How to pause a V.5 and V.5.5 (V.5 celebrity) By Tamafirst/Brainy:
1. Press button A (first button) eight times.
2. Press button B (middle button).
3. Use button A (first button) to scroll down until the black arrow points to the words: Travel show.
4.Press Button B (middle button)
5. Press button A (first button) then press button B (middle button). (to select option go)
6. Watch as your tamagotchi goes out of the door and locks it.
7. Press button C to get your tamagotchi back.
8. It should say: Come back? Choose option Yes
9. Then it says Sure? Choose option Yes
10. Watch as your tamagotchi unlocks the door.
Copied (as allowed for tamafrist of the site Tamagotchi connection toys)