orko's v5 log,


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Well-known member
Oct 23, 2006
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i've always wanted to make a log. and i thought it would be fun to share my v.5 experiences. I've had most of the less rare tamas, including p1, p2, v1, v2, v3, v4, v4.5, and the first digimon. i've also had lots of other "pets" like dinkys and old school gigas so i consisted myself somewhat classically trained in gotchi care. i think my favorite gotchi ever was the v2 i cept it for 15 ges and kept track of each one in my shech book. but im here to talk about my new v5 and now that i got the bio bit done i can get down to business! i got my v5 on the first day they came out in kingston On where i live, i got the cotton candy one at the local wal-mart. i had known they were coming from a person posting that they were out in toronto on tamazone and had been calling wal-mart every second day. i'd been waiting since nov and couldn't wait anymore. i walked over that day and bought it i was so happy i couldn't stop smiling all the way back home! when i got home i started it up and got the the orphans, my family name? zenat after the zenato name in psyconauts. eventually these three became: Yonepatchi, Onputchi, and athat one that looks so sleepy weiring a sleeping cap. anyway i mated yonepatchi with a kupachi hoping to get a pure kupachi family ! unfortunately i got a mix family instead, with two eggs which at the time of typing are now teens! they are: bomuchi, and ichigotchi.

they evolved into mametchi, and chantotchi! im going to try for a pure mame family, although it's not my favorite family it be cool to get a pure family. i think if i were to rank my favorite family's it would go:





and the gozarutchi family is cool too even if they don't get a pet.so to re-cap

2nd family

mamapatchi, papapatchi, mametchi, chantotchi!

it's still to early to mate so im going to try again tonight.

I DID IT! tonight i made sure they were at 100% then i went and got a pure mametchi family, that is after everyone found out and had a good cry. i took care of the kids for an hour and they became the mametchi family kids! there doing a really strange animation right now! mametchi is standing on a stool with the family goatherd round and hes pouring a beaker into a large test tube, which proceeds to bubble over and makes everyone jump in fear! he must be a mad sicentest! i've got to work on my bonding, if you want to you can comment on my log.... i think? or send me a pm. be back later

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so getting a pure family is kind of overrated, its cool if you do cause there are some different animations but if you don't thats ok too. the next family is auto mixed and you can only mate the main caricature again, even if you don't like him. the pet only appears once in a while, and its not that big a deal. to add to that its hard to tell when its ready to mate. my favorite game is the tea party game, as its the only one im any good at, mametchi is ready to mate today so sometime tonight im going to partner him up, i have things to do today... like tobogining. i'm going to make a list on why i like the v2 best!

v2 pros.

1. fast easy games

2. most interesting carictures

3. the items do the cutest things

4. its not always telling me it has stupid worthless mail!

v2 cons.

.... none really

v4 my least favorite tama list

v4 pros..

1. it has a nice shell (origami crains)

...... none

v4 cons

1. hard if not imposible to get kuchi family

2. almost always got the same family no mater what i did (mame)

3. slow boring jump rope

4. endless mail most of it pointless

5. the jobs were kind of pointless

and how the v5 fits in?!

v5 pros

1. interesting caritures

2. simple quick game

3. cute animations and items

4. not so attention grabbing

5. new and original

v5 cons

1. when you give them an item to be worn they wont wear it, no change in sprites

2. i can see why they cant do it but its still disappointing i cant name them

3. most of the games can suck, its all in how fast you can press the button, what about people with physical problems?

4. the website interface sucks.

mated with a cute female, she looked like a doily with a bow. she became mememamatchi and he of corse became papamametchi, they had 3 kids!

the triplets are now adults! and i now have a chance at 1 of two "pure" family's seeing as how i got a kupatchi, a memetchi, and as my main hotteatchi! i think i played the tea game a bit too much! i'll keep you updated but i might go for the memetchi family as i have had the kupactchi parents already.

i've been told by lilangelbaby1989 that my spelling of kupatchi :p should be Kuchipatchi im sorry if i confused anyone. thank you lilange for the correction.

ok i got the memetchi family, and right now im cheating to get a high family bond, there animation is really cute! at first there all fighting over the little poodle pet then they get along and there little swirls make hearts! :rolleyes: i may start up a v2 as i miss them, in fact ill do that right now. see ya.

ok so two things about having a v2 on again, the screen now seems really squished! and its super easy compared to the v5. my v5 tama reset randomly when i was toying with time setting to up the family bond %. it went right back the the exact time it reset witch is cool, and tonight i started a new family, i picked a mate at random and got a papakutpatchi or something um you know... :unsure: anyway, two kids and they became tororotchi and ahirukutchi! a new start! mamamemetchi and papakuitpachi seem like a cute couple!

today i reached adulthood! i got a hotteatchi and a kuchipatchi! :kuribotchi: i can start a pure kuchipatchi family! and for the first time ever i got to see the vacume animation! super cute! you know this tama has realy grown on me, at first i thought it was another tama to examine and toy with but as i've played it more and more it's become an intrigial part of my day! i don't half to watch it all the time, but i check it first thing when i get up, and it has a nice general feel to it, its always exciting having kids cause you don't know how many you'll get on a mixed family. i've gotten really good at the tea game. if they came out with a v5.5 i'd probably get it and i want the violetchi wrist-strap so bad! when i it comes out im getting it!

i got the kuchipatchi family! thats3 "pure" family's so far! the kuchipatchi family is really cute! and in there animation they crowd close to the screen and the mole pops up under papapatchi! this surprises everyone and they jump in alarm papa picks up the mole and the kids are upset at getting spooked! i like this family! and i can't wait to find out what else they can do! or what the twins look like up close!

the kuchipatchi family is hard to care for, as in its very demanding and always hungry! and there always doing things! one minuet their working the vacume, the next there in a hot tub! they bathe alot, like i've caut them in the hot tub twice and after that they have a bath at night, i guess they like water, the hot tub is like a treestump and theres a smaller one for there pet mole! theres steam rising from it and splashing! i bet there having a good time. i like how nonjudgmental the v5 is, sometimes the father is vacuming and sometimes its the mother it isn't always the mother which is cool. anyway be back for the next mating, don't be afrade to pm me with comments or questions.


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no it's ok im not uptight. i like to know people are actually reading this, or at least looking at it, like i'm not all alone here.

anyway the twins looked really cute together up close, they were sitting on each others shoulders kinda, today i bred! i chose a violetchi hoping to get one in the family because ive never had one on the v5, and its the one pure family i haven't gotten. i was really surprised when she turned into a mamametchi! like what? so my new parents are a papakuichpatchi and a mamametchi! how strange the kids are now sakuramochi and mattaritchi. im going to take the time right now to discus something that really bugs me about the tamas their making these days: COLOURS and DESIGN

i don't know why but the latest versions have all had crappy colours and design! i think the best tama shells were on the v2 bright snazy colours, good colour combos and nice not to busy or stupid looking designs! what happend to purple? or lime green? orange would be nice! but every tama is white, bright red, washed out pink or pastel yellow, sometimes i wonder, did they forget the other colours? are they too cheap to use anything nicer? is there copyright on those colours now?

and design? forget it! look at ruby! i thought it would be cool when i heard the name! like ruby as in maby a cool see through red with sparkles inbedid in the plastic, simple colourful and cute. we got an awful thing covered in black lines and fake star bursts! and the one called cookie dough? so bad!

don't get me wrong i buy tamas for the stuff inside, the hardware but i would love something that looked like it didn't suck as well. i'm an older person, allot of tama-fans are, being around 21 and having alot of them makes me wish they were better looking, i love the designs from ausraila! there simple and beautiful! there amazing and so creative! i wish my tama could reflect my passion for colour and funky arts as much as that but i've got a cotton candy tama. the only shell from the new set i could stand, i don't care for yellow that much but i've always had a yellow tama anyway, the colours look better in person then they do in the promo photshop picture. i saw this one on e-bay and decided it was the best chose for me, with its decent pink,blue, purple combo and simple cotton candy shapes that wern't to busy like red dot, and weren't to tacky like groovy time. i like cotton candy now and all but to sum this all up. BRING BACK BRIGHT COLOURS AND CREATIVE DESIGNS OR YOU WILL TURN PEOPLE OFF BUYING TAMAS! :huh:

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ok sorry for that little rant but its true. today they reached adulthood, i got a yonepatchi and a memutchi meaning my next family is automatically blended for the most part. thats ok i guess whatever really. still no violetchi caricatures, but i'm ok with that they will come up some day.

so i mated yesterday memutchi became a papapatchi and his wife is now a mememamatchi

and when they had kids they only had one! only one! and its a boy so i won't be getting a violetchi this gen, maybie i'll make it one of the "bad" family's just to mix it up, like the small family or the ninjas. its not that i don't love the large family its just i don't really care for how they look as adults.

i ended up with uhyotchior or in other words the screamy guy. i just mated and he became a memepapa and she became a mamamame they had 3 eggs no telling what thell become. yay for the screamy guy though! he was cool.


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