Polka-dotted and her tamagotchi!


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Well-known member
Jun 5, 2007
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Hello everyone, and welcome to my blog.

Now today I hatched Fredy, and he is a lot of work.

I mean, he poops two to four times in a minute, and gets sick very quick. Otherwise, his stats are full.

Right now, he is taking his nap. I have yet to see what the Child character is going to turn out to be when he wakes up!

I have been playing jump rope all morning to lose weight and keep him happy, I have earned a couple hundred points too!

I am not very good at saving money, but I guess I will save for a plane ticket. Now, I am wondering, do they still have UFO's you can go around in? I'd buy one of those, too..

I haven't been on Tamatown yet with Fredy, but that will wait till later tonight. I wish that Tamatown had more games, I mean, it has a couple, but not enough to keep you entertained while playing. I usually just bring my tama on, collect souvineers, and not log on again unless I want to go on a plane ride.

Anyways, I will write more tonight.


So two days ago Fredy evolved into a MizuTamatchi!

I was so excited that I got a new game.. Mimic. I do not have any idea how to play.

Anyways, Fredy is in the car right now.. Probuly sleeping. I left him there allll night. I really hope he is not dead!

Yesterday he finally turned into a Himotamatchi and went to highchool. I picked Mrs.Flower!

Anyways, bye!

Wow, today Fredy EVOLVED. Which, I wasn't expecting, of course. Today he turned the age of two. A while back it took tamas up to age seven to change.

Anyways, I am currently doing lots of school work with him because his skill is very, very low.

I am really not the kind of person who worries about what I am going to get.. Even if it is bad.

The thrill of tamagotchis for me is mostly about the evolving and seeing what games I will get!

Ok, now, I kept you all waiting, HERE IT COMES...

Fredy evolved into a Togetchi!

Yes, yes, Togetchi is probuly a bad character, because I forgot about him during school. DONT GIVE ME A HARD TIME PLEASE. :D

Today the king dropped by and gave me a bouquet. I immediatley went to my inventory and used it. What was fredy doing to it? Talking. :angry: It also turns out the bouquet is a one use item.

