Please, please don't let them go. ;-;


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Well-known member
Feb 23, 2009
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Howl's Moving Castle

As some of you know, 2 years ago I lost my precious dog, Tessie. There went half of my heart.

As most of you know, a few months ago I lost my pet rabbit. There went more of my heart.

And now? Now my dad is talking about selling our horses. Zack and Levi. I love them dearly, but he says they're too much work. He has a super stressful job, and we're about to go to Florida in November. I'm just so tired of losing my pets. What's the point of animals for pets if they're just going to leave you heartbroken. ;~;

My dad hasn't decided yet, but he's leaning towards selling them. So there's my rant. Can I get some hugs? </3

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I hope your dad decides to keep them. Maybe, you can show youre responsible enough to take care of the horses yourself, and he'd probably let you keep them.

Thanks so much, guys.

I've got some good news. We found a horse sitter for when we go away. :) That takes care of that. I'm still not sure if we're going to keep them. I dunno. Maybe my dad's just going through a rough spot and is annoyed with them cause they're alot of work...

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Hopefully you'll get to keep them. Sometimes parents get crazy ideas in their heads and never actually act on them! :) Good luck, Krystal darling! <3 I hope it all goes well. On the other hand, have you told your dad about how you feel about losing all your pets?

Twinny, I am so sorry about what's going on.

Hopefully, your father will let you keep your horses. They are special to you, and I can tell you take very good care of them. And I hope your father sees that too, and changes his mind. And maybe you should talk to him-- calmly, of course. I know you must be distraught, BUT if you don't come across maturely, he might use that against you. Plus, parents do strange things when they're mad.

If you need to rant or anything, you have a lot of friends here-- I myself included-- who are always willing to listen and support you.

Krystallettaaaa! ♥

I truly hope you get to keep your two horsies. I know how you've been losing so many of your pets, and you don't need to lose more. Like people above have said, show your Dad how responsible you are. :'D Show him that you can atleast try to take care of them as much as possible. And yes, like Keeley said, tell your Dad how much your horses actually mean to you.. he would definitely understand that giving them away would leave you devastated and even more heartbroken.

I know I wouldn't be able to cope with losing my pet kitty..

So you shouldn't have it any worse either. Good Luckk! <3


It's sad that you've been losing your pets and I'm hoping you get to keep your horsies. Teri will always be there for you.

-bighugforkrystalzz- I hope everything will turn out ok.


Krystal, I can only really say what others have said, but you just don't deserve this. D': You're incredible to have dealt with the loss of your other pets - you deserve a million horses in return. Talk to your Dad and tell him super maturely how much they mean to you [Exactly what you told us] and show him too. Your Dad loves you, so it will make a big difference. Like Shayna said, I'll pray for you. Good luck Krysteh darling <3


Oh, Krystal. This must be hard. I don't know what it is like, but that is really hard. I am so sorry...

Awww, Krystal <3 I really hope you don't lose your horses, maybe you can offer to pitch in more, and maybe he won't sell them after all. I really hoe you get to keep them, good luck :) *cyberhug*

Thank you so so so so much guys. I will talk to my dad and make sure he understands that I can help out alot with it all.

I still don't know. Maybe he just said it cause he was mad. It's been pretty stressful lately so... I'll update when something changes~ <3 Love you guys~


Hope it all turns out okay. I had to give away my dog. </3

[feeling your pain]

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