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Well-known member
Oct 16, 2005
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On the computer...
Hello! I am Inu, short for Inuyasha. And I am a Kuroteletchi. This is out tama log, and us Tamas run it! So far, I am the only one running this so....Yeah. My mom promised to start up another tama named Kagome or something.

Sorry abut how short the last post was. I lost track of time! My mom started up Kagome. She evolved into Marutchi, she looks just like me! She is soo pretty. I wanna connect with her, but mom says later. Aww. Anyways, I evolved into Tamatchi. It was cool. And mom bought me a brand new umbrella. It *was* raining today! And mom got me this sword called Letsa- Getsai




Thanks mom. Tetsaiuga. It's soo cool. I hope I can impress Kaome with it!


Hello. I am Kagome. My mom neglected me a bit when I was littler, but now she takes superb care of me. I never go over 13lbs! And mom says there is this program I am going to tommorow, after and before school. She says I will meet alot of new friends! And Inu is funny. He is always trying to impress me! *giggle* Anyways, I am a Marutchi now!

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