years ago, back when tamagotchis were brand new i read an article on the 'net by someone that had performed surgery on their tama. they opened it up and changed the background pic.
so i have a second tama but it's sorta damaged (don't ask...) and just for sh*ts n giggles, i opened it up and to my disbelief, after removing 8 tiny screws, i was able to remove the background picture.
so has anyone done this?
were you able to download your currently running tama afterwards?
what happened?
so i have a second tama but it's sorta damaged (don't ask...) and just for sh*ts n giggles, i opened it up and to my disbelief, after removing 8 tiny screws, i was able to remove the background picture.
so has anyone done this?
were you able to download your currently running tama afterwards?
what happened?