Online Log


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Well-known member
Dec 17, 2008
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Where ever you want me to be , baby XP
[SIZE=15pt]Tamagotchi V4 Online Log![/SIZE]

Yes!! My v4 came in the mail today. I didn't know it had came until my Grand father brought in the mail. I had to finish eating the popcicle I was eating then I opened the package XD I had no trouble at all. And just like threadriculture promised, it was factory sealed :] Opening the package was easy.I noticed it was cold o.o The tama was even colder. The design is beautiful. Is just like Chaowzee :]'s Avatar ^^; {this}. I don't want to start it till tomorrow but I really can't wait! Here I go!


I just pulled out the tab and there was a long beeep.But before I untab it, I look at the backround. its pretty :] *crosses fingers* I'm hoping for a girl. The egg pops up. I set the time 2:40 pm I haven't heard those wonderful beeps in a long time.The buttons are perfectly responsive. My tama is still cold XDThen My brithday. 2/27 . My user name is next. private. . I'm waiting for the egg! Please please let it be a girl .If its a girl I will name it Kiro. A boy I will name it ... UUUGH!!! its a boy >.> I named him Zimmy :3 I fed him one of each food. Lol. We played jumping rope and he didn't even jump on the first one XD In the shop there is milk , stereo , sandwhich and juice. I'll try to buy all the food! More later!

Hey, Me again XD Just want to say that comments are welcome! And guess what? Zimmy (on his 2nd try) finally won the jumping rope game. He got 400 gotchi points. Then he pooped. He had two hungry hearts down. One from playing and another from pooping. I fed him sushi and he told me EEW! so I gave him bread. We just bought milk form the shop [thats his fave] He wants to say something. he will talk in BLUE.


Zimmy: Hewo! :3 I wuv bwed!

Wait , I thought you loved milk, Zimmy o.o Aw. Zimmy just got sick. He was so brave. he only needed one dose of medicine. He has six style points. We're off to play more Jump rope. I won't introduce his to tama town till he's older ;]


Zimmy: Mooomy O: what's Tama town??

*covers Zimmy's ears* Nothing , sweety X|

EDIT: Ugh! The shop just changed because its 3 O'clock :eek: Poo.

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Zimmy played three more games of jump rope. he forgot to jump again XD But the other two times he won! We bought pasta from the shop. He had 1000 point. The pasta cost 800. I donated 200 to the king. I want to get this tradition of giving started early , since he has no kindness points. 12 style , 9 smart. When he was hungry I accidentally fed him sushi. He was like mooom >=| oop X3 Now he's sleeping. When he wakes up the shop will be on sale (like it always is). TTFN!

My Tama design. Click here.

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He woke up :3 The shop was on sale. Everything was like 500 gp cheaper o.o He was hungry so I fed him bread. Then he started cry (probably because when he woke up I was starring at the computer XD ) So I praised him! Now he has one training bar. More later!


4:00 pm


Zimmy evolved just like 7 minutes ago into a mizutamatchi :3 he s just the cutest thing!!! Then he got mail for the first time! Ohmy! He was so happy. I told him it was just karma but he was just bouncin' around sayin' W00T !!

Tama's point of view!

What a cool day! a while ago I got all tingly and I was getting bigger. No longer was I black! I felt my edges turning from smooth to bumpy. Then I grew legs! I was no longer restricted! I could bounce all over the screen. Then I heard an alarm and this guy in black came and put a star in my mail box!!! its been a great day. Im a happy tama! oooh! oh! And I got a new game called mimic. Im so good at it! I got all the way to round 5. But on round six I lost to a robotchi D:

More later. Thanks to everyone who is reading my log (if anyone)

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[SIZE=16pt]Being in tama Town - tama's view[/SIZE]

We went to tama town! So thats what mommy didn't want me to see until I was older X3 She took me to PC and then I saw a picture of ME on the screen! It was so cool! There were a whole bunch of other tamas. We went to the arcade. I love ring toss. Im pretty good at the claw game. Mom told me to aim for the gold bags. we got 2100 gotchi points. then we went to the toy shop. she got me a ball. I was so happy! When we had to log out, I didnt wanna got =( I also got a passport. When I got back to my shell-home I was wonderin where my stuff was. then mom entered passwords and I got them. Im tired so I'm just resting. Next time we go back mom says we are gonna watch a movie ! Bye!

4:45 pm ~ Zimmy went to preschool! He loved it. A nice lady called ms.frill gave him a backpack. He thought he was being kidnapped when she took him . (i followed them in case). He had no idea what was on. Well, lets just say , he can't wait to go back now ;) He insisted he'd play with his ball. I told him he'd fall. Looks like mother knows best ;]

8:22 pm

Lol. We litterally did nothing todayXD I promise , there'll be more tomorrow. And tomorrow Zimmy becomes a teen O: I'm thinking that if I get another boy I'll name him Shiba ;D Ok, Zimmy is asleep. He fell asleep 22 minutes ago. At 7 I bought everything in the shop. It was all food. So , bye.. nighty nighty.

Zimmy Zzzz

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I almost forgot to post Zimmy's bed time stats:

Name: Zimmy

Age: 0

Weight: 32 LB

Training : [[SIZE=11pt]||[/SIZE]|||||||

Age: 0 yrs old.

Version : v4

Gender: Male/boy.

Generation : 1

Hungry : ♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Gotchi points: 560

Skill points:

Smart/pencil : 20

Style: 12

Kindness: 4

See you guys tomorrow; :mimitchi:

11:20 am

Hello! Zimmy woke up at nine. I woke up 5 minutes after him (but still half awake and half asleep) he got karma. Then at 9:30 or 10:00 he got a shovel for the king. [we used it just a minute ago he got pie/tart]. No this items include a ball and a plant :furawatchi: He went to school and did great. he gets nervous around his teacher though. His status' are all good. I fed him cereal for breakfast. We finally beat the 'mimic' game. very fun. but we are still having trouble with jumping rope. I find it to be more of a girl's sport. We are going to enter some codes and possibly go to Tama Town. More later.

Zimmy: Good morning Twama Twalk :]


Hungry: ♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥


Weight: 30 LB

Name: Zimmy

Gender: Boy

Generation: 1

Skill points!

Smart/pencil : 20

Style/ ring: 22

Kindness/flower: 6

[SIZE=14pt]Being in Tama town - Dec.19 2008 Tama's point O' view[/SIZE]

Hi Tama talk! Its Zimmy! I just got back from Tama town! We went to the arcade again and got 2500 gotchi point. But we didn't buy anything Dx i even won a crepe. (I hate it right away once we got back to the house!) It had chocolate in it . yuuum. I tugged on mommy's shirt and said "mooom. you promised we'd go to the mocies next time. it's n next time!!". So we went to watch a scary movie. I didn't get the souvienir because I was to scared and left early. Lastly, we visited my friends at the pre-school. So I had fun! Here's mommy!

Yus. We had fun :3 I don't think Zimmy is going to evolve. Its an awkward situation. poor thing.

[SIZE=15pt]Our first bit of mail![/SIZE]

Zimmy, look! You got mail.

From who from who?

It's from a toddler named Kelly [im guessing she's a tamagotchi].S he belongs to Ponytchiluv! She wants to say hi.

Well, open the letter! Open the letter!

Hoi Zimmy!!I wead youw Wog and I woved it! I think you awe vewy cute! :) Oi am a toddwer too! Pwease pwease PM me!

Hi Kwelly!


When do you be a teen? Mommy jus' told me I be a teen in 3 hours >.<

Pweese right back soooon!!!



Thanks for your mail , Kelly. Zimmy is excited to get mail. Speaking of mail , zimmy got 400 gotchi point from the king. yyyay ^_^

love ,


12:16 Zimmy evolves in about hour and thirty minutes. Im glad I got a boy in the long run. Im glad I named him Zimmy out of panic :) He was tugging on my shirt a second ago saying : mommy mommmy! I have all these points. Can we buy something from the shop? Thinking we had bought everything , I said "no , we got everything". But he insisted we look. So we did , Lo & be hold there was a RC helicopter. He begged and begged. Finally I got it for him XD


Me: Ok , your off time-out now. You have to be a good boy.

Zimmy: Ok , can I play with my Helicopter now?

Me: Not till your an adult .

Zimmy: Aww! But im only a teen Dx

Me: :eek: your not even a teen yet...

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[SIZE=13pt]Zimmy is a gorumetchi![/SIZE]

He evolved at 3:46 pm on dec.19 2008. He's in such a rush to grow up.

This is Zimmy. Click on the word 'this'. He has new games . Shape dance and flag. He's really excited to be a teen. if anyone is reading , then , please PM me with your comments.


I am very disappointed that no one is reading my log , despite how much I legally advertise it D: Ugh! That silly mail man keep bring ing mail with bad things in it like poop and snakes. Poor Zimmy. he used to look up to Mr.Maily. AWWW FUDGE ### ! 3 of Zimmy's hearts went down when the mail guy brought him a snake do I fed him french fries and I didn't know he didn't like that. Now all his hearts are down D:

more later

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[SIZE=15pt]Zimmy goes to SCHOOL Tamas point of view[/SIZE]

I was minding my own business, not bothering anyone just like mommy taught me. When I got mail! I was hoping it was the king again. he was super nice. But it was my pre-school teacher. She told me I was graduating. i was crying just a little , not because I would miss her but because I was over whelmed. I was growing up!! Next stop - armpit hair :( So I went to school and I didn't know who these people were. First I saw a guy who looked like a turtle , Mom motioned me to go on , then a sun flower guy , he looked super nice! I was about to pick him but mom insisted I do one more , then I got to this guy called mr.Canvas. he was super strict. Mom nodded at me with thumbs up. I looked at her like "you gotta be kidding me". So I picked him. Then he told me he was going to be my teacher till I get a job... WHAAAT!? When we got home mom apologized and said she wanted me to become a ShimaShimatchi D: Im mad at her.


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Zimmy is brushing his teeth now. i told him he won't have to till 7 , but since he thinks that now he's all grown up he needs to act like it. I told him he has one stage to go but he won't listen XD Not much has happened. We've been playing games , watching ufo videos and just surfing the web. Right now , Zimmy is my best friend.

- Kiro

7:44 pm

So um , Zimmy thought it would be funny to pull a little prank on me. So he called for no reason . I had to punish him. it got him a training bar so I guess it was worth it (even though he cried) . he goes to bed at eight.He was like : MOM! can you set my time so I can stay up later? I was like 'how did you know about that!?!?!?'. He knows so much for his age xP

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december 20 2008

Sorry I am posting a little later than usual. My internet is/was having trouble. Not much has happened. Zimmy got 900 gp form the king. He has 43 kindness points. Its his highest so he can become a ShimaShimatchi. More updates later!

2:00 pm

Finally! Finally I can get on the internet. Ok. Well, My Gorumetchi got a boquet form the king.

Moom! Your being lazy with your log!

You used to call me moommy D:

*hug* I'm growing up*

Then I better post your stats =D

training : 6 Bars

Name: Zimmy

Weight : 41 LB

Age: 1

Gender: boy

Generation: Points: 2200

Skill points: Smart: 37

Style: 37

Kindness: 52


3:44 pm MAIL TIME.

I've been meaning to ask , how old is your tama?
Zimmy: im 2 =E

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Gah! Poor Zimmy D; I've been so busy trying to keep up with my internet accessability that he was left on the screen with one poop. Spoiled thing. he started cry. usually I get him on the toilet or pick his dung up right away.Well , erlier we went to tama town. just got points. He's going to evolve tomorrow. I have church tomorrow morning so I won't be online till around 12 or 11.


Zimmy Zimmy!!! ;)

S: *playing, being bored and sad* What!?

We got mail!!! *waves letter in hand*

We do!? *jumps up*

I love your log! I just read through it all the way :D

Oh, and little Kona (my V3 Mizutamatchi) has something to say to Zimmy!  :wink:

'Deaw Zimmee:

I wish I could be a gowmetchi wike you, but mommy says dat my vewsen isn't v4.5! she awso said dat I'm nawt a boy! D: i wook up to you, and i howpe you become a shimashimatchi!


Good luck with Zimmy! Can't wait to read more! :3
Thank you very much ^__^ this letter was sent it Hannadzor of Tama-Zone :eek: Feel better, Zimmy?


Your going to be an adult tomorrow ^^; you may even get a job

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[SIZE=12pt]GOOD MORNING[/SIZE] 9:37 am

Me and Zimmy are in a particulary good mood because our internet is working :D Zimmy was just brushing his teeth , and has he cleaned those dentures of power, I said to him: 'you know , zim , many girl tamas are waiting to recieve mail from you , . Lots of hearts are going to be broken when ..' YEAH YEAH. he shrugged it off. I don't think he knows he has to get married. ;] Oh!. He had 1 hungry heart and 2 happy hearts down. I gave him an omlet (for breakfast) and he started to dance. They were all fill XD

:santa: Sam he diyatchi writes:

[SIZE=21pt]Hi! I'm a diyatchi, and the ura equivalent of you maybe! I'm so sparkly that I'd light up your house! Good thing my owner says I don't need a nightlight... :furawatchi: [/SIZE]


What do you want from  Santaclautchi? He's coming in 5 days... I want Some makeup for when I'm dirty. I love your school day but it's too bad we're not in the same class. I'm ready to meet the new friend the music lover on Christmas!!! You have any news of friends?




Sorry, he hasn't talked to another tama ever. Don't know why. He likes the log and so do I. :tree:
Zimmy , We got mail. it's from a boy tama. And his owner, Tamagammer :3

yay> I'llwrite back now.


Dear Sam,


for christmasy I want a soccer ball and a robbot. you are so lucky to be a diamond. can you write back soooon?????



Thanks for writing sam and TG. Have happy holidays.

12:30 pm

Zimmy is getting mail (tama mail) every 30 minutes now! X) Most of the time its the king. last time he gave Zimmy 200 GP , this time he gave him a drum stick. I'm trying to get Zimmy to donate some points , to thank the give for his generousity. I made him donate 400 GP. He's donated 1600 so far.


We got more mail.

(sorry for posting again, hope you don't mind )

Hopefully Santaclautchi brings him what he wants!

Here's another letter from Kona, she really likes writing them xD


Hi Zimmy!

Yay! I evolved and now I'm a Hinotamatchi! I hope you evolve soon! ;)

I really really want a lion doll from Santaclautchi! good luck with everything!


Bye, and I'm (still) gonna keep reading!


Also , Zimmy got Karma

points : 1 star

hearts : 3 stars

man: 1 star

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