Please pray for my fish :(


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Well-known member
Jun 22, 2006
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My fish, Sushi, is slowing dying. He is a really important part of my life, and I don't want to lose him like I lost Toby!

He is very sick, and blind (just like my other fish before he died). Sushi cannot see, so he just sits on the bottom of his tank. He can't find his food, and when he does move, he bumps into everything. He is more then just blind, though, he is deathly ill. If he was perfectly fine except for being blind, he'd be able to smell his food. But he can't.

I love him so much! I'm seriously crying right now at the thought of losing him.

PLEASE have him in your prayers. I've been praying for him these past few days, and sadly, it hasn't helped.

Sushi is such a great fish....he deserves a much longer life.

I'm so sorry! I don't have any advice really. I don't really know anything about fish.

I know much you can love a fish when my fish swimmy(very original name huh)died i was crushed but iill always have him in my heart

I'm sorry to hear that. Unfortunatley, there's probably not much that you can do at this point. :) Just be there for him.

I'll be glad to pray for him.

Hope everything works out. Keep us posted.

I don't pray, but I truly hope your fish is alright. Losing a pet can be painful, I know.

Aww that's so sad! I lost two fish last year. They lived for a record of about 12 years! But they were very sick, as well, and very fat.

Your fishee is in meh prayerz.

Aw TG_D, I'm so sorry. :(

Always remember that the had a great time here on earth with you and that he was loved dearly which made his life worth living. He brought joy to you and I think if he could talk he would want you to celebrate his life rather than dwell on when he leaves.

As for now somehow communicate that you're there if you can and if God decided to bring the little fish home that you remember he will be made new and young and sickness less again.

Sad ;.; I know a lot of people think 'why be upset, it's just a fish.' but I know what it's like to lose a pet, even just a fish. I had a betta that my friend left for me when he moved. He lived for three years and then just one day he was belly up x.x

It's sad, and I'm sorry he's not doing well.

Although I don't pray, he'll be in my thoughts.

I am sorry to here that. I know what it feels like for your pet to die.

My Cat Smokey died when I was only little, I couldn't stop crying.

She was my Favourite Cat out of the 3 we had.

Your fish is in My Prayers and my Thoughts.

I only hope he can get better.


Make sure you spend time with him. find a comfort point, your favorite toy, stuffed animal, anything. Hope for the best. When my cat was sick, I visited him at the vet everyday. I would always bring my slinky. (I know it sounds stupid but it's my favorite toy and it comforts me) And I hoped and hoped, and he lived. This advice might not work for everybody, but I hope it does for you

:nyatchi: Aww.... so your fish is blind, so it cant see the food and it is ill so cant smell the food and it so it means it cant eat.....

Poor little fishy.I hope it would'nt die.Did you bring it to the vet?Some people only say "Its only a pet and you can just get a new one" but I would never say anything like that.I really hope your pet will stay alive.I will try to pray for it...

Of course. You, and your fish will be in my prayers. I hope truly hope for the best. What kind of fish is Sushi?

I am afraid I don't have a religion and thus don't pray, however I shall hope your fish miraculously gets better or that at least he'll have a good last few days.

Was Toby also a fish? If he was did he die the same way? It may be the tank...

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I'm so sorry Tamagirl_Desy!

I will deffinately keep your Sushi in my prayers.

Keep strong, and Hold your head up high. Have hope!

If anyone tells you, "It's just a fish!",

They must have never experienced the bond between pets and humans.

When my fish was gravely Ill, I wanted him to pass on, so he would not suffer anymore.

If Sushi joins all the other pets across the rainbow bridge,

Just remember you will meet again someday, and both be happy.

Sushi is in my Prayers.

Great...I'm cyring now. :D

Thank you so much everyone!

Sushi is not doing any better....he's just laying on the bottom of his tank, motionless, but his gills are moving slowly.

Star Tama,

Toby was also a fish. And Sushi lives in a different tank than Toby did....I have Toby's old tank stored away, never to be used again.


Sushi is a betta fish.


I am so sorry for you're fish. I've been through the same thing. My beta, Pipi (pip-ee, not pee-pee) was super close to me, then we painted the bathroom, and he died from the fumes.

Sushi will be in my prayers! I hope he gets better!


P.S. Sushi is like the cutest fish name EVER!

Anyway, Tamagirl_Desy, how is Sushi now?Did he get any better?I hope he did...I prayed for him last night...

Sushi is the same as he was before...just sitting there, blind and not eating.

BUT OMG! *cries* Harry, my other fish, is dying too now! What is this, some sort of punishment? I take good care of my fish; feeding them, cleaning their tanks. And now I have TWO out of my THREE bettas sick? I found out about Harry today. He was just laying on his side, pale. He was breathing though. I stuck an object inside and gently nudged him, but he didn't even respond.

Please pray for both my fish! I don't want to lose any of them! *sobs*

I know it's really sad.


I once had a fish named Spink. He was the dominant fish of the tank. Then the whole tank got sick with ick.

Spink died. I cried so much. Then two nights later the whole tank dies. o.o;;


I'm so sorry...

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