Please Help!!!


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Active member
Aug 27, 2004
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Sorry for all the questions. I`m just so eager to know as much as I can about my tamagotchis. If you know the answer to any of these questions then please type a reply. I'm sorry if some of these questions have been asked but I didn't understand the answers that some threads provided. Thanks for helping and here are the questions:

1) This webpage provides suggested weights for certain characters. The weights posted however seem higher than what my tamagotchis weights have been so far. Are your tamagotchis supposed to be heavier than their base weights like this website suggests or are the posted weights incorrect?

2) If I want to pause my tamagotchi for a certain amount of time (eg. in the mornings so that I can sleep later), then what effect will this have on my tamagotchi's age and growth? Are there any negative effects? When should I pause and unpause if I do want to sleep later (should it be done the night before)?

3) At what age does the matchmaker come (most people have posted age 9 as the earliest) and if declined, how frequently will she return? Every day? Every second day?

4) If you don't breed your tamagotchi, then is there a maximum age that it can live until or can it theoretically live forever? Also, at what age does it evolve from adult to elderly?

Thanks for your time and I hope that you can help me :) !

1) I've encountered this aswell. The baseweghts on the website are measured by a different system. The Tamagotchi's are measured in pounds (lb's Imperial) and the website is suggesting them in Kilograms (kg's Metric). Just find a converter to figure out the weights.

1 kg = 2.2 lb

2) Well, the effects aren't necessarily negative. However, if you pause, it will effect when your Tamagotchi grows into the next stage. The longer you pause, the longer it will take (or so I've been told). As for sleeping time, I don't think pausing effects a Tamagotchi's sleeping time.

3) Ok, 48 hours after your Tamagotchi becomes an adult is considered it's breeding age. 72 hours after that, with your Tamagotchi still unmated, will bring The Matchmaker (Mrs. Busybody). She will come 3 times daily (10am, 3 pm and 7pm I'm told). Every day. However, she may stop coming at any time (as I understand it).

4) It cannot live forever. At around age 22 your Tamagotchi will pass away (or return to it's home planet, as some prefer). As for the elderly status, your Tamagotchi should get there at around age... 17 or so.

I hope I helped. :)

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Thanks for helping Rivenn!

For question 1, I don't think that this is the explanation because if the website's weights are in kilograms then the tamagotchi weight in pounds should be higher than the website. In reality, it is the opposite. The website's weights are higher than the tamagotchi weights.

For question 2, could you tell me at what time I should pause and unpause my tamagotchi if I wanted to wake up at 10am and not 9am?

You really helped me. Thanks again! :D

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