Hey, all. It’s nearing the end of another semester of nursing school for me and I’m feeling really stressed and kind of bummed out about a few things, so I apologize in advance for not being around as much for the time being. I’d like to update as much as I can though so that I’m not outrageously behind when my break rolls around but at the same time, I’m going to make it as short and quick as possible, due to time constraints. Anyway, that’s my little blurb for the day. Hope you enjoy the updates!
May 3-4, 2012
15th Anniversary iD L
Takeo evolved into Young Oyajitchi on the 3rd, as expected. It's interesting how Bandai is able to make an Oldie character look young. He's like a cute man-child, like Sheldon Cooper on The Big Bang Theory. XD

On the 4th, he evolved into Kuchipatchi, also as expected.

I decided to try for his happy signs on the 4th and save the alter ego change for the 5th. Kuchipatchi’s happy items are Cooking Set (TamaDepa), Egg Hat (Tama Mori), and Tama Noodle (Restaurant). As an extra, he also likes the Cloud Candy from Tama Depa.

Cooking for friends. Such a great chef!
Tamagotchi iD L
Hikaru evolved into Gozarutchi on the 3rd. Nothing much else going on with him. Decided to take him to the matchmaker first thing on the 5th.

That’s all for now. Thanks for stopping by!