? Ms. Busybody will find a partner for one of us tomorrow, and the other two will leave and go to TamaTown. We're helping her decide which one. I've been being the nicest by FAR! Just because I'm a Uhyotchi doesn't mean I'm lame. That's what's up!

I would really appreciate it if you sent me mail.




I personally think the Makiko (me) should be on the Dating Show. I won't beg or anything though. It could go either way, but I'm pretty confident PonytchiLuv wants a Majorite. Whoever she chooses, I'll just have to accept it.

Not too much else to say though.


I guess I've been pretty quiet lately too. I wasn't even the character PonytchiLuv wanted me to be, so there is no way she will change her mind. It would be nice though...

It seems I always have the shortest posts. That's kind of funny. Not too much to say today, now that we have 100% bonding.



Tracy got some last-minute mail from Tazama's V5 Celebrity Kristie. Then this morning, she went on the Dating Show. The first candidate was a Uhyotchi, who she refused. Then Ms. Busybody brought her a Hatugatchi. She accepted! He became a Papamametchi, and Tracy became a Majorite. Unfortunately Randy and Rich left.

But in their place, Jill, Bill, and Lill came along!! Here are their stats now:

Family: Blended

Stage: Tama Toddlers

Jill (eldest)- Sakuramotchi

Bill (middlest)- Mousetchi

Lill (youngest)- Belltchi

Bonding: 20%

Gotchi Point: 2000 GP

Generation: 2G


This is Jill the cute one! I'm the oldest, AND a Sakuramotchi. It would be awesome to be a Violetchi when I grew up.

Bill: And once again I have to become the wierd character.

PonytchiLuv: They only have 20 percent bonding! OK enough of this. Bill's turn!

Jill: Aww! But- oh my favorite item is either the Koala Bear or the Shell Necklace!

Bill: MY TURN!!!

Lill: Calm down.


Yeah step aside ladies. Bill's turn.

Just like Uncle Rich, I became a Mousetchi. My dad was a Mousetchi too. My favorite item is probably the Stereo!! But I am the only guy therefore one of the girls will be on the Dating Show.

Lill: Not neccisarily (spelling??).

PonytchiLuv: I haven't chosen yet. It won't be determined by mail this time.

Lill: Dang.

PonytchiLuv: Well I just don't know yet! Geesh. You're still little kids.

Jill: I'M the Mature one!

Bill: Sure.

PonytchiLuv: You DO like to bicker!


As I like to say, best for last!

Bill: Get on with it.

Lill speaking here. I'm a Belltchi right now.

Today I got mail! Tazama's Kirstie sent mail to my mom, but she passed the penpal on to me. Yay penpals!! Too bad we won't be judged on fan mail this generation.

Jill: It didn't exactly work out last time.

Bill: And it probably wouldn't now either.

Anyways, I don't know what I should be yet. And my favorite item is the Gotchi King DVD. It increases family bonding too!!

PonytchiLuv: Well, slightly more cheerful than G1!!


The Hotel family is still toddlers. Not much has changed in their stats:

Family: Blended

Stage: Tama Toddlers

Jill- Sakuramotchi

Bill- Mousetchi

Lill- Belltchi

Bonding: 20%

Gotchi Point: 2000 GP

Generation: 2G


Whatever my siblings say, I am better.

Let's see. I'm the mature one, the pretty one, the cute one, the hot one, the smart one. The list continues on and on.

Bill: Self praise stinks!

Jill: As I said.

PonytchiLuv: You are acting like such a baby today Jill.

Bill: *giggles*

PonytchiLuv: If this is ALL you're going to talk about, it's Bill's turn.


Take that sis. Hiss and burn.

I'm starting to like being the guy of my family. PonytchiLuv gives me the special treatment. She thinks it isn't fair the oldest always is convinced that they are the best.

PonytchiLuv: Well, I don't give you special treatment, but it isn't fair the oldest thinks they are the best.

See? Well, maybe PonytchiLuv will let me become a Mametchi.

PonytchiLuv: I'll consider it.

YES!! I'm a happy Tama. Mametchis are AWESOME!

Jill: Chantotchis are still hot.

Bill: Whatever.

PonytchiLuv: Anything else Bill?

Bill: Nah. Lill's turn now!


Thank's bro!

Bill: You're welcome sis!

See, Bill and I get along at least decently. At least when our sis is being mean.

Jill: So immature!

Stop it Jill. Not so much for me to say now, I guess.

Oh! I got more mail today. Tazama's V5 Celebrity Kristie is a Belltchi- just like me!! I think that is so cool. We mail back and forth really often now. She is like my BFF!!

PonytchiLuv: At least two siblings get along!


Today I'm going to let the parents write Journal entries!! (since the toddlers are pretty much the same) I expect the Tamas to evolve soon.

Here are the stats anyway:

Family: Blended

Stage: Tama Toddlers

Jill- Sakuramotchi

Bill- Mousetchi

Lill- Belltchi

Bonding: 20%

Gotchi Point: 2000 GP

Generation: 2G


Wow, it's been quite awhile since I got to post here. That was before I married my husband, Hugo. He's a Hatugatchi.

Hello again TT members! There isn't too much to post. But for all V5's reading this- it is absolutely amazing to be on the Dating Show. That is how I met Hugo.


Hi TT! It's cool to finally post here.

As you've heard, I'm a Papamametchi who married Tracy, now a Majorite. I used to be a Hatugatchi, but I'm a happy parent now!

Great to meet you all!

PonytchiLuv: Aren't they awesome??

Bill: I caught them making out on the Tama screensaver yesterday. Ha!

Jill: Oh Bill, you are so dumb.

Tracy: *blushes* Stop that!


My Tamas evolved into teens the other day! I want them to become a Chantotchi, a Mametchi, and a Memetchi. Now here are the stats:

Family: Blended

Stage: Tama Teens

Jill- Chamametchi

Bill- Mamekatchi

Lill- Ichigotchi

Bonding: 60%

Gotchi Point: 2090 GP

Generation: 2G


I can't believe I'm not going to be a Violetchi.

Shouldn't PonytchiLuv like me the best? I'M the oldest! I have to be a Chantotchi now. Meanwhile I'm outdone by Mametchis and Memetchis.

PonytchiLuv: The only thing you ever did before was brag.

Now there's nothing to brag about.

Lill: Chantotchis are cool.

You're just saying that to make me feel better.


Thanks PonytchiLuv!

This is like, what BANDAI must mean by "Livin' the Tamagotchi Life"! Now I can evolve into a Mametchi soon. PonytchiLuv needs us to bond a little more though.

After my sisters and I evolve, I wonder who our owner will send to Ms. Busybody.


Hi TT! I guess I my siblings and I haven't posted in our Journals for awhile, since our parents did instead.

I like being an Ichigotchi. I thought that I'd probably be something else. And my owner said that I can be a Memetchi!!

I PMed Kristie today. She's a Memetchi, but her brother Grant will probably marry. That's too bad.

Wonder if her kids will PM me. Maybe Tazama will change her mind. If she has to go, I want to go, too.

PonytchiLuv: I don't know Lill, I don't know yet.



The h=Hotel Family evolved into adults last night! I'm so excited! Well, Lill wasn't what I wanted her to be though. She's kinda upset.

Well, these are their stats:

Family: Blended

Stage: Tama Adults

Jill- Chantotchi

Bill- Mametchi

Lill- Hotteatchi

Bonding: 90%

Gotchi Point: 2610 GP

Generation: 2G


I was not about to be outdone by the youngest sibling in my family. Ha!! Now I’m the best.

Bill: *coughs* Second best.

Jill: Yeah right.

Bill: Why are you making fun of your own SISTER? You know Jill, you are so immature sometimes.

Jill: Ahh!

PonytchiLuv: STOP IT JILL! Thanks Bill. Your turn!

Bill: *sticks out tongue*


Someone needs to be the mature one, and the oldest just got counted out.

Lill: It’s OK Bill, I can handle her myself. Thanks though.

I became a Mametchi! I’m so hyped! This is my dream character definitely.

PonytchiLuv: MUSIC TIME!

Yay Training time!

PonytchiLuv: *selects drums*

The drums are awesome. Oooo Now we’re 100% bonding! When either Jill or I are sent to the Dating Show we can have a Pure Family! I feel bad for Lill. She wanted to be a Memetchi so much.


It’s so sad that I’m a Hotteatchi. I wanted to be a Memetchi, just like my penpal Kristie. Now PonytchiLuv won’t let me marry on the Dating Show.

PonytchiLuv: I’m really sorry Lill. I just want a Pure family.

*sigh* Oh well, I think Kristie won’t marry anyways. Then I can meet her in TamaTown!


Lots has happened. I haven't had time to post in awhile!

I married Bill to a Lovezukintchi (no Chantotchi) and though I didn't get a pure family, that's OK. The new kids are Luke, Leia, and Yoda.

More later!


Hello again! Wo, I really need to continue updating. Sorry peoples!!

Anyways, my Tamas are Teens, going on adults. They should evolve soon.


Family: Blended

Stage: Tama Teens

Luke (eldest)- Mamekatchi

Leia (middlest)- Chamametchi

Yoda (youngest)- Bakutchi

Bonding: 50%

Gotchi Point: 3100 GP

Generation: 3G


Hello everyone!

This is the oldest of the family, Luke. Although that doesn't account to anything since PonytchiLuv favors the middlest.

PonytchiLuv: Not true!

Sure it isn't. Well I will probably evolve into some weird adult. Meanwhile the middlest will get to be a Violetchi.


Season's Greetings TT!

It's great to (finally) post! This is simply wonderful.

As it gets closer and closer to the Holiday Season, I get very excited! well, I have been getting very excited. too bad V4s get trees and we don't. Plus Santaclautchi will visit them. At least we have a Gingerbread House.

I sort of agree with Luke. It always seems like the middlest is the best. Dunno, Yoda is awesome.

Yoda: *smiles sweetly*

He's very shy.

Yoda: *blushes*


Happy, you are?

No I don't actually talk backwards like Yoda from Star Wars. PonytchiLuv's friend named me.

This is strange. What do you say to TT people, Leia??

Leia: Just tell them about yourself.

OK. Umm...

PonytchiLuv: It's OK if you're nervous.

I am kinda nervous.

Leia: It will be better after your second or third post.

PonytchiLuv: I usually let this V5 post when they are still new toddlers. Sorry!

Yoda: It's OK. *smiles*


Hello again! Maybe I'll get back into the habit of posting here daily.

I'm still waiting for Luke, Leia, and Yoda to become adults. Leia is so excited!!

Leia: Definately!!

Also, I'm glad that as each V5 generation progresses, they are much kinder. You remember Randy, Rich, and Tracy? Part of the reason that I've been marrying off the middlest Tamas of the Hotel Family is because they are the nicest. I suppose it was pretty hard to choose who to send to the Dating Show last generation, since Lill and Bill were both great.

Yoda: Bill's a great Papamametchi.


Maybe if I don't comment during the Log part I will get to go on the Dating Show. Doubt it, though.

Not too much to say otherwise. What is there to say? I'm going to get beat out by the little kids and become a dumb character tomorrow.

PonytchiLuv: Don't be such a sourpuss. *sighs* Tama Teenagers.


Hi TT peoples!!

There really isn't that much to say. I enjoy being a Chantotchi, but evolving into a Violetchi would be amazing!

Luke: Yeah. Whatever.

Yoda: Oh, really Luke. Please stop it.

PonytchiLuv: Yes, we would appreciate it.

Luke: You just favor the middlests.

PonytchiLuv: *trying not to lose temper* NOT true!!

Luke: Yeah. Sure. Whatever.


Luke always has to have such an annoying attitude.

I've been pretty good. I have no idea just what Tama I'll evolve into. This could be interesting.

Leia: Maybe you'll evolve into a Mumutchi.

That would be cool.

I'm kind of getting used to this, but not exactly.


Welcome again to my V5 Log!! The Hotel Family Children have evolved into adults, and Leia is a Violetchi!

Leia: *smiles*

I forgot stats yesterday! Here they are!!

Family: Blended

Stage: Tama Adults

Luke- Furikotchi

Leia- Violetchi

Yoda- Nemutchi

Bonding: 60%

Gotchi Point: 3220 GP

Generation: 3G


Of course, Leia is the middlest so she gets to be who she wants.

PonytchiLuv: OK, OK. That's all you've been talking about.

That's all there is to talk about.


It's sooo exciting for me! I'm a VIOLETCHI!!! This is great. Too bad Yoda isn't a Mumutchi, though.

I hope I will get to be on the Dating show. Maybe I could even be part of a Pure Family! That would be pretty AWESOME.


I'm not an amazing character, but I'm cool with it.

Of course, in a way I agree with Luke. Leia is nice and all, plus she's a Violetchi, so of course she'll be on the Dating Show.

That's not going to put me down though. I'm going to PM some other TT V5s now, because it sounds like fun! Hope they reply.


It is almost time for me to send one of my V5 Tamas to the Dating Show!

Luke: *coughs* Leia

Yes, Luke, I'm going to send Leia. Either Leia or Yoda. It would be great to have a Violetchi Family, though.

Yoda: I'm OK with it.

Thank you, Yoda, for understanding.

Anyways, here are their stats:

Family: Blended

Stage: Tama Adults

Luke- Furikotchi

Leia- Violetchi

Yoda- Nemutchi

Bonding: 100%

Gotchi Point: 3350 GP

Generation: 3G


I don't really feel like writing anything today.

Leia: stop being so grouchy!

Well you have nothing to grouch about Leia. isn't the Journal color for today's entry so appropriate? Gray.


I'm so excited! But sad, too.

I will probably go on the Dating Show, and could even be the mother of a Violet Family! I'll miss Yoda and Luke, though.

Let's just wait and see who Ms. Busybody brings to us. PonytchiLuv said the two eldest children of 4G will be Lindsey and Chris. Those are nice names.

PonytchiLuv: It was hard to choose. but thanks!!


I got a reply from Buddy, TamaAngelOfTheStars V5. Well, he posted on his Log that he would like to be my penpal. I wonder if my children or i will ever PM him again.

Leia: If i'm chosen, one of my sons will continue to PM them. They have a nice Log.

Cool! I'm going to miss you, sis. Wonder who will be on the Dating Show.


I've been getting lots of Fan Mail all of a sudden! TamaAngelOfTheStars' Tama, Buddy, has been PMing Yoda like crazy! It's great. And someone even sent mail to Luke asking why he's so grouchy!

Leia: *giggles*

Luke: *huffs*

It seems that I've checked the Dating Show so many times that she is annoyed with me. She probably postponed the show. I don't know, though.

Yoda: I'm glad we've gotten all this mail!!

Me, too.

Luke: *huffs again*



This morning I sent Leia on the Dating Show, and the 4th time, a Planetchi came and Leia mated with the Sunnytchi (named Phil) that he brought her. Phil became a Planetchi and Leia became a Mamametchi. They have a son now, named Chris. He is a polite only child.

These are Chris's stats:

Family: Blended

Stage: Tama Toddler

Chris (only child)- Hoshitchi

Bonding: 30%

Gotchi Point: 3410 GP

Generation: 4G


Hi TT! My name is Chris.

It is sort of lonely being an only child. But PonytchiLuv says that she will find me some other Tama penpals.

Before I evolved into a Toddler Tama, I used the Gotchi King DVD and other items to increase my bonding, so I had 20 percent bonding as an Iwatchi. I think that's cool.

I guess being an only V5 Tama child gives you lots to talk about, because I'm not constantly fighting with siblings.


Greetings again TT! Exciting news!

For the first time in the Hotel Family, two Christmas Trees visited me! I talked to them because I needed people to talk to. It really is Christmasy now!


Chris is an adult Tamagotchi! Yeah, it has been that long since I posted. Sorry! I was on the other day, but no time to post.

Merry Christmas Eve! I might get a V5 celebrity tomorrow so I'm thinking about adding them to this Log. What do you think? Please PM me!!

Here are his stats:

Family: Blended

Stage: Tama Adult

Chris- Sunnytchi

Bonding: 100%

Gotchi Point: 4010 GP

Generation: 4G


Lots has happened since the last post. For one, it's almost Christmas!! Yay! These two Christmas trees continue to visit me.

I'm also a Sunnytchi. Kind of girly, but cool.

Quite a few Tamas have PMed me, so I have some penpals! Too bad I haven't written to them too much.



On the Dating Show Chris was brought a Memetchi and he is now a Planetchi with 2 sons and a daughter. Fredrick, Kyle, and are polite Teen Tamas.


Family: Blended

Stage: Tama Teens

Fredrick (eldest)- Mamekatchi

Katie (middlest)- Chamametchi

Kyle (youngest)- Korokotchi

Bonding: 20%

Gotchi Point: 5860 GP

Generation: 5G

I got another V5 for Christmas so they are friends with the Hotel Family, though they won't write in this Journal.


Greetings TT!!

This is one V5 eldest of the Hotel family who feels special.

PonytchiLuv said I can be a Kuromametchi!!! We have the right bonding, training, and Sesame Pudding!! I'm so excited. Being a Mamekatchi is cool too.

Our fellow V5, the Short Family, has a Makiko as the Eldest. I want to marry her when I bacome a Kuromametchi. She is so beautiful.


I'll probably just be a Lovezukintchi, but that doesn't matter. The youngest of the Short Family, Sandra, is a Lovezukintchi. She's cool too.

I have a penpal! TamaangelOfTheStar's Tama, Creamy. She is an Ichigotchi. We've been sending letters back and forth. to be an Ichigotchi would be great, but I'm already a Chamametchi.

Nice to meet you all!!


Hey, What's up TT??

Not too much for me to say. I'll probably become a Uhyotchi or something. I don't know.

Please send me mail. I want a penpal too.


Hi again! New generation already!

Fredrick became a Kuromametchi after all, and I gave him to the Short family to marry Clara the Makiko.

Katie (the Lovezukintchi) went to the Dating show and married a- oh I can't remember the character name- the low bonding Social Family character. Her three children are Megan, Daren, and Cloe.

Here are their stats:

Family: Blended

Stage: Tama Toddlers

Megan (eldest)- Tororotchi

Daren (middlest)- Mattaritchi

Cloe (youngest)- Sakuramotchi

Bonding: 0%

Gotchi Point: 6070 GP

Generation: 6G


Hi! I'm a happy Tororotchi.

I don't really know why I'm happy. I don't know what character to be, or who to marry. I'm just naturally joyful.

Cloe: Nothing wrong with that.

I know. Wonder what I should evolve into.


I personally want to be a Mumutchi.

PonytchiLuv: A Meme Family would be nice.

Yeah. A pure family would be.

OK, Cloe's turn.


Thanks, Daren. Although there isn't too much to say.

Greetings! I'm Cloe. As you know, I'm a Sakuramotchi. My cousin from the Short Family, named Ashley, is a Sakuramotchi too. We are good friends.

Nice to meet you TamaTalkers and Tamas!!
