peachtama3000 's V4 log


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Mar 23, 2007
Reaction score
Hi! Today I'm going to start my log of my brand new Tamagotchi V4. Please do not post in this log. If you have any complaints or comments, please feel free to PM me.


Okay, lets get this log going. I just ripped the little tag out of my V4. I already had set my time and other info on my Tamagotchi, so now we just have to sit and wait. :p



OMG!!!!!! It hatched!!! Let's see what gender my very first generation is.........

Its a boy!!!!!!! I've always wanted a boy!!! WOOHOO!!


Now, to name him! Hmm... I'll name him Quinn. I've always loved that name, too. Wow... he's really hungry and unhappy. Well, I'll feed him 4 breads and 1 orange and I'll play jump rope with him.


Well, Quinn and I are back and he wants to tell you something. Whenever Quinn is talking, his words will be in between 2 Mametchi tamagotchi ( :) )

Okay here he is!

;) Hi, everyone! My name is Quinn and I was just born! lol! (my human, Haley, told me that 'lol' means 'laugh out loud' ) Teehee! Well, Haley takes really good care of me and I am going to play more jump rope with Haley, so.... BYE!!! :mametchi:


Awwww... isn't my little Quinn so cute! Just like he said, we have to go play some jump rope right now, but I'll post later. See ya soon!

Hey! We're back! Quin won a game of jump rope! He is so cute! Anyway, I have to tell him about E-V-O-L-V-I-N-G soon. I don't know how he is going to take it. Snap!

I'll brb! ( I hope)


I told him and I think he took it pretty well. Oh wait, he wants to tell you guys something.

:) OMG!!! WHAT DOES EVOLVING MEAN!! I told Haley that I understood, but I lied! I mean, come on. I was just born so how would I know anything right! Will it hurt? Will I be ugly? Ahhhhhhhhh! Will I DIE?!?!?!?!!?!? Well, I don't think I will die because if it was anything bad, my Haley would have told me. Besides, she wouldn't let anything bad happen to me. She promised me when I was born. I need to go think this out a little bit. See ya later! ;)


Okay, I'll post again right after my beloved Quinn evolves. I hope he turns into a Puchitchi! Well, anything will be good. As long as he is still my little spunky Quinn !! :mametchi:


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